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Fat is a type of crazy

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Posts posted by Fat is a type of crazy

  1. 1 minute ago, Sparktrader said:

    Sydney death toll is low. Delta death rate is low. 


    Locking people up and ruining their theirs is very selfish. The Premier should take a pay cut and stay home. Hypocrite. Goes out for coffees with no mask on full pay. How selfish.

    It is tough on business. She tried to do it your way and cases took off. Melbourne went early and now no cases in public. Sydney 100's. Thanks Dan.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

    $500 fine is real. Tv news not radio report.




    For a death toll 50% less than roads.


    2 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

    Hard lefty premier in Vic got paid after being kicked in the ribs. Vic death toll worst in country. Hopeless Dan.

    He did mess up the hotel quarantine. I heard there were rumours about how he got his injuries but didn't see them. He's not bad otherwise. Sydney covid is getting a bit bad and with Delta masks are helpful. Don't want Sydney to become Bangkok or worse Jakarta. Most if not all people get a warning first and if they want to be a freedom fighter, as they see it, then cop the fine. Those protests are ridiculous and selfish in my opinion. Spread it further last week.  But each to their own.

  3. 22 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Black plague killed 30-60% of the EU population.

    COVID killed 0.2-0.5% of the EU population.

    There's just no comparison!

    True. It was much more deadly. But reasons for the different outcome is the likely health of people due to better nutrition and other reasons, knowledge of how it is spread and how to stay safe and the vaccine. 

    I am a cup half full when it comes to how this has been dealt with.  I feel it is not all about money and government and corporate control. The corporations have taken advantage of ways to make money but they did find a vaccine.

    It might be because I live in a relatively healthy democracy with a free press that I don't think it's just about someone trying to put one over you or do gooders thinking too much. To others I am a sheep. Baah

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  4. 4 hours ago, MayBeNow said:

    Covid is not even a pandemic, it doesnt deserve that name. Its a corporate media created 'breaking news' cashcow. In cahoots with big tech that DOUBLED their net worth since covid started. Not to mention the big pharma industry, you know, the ones that created the opiod crisis killing many tens of thousand a year for corporate gain. They all have the most inspiring incentive too keep the covid madness going for as long as possible: money, big fat money. 

    Ah well, to be honest i find how people/countries react to covid highly amusing; like a chicken that just lost its head. Its a spectacle i wouldnt have wanted to miss. Taking a bit long now though, time to hang 'm high.

    4.2 million dead. Not as bad as black plague but that was in the dark ages when they didn't know what a virus was. Conspiracy theories might sound nice, and there is dodgy stuff in big tech especially bad with the opiod crisis, but they did find  a vaccine. Pretty good. Look at Indonesia now and the US and Brazil and India in the bad days and tell them it's nothing. You have to be careful not to join dots that shouldn't be joined e.g. link between media and big tech. 


    My girlfriend wouldn't mind living in the country side with fruit trees. I think it comes down to how happy you are with your partner, and their family, and on your idea of taking it easy.

    Staying at my ex wifes rubber tree farm in Ranong was OK but after two days I had enough. Nice people but the food, the atmosphere, and the fact of having to be around the family all the time didn't suit. Sometimes you can feel more free and comfortable with your partner in a city rather than on a farm where people will come and go and you have to fit in with lots of stuff. 

  5. 14 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    Sorry, my idea of a pandemic is dead bodies rotting in the streets, and burying the dead with bulldozers (28 Days later), my idea of climate disaster is NYC covered in ice (The Day After Tomorrow) or surrounded by desert (Maze Runner).


    I've always been one to adapt to change rather than try and hold back the tide.



    You can adapt by doing stuff, and supporting others doing stuff, rather than just copping it and saying that  worse things could happen in someone's imagination. 

    • Sad 3
  6. On 7/26/2021 at 11:28 PM, BritManToo said:

    No big deal IMHO, wake me up when the death rate reaches 10%.

    The leftie/greenie/liberals screamed the world is overpopulated.

    They screamed that there was too much air travel.


    Then they scream just as loud when what they demanded starts happening.

    Imagine that .. raising concerns about climate change and about pandemics, and not just letting the pandemic run it's course to solve climate change. How can their brains think about 2 things at once. Amazing.

    I see people, let's call them scientists, saving peoples lives by finding a vaccine and on finding ways to address climate change. 

    The screaming is from those sitting back and criticising those who try and fix things as though climate change and covid are part of the natural order of things. 

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  7. 5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    All of which has zero to do with what I said. How about answering what I wrote instead of inventing something completely irrelevant to it.

    Perhaps it's because you don't actually have any answers

    You seemed to be saying that a spiritual experience should not be hard to believe since romantic love is a similar experience, and we don't know the source of either, but people are happy to believe in romantic love. 

    I think though believing  in romantic love is believing in a psychological response whereas believing that an experience is spiritual requires belief in a whole unknown world or god. 

    This is not commenting on Sunmaster's case but just the logic of your argument. 

    • Like 2
  8. 11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Just replace the reference to spiritual experience with "romantic love" and your post would be as relevant, yet most have no problem believing in "romantic love".


    Few are saying the feeling of romantic love is due a puppet master from the 4th dimension or some unknowable ethereal world

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  9. 25 minutes ago, BigStar said:

    But we're not talking about sedentary workers, totally different topic.


    You've ignored the time parameters in such studies on this NEW topic. They usually recommend breaks at optimal intervals etc.


    Fact is, however, that even sedentary workers can benefit from exercise though it may not entirely mitigate the negative effects of overmuch sitting. Go look that up. And the type of that exercise must be considered as well, time, intensity, etc. Most here aren't aware of the need for intensity. They think walking the dog, gardening, and housework is exercise.


    It seems you haven't really compared the totally sedentary you with NO exercise whatsoever with the sedentary you with at least SOME exercise over a meaningful period of time.


    Finally, exercise only about 20% of your health. Diet is most of it. Then there's age, medical history, all kinds of stuff. 


    There are a LOT of factors to consider, you see. Oversimplification doesn't help you have a point of much relevance. Perhaps seeing a medical professional is in order.


    Didn't say exercise is the only factor. You are looking for things to fault so you come across as a big star.   

    The poster talked about the benefits of a job with physical labour and a reasonable inference is that such a job has benefits as compared to a sedentary job that has a gym trip after work.  

    I love working from home and long may it last but you tend to move around a lot more  going to work. Gym is shut too. But I go for runs in the forest, saw a kangaroo yesterday, outlook to Melbourne   fun. 

    I think you realise how important exercise is when you do it less and then notice how doing it more makes you feel better. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, BigStar said:

    No, you made up that ignorant little theory. Has nothing to do with lack of an active job.


    Men who work as labourers or in other physically demanding roles have a greater risk of dying early than those with more sedentary jobs, researchers say.


    The finding, from scientists in the Netherlands, reveals an apparent “physical activity paradox” where exercise can be harmful at work but beneficial to health when performed in leisure time.

        --“Manual Labour Linked to Greater Risk of Early Death, Study Suggests.” The Guardian, 14 May 2018, http://www.theguardian.com/science/2018/may/14/exercise-is-good-for-you-unless-its-part-of-your-job.

    See there it is right there. There have been studies that say sedentary workers, even if they exercise,  can have significant negative effects from their job.

    The dangers of sitting: why sitting is the new smoking - Better Health Channel

    Lierature Review of the Hazards of Sedentary Work (safeworkaustralia.gov.au)

    That concerns me because I am such a person, despite exercising,  particularly in lockdown. So to say someone is ignorant and cite one study to contradict it is ..kind of ignorant and rude.

    We get that you are a big star but you can provide an interesting opposing opinion without the theatrics. Tone it down a bit. 

  11. 25 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

    What is ego ?

    It may seem a simple question, but it's not. 

    Ask a 1000 persons to define "ego", and you'll get enough material for a big book. 

    Ego to me is like a pool, that can fill or empty fast, fed by life and your judgement of that life. A full pool could lead to optimistic feelings and happiness. 

    When young, life experience might flow to or from the ego, with little judgement in between, leading to highs and lows.

    As we get older we might use judgement to realise that, say,  a promotion or a new pretty girlfriend does not mean we are all that and we see a bigger picture.

    Older people though, or people who have done bad things, might be tired or cynical and just protect their ego by controlling their judgement to suit their ego.  

    So a healthy ego could be good, if ego is based on judgement , allowing for the fact that  human judgement may be faulty from time to time.

    Being honest about our judgement, but not detaching from it as it is part of us, may temper any highs and lows in the ego. Or maybe those highs and lows are part of life and  judgement can get in the way of free flowing happiness and sadness. 

    There may be a fork in the road  between truth and happiness.

  12. 2 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

    Perhaps a distinction should be made about false ego and true ego, or desire and will, if you prefer... but I seem to remember that you've branded spiritual science as " bad science " a couple of times,  so.. 

    I concur definitions are difficult. Detachment from desire may be admirable but how to do it without tying yourself in knots or separating yourself from any form of stimulation. Will can be the same -  a will to survive could be helpful but will can become stubborn resistance to reality. 

    Fighting the above? Will to defeat will. A desire to usurp desire. As you say there may be good and bad of each and it comes down to some more key idea - could be honesty. 

    I still don't know what spiritual science is. I get exploring the body and seeing what makes us tick but I think it is bad science if there are conclusions that there is a spiritual world but there is no testing to back that up.  If someone thinks there may be that's fine.


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  13. 3 hours ago, Sunmaster said:

    The way I see it, the connection is always present, for everyone. I was made aware of this in an unexpected and breathtaking manner during the spontaneous kundalini awakening I had 23 years ago. What prevents me (and most others) to be fully aware of this connection on a daily basis though, is the deep seated attachment to the ego. Its very existence depends on the illusion that we are separate from everything else. The "I" (ego) can only exist if there is a "you" (the world) as well. 

    To re-establish that connection and make it a lived reality is central in my life, and the detachment from the ego is the key to realize it.

    No need to detach from ego in my opinion. Ego to me is a  belief in yourself. 

    My approach is to go with the flow .. sometimes I think I am a bit special ..sometimes I realise I am clearly not. 


    It comes back to my feeling that trying in these matters is often a failure because you are just pitting one part of yourself against the other. 




  14. 4 hours ago, vangrop said:

    They close it with pleasure less maintenance work. You know Corona is a gods gift for all those people hiding behind it as excuse to perform as less as possible. Especially among civil servants.

    Most public servants have to work harder or smarter than ever helping people get through covid - health, taxation and government assistance, immigration control etc. 

  15. Almond milk is often 2 per cent almonds. Just eat a few almonds. So much water used in California for them - stop them and people probably don't need restrictions in Summer


    Milk was a lot cheaper than Soy Milk in Australia. Lately though Coles has a cheap one that is pretty good so it's about the same price. Have a bit of both. Cows in Australia and New Zealand have better food and better treatment than elsewhere but still not fun to be a cow

    • Like 1
  16. The different states of mind on psylocibin are really interesting in terms of working out how  consciousness works and what makes us us. 

    I know those who took mushrooms and the short term effects of feeling like it was significant and seeing strange things.  I am guessing its not good for some people. 

    Some might have considered it a link to a different world but given it is, by definition, actual chemicals affecting body chemistry, it is probably a link to other parts of our own self, and the basis for a stronger argument that there is no god rather than that there is a god . 

    • Like 2
  17. 15 minutes ago, Tanomazu said:

    Exercise is mindnumbingly boring though, you have to admit. I mean how tedious to run on a treadmill like a hamster, or even to go jogging in the same places time and time and time again. To say nothing of weightlifting, 3 or 4 sets of the same over and over and over and over again. Of course I excercise, we all have to do it, but boy is it tedious.


    Of course dieting is even worse, to deprive yourself delicious ice-cream or other things that you would enjoy. Is there anything less joyous than a bodybuilder's diet? Just awful.


    Or to go full on nutcracker and go vegan or some such.  How boring are Vegetarian's diet. Horrible. You can take things too far.

    I think it can come down to if you feel you are succeeding or not. If you can keep progressing or at least maintain where you are at  it can make you feel good.  I am surprised how many need personal trainers at the gym. Just get on with it. Don't expect amazing results - just maintenance is fine. 

    I am in lockdown here which means the gym is closed so I am going running in the local hills and some other stuff - better than nothing. 


    Find something fun. The gym had these ebikes where you could compete with other people in other countries. That was fun - whether it was to get to the top 1000 or top 100 or no 1 in the world. I got in the top 100 or so for speed in some things but got to no 1 in one game for a while and it was fun. Less people played it but still fun. So if you have the dough or a good gym I recommend it. My gym stopped supporting the bikes and that was that. 

    • Like 1
  18. 18 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Ah, the Chinese model then? Government knows best.

    Not for me, or anyone I know. Sadly though, a lot of sheeple around.

    The reality is cameras and controls and such are active  in many countries but by far worst in China where, on the one hand you have people of certain faiths locked up, and on the other hand each person is rated as to if they are a good citizen - down to how much alcohol they buy. Horrifying. 1984. That's my point and  it is hoped tough decisions are made to curb those controls. 

    • Like 1
  19. 4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    IMO the problem is that politicians don't solve problems. IMO they create more problems.

    I can't think of anything they have done that made my life better, though I can think of many things they have done that made my life worse.

    No decisions. Would you prefer a government that does nothing - no public transport, roads, health care, schools, protection of forests, support payments, trade deals. Just each to their own. I bet you benefit from more decisions than you lose from - particularly in New Zealand.  

  20. 10 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

    Covid deaths 915 in 20 months. Road deaths 1142 in 12 months.


    Explain the lockdown theory?


    It defies any logic. They dont ban cars.

    Lockdowns have bad outcomes. Correct.

    How about no lockdowns. 10's of 1000's of cases a day and lot's of deaths. 

    Australian and New Zealand outcome up to 31 December 2020 or US outcome. I'll take Australia. After that US has done better and us not so much.

    Your example of death comparisons would make sense if there is low deaths and no lockdowns - in a sense the low death figures are making a case for lockdown. 

    • Like 1
  21. 4 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

    0.02% under 50yos. Why are they locked down?

    Not sure. Because people get sick too and not only die. Because they pass it on to others. Because with a low rate, but with lots of cases, still a lot of deaths. Couldn't find the source on higher rate - just that it is too soon to tell- so disregard that. I did note that before. 

  22. 12 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

    Channel 9 news? Oh dear.


    The official data on delta is its milder. 0.3%.



    I think that 0.3 figure was from ABC news three weeks ago and Channel 9 news told me it is higher now. Didn't note the source. But the figure in the US IS 623 deaths and around 14500 cases two weeks before so a low rate, in this case a rough estimate of 0.4 sounds low, but it can result in a lot of deaths given the high infection rate. That's in a country where the majority have had needles.


  23. Just now, Sparktrader said:

    Nonsense. Most are angry with lockdowns. The delta strain is milder. Plus 99% of cases overall mild according to who. People are being ruined for nothing while pollies get pay rises.

    ..and public servants so I am OK. The Delta seems to be more transmissable and I am hearing mixed things about it's strength. Tonight I saw that it is worse. Channel 9 news so must be true. A lot of people are not happy and I can understand that but the majority support the lockdowns. The lockdowns are bad but the option of just keeping going just leads to a Thailand situation. The needles are coming. 

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