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Posts posted by 2530Ubon

  1. Idiot. This guy has ruined so many peoples lives with his disgusting behaviour. His family will not be able to walk anywhere without being recognised. His children could face bullying and loss of face at school. The mistress has already been fired from her gold shop job and his job as a police captain is now in jeapardy - how will he support his families now?


    Moral of the story: Thinking with your penis will cover it in sh-t.

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    How many hours a week are usually asked for working at a government school as an English teacher? Is there a limit to where they are taking the p***?


    24 contact hours is the maximum allowed by law. A lot of outer city, poorer schools will have you working the max. This time doesn't include all of the extra activities that you'll be expected to do/attend such as; weekend English camps, field trips, STEM camp, sports day(s), parents evening (private/upper class schools), homeroom teacher duties, morning assembly, retirement parties, etc.

    A good city school will have you teaching around 15 classes a week. Some schools will allow you to come and go as you please when your not teaching, as long as you are there for morning assembly, meetings and lessons. Make sure you know whether your expected to be at school from 7:30-4 all day, or if you can come and go.


    Some companies are offering lesson plans, does this increase the teaching hours?


    No. May I suggest a reputable agency such as MediaKids. I started out teaching with these guys and ended up working my way up to consultant at head office. They pay well (30-35k standard), provide lesson plans and materials, do all of your visa and work permit paperwork, they will also provide you with an apartment/house to live in for free. You usually only have to pay for utilities. I haven't worked there for many years, but I still keep in touch. Lovely people.


    If choosing a school where lesson planning is required, is this something that will be taking up evenings and weekends?


    It takes as much time as one needs. I used to plan all of my classes in one hit and have the whole term planned in the first week. If you go with an agency, then the lesson plans are pretty much done for you.


    I'm semi-retired so money isn't an issue, i'm just looking for a good work-life balance.


    I'm afraid this just isn't likely. Thai schools love to get you to do as much as you can. They will keep asking you to do more and more. They aren't shy! If money isn't an issue, then may I suggest you ask for part time work? Schools really do take the p-ss, and your life will revolve around the school and the directors whims.

    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, Bluespunk said:
    12 hours ago, webfact said:

    British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Monday that world powers should clinch a global treaty on pandemics to ensure proper transparency

    Good idea, just as long as johnson and his govt have nothing to do with negotiating it. 

    Let's hope it's not another 'oven ready' deal eh?


    It won't matter anyway, Johnson is quite similar to the Chinese Communist Party. He doesn't keep his word either. If it suits him, he'll simply write another law to overule the parts he doesn't like.


    With a 'man' like this at the helm, who's going to trust him?



    • Like 2
  4. 6 hours ago, webfact said:


    So the thief left a pooh in the bathroom instead, reported Daily News

    Is this poor spelling / translation? I find it hard to believe a ninja thief was carrying a small fat teddy bear around with him/her.

    A big stinky poo is a much more likely culprit... I can see the headline now... The turd burglar

    • Haha 1
  5. Almost a year too late.

    1,750 GBP to stay in a hotel for ten days? WHAT ARE THEY DOING? I could rent a couple of houses for a month at that price. (I think - it's been a few years since I was last home!)



    They will have to pre-book and pay £1,750 to spend 10 days quarantining in government-sanctioned hotels.


  6. 6 hours ago, webfact said:

    The White House on Saturday called on China to make available data from the earliest days of the novel coronavirus outbreak, saying it had "deep concerns" about the way the findings of the WHO's COVID-19 report were communicated.

    What findings? They haven't found anything, and they haven't been allowed to find anything the CCP doesn't want them to find.


    30 minutes ago, saminoz said:

    Simply state that if China does not give full cooperation, then it must be assumed that this was either a pre-meditated biological attack by China, or they inadvertently allowed somethingto escape one of their many bio labs.

    I agree with this, fantastic idea. The world has been devastated by this disease and allowing the CCP to do it's usual bullsh-t run-around game just shouldn't be allowed. It's time for real answers.


    This virus is getting worse and worse, easier to transmit and more deadly. If it keeps going this way, and we don't get any answers about the source of the disease, we could be looking at complete chaos in a few years time.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, foreverlomsak said:

    As an aside Scottish notes are the only ones that actually quote the correct definition of the UK currency on them, "Pounds Sterling", English notes do not.



    Pound coins were given the name pound sterling because they originally weighed one troy pound of sterling silver.


    So unless your Scottish bank notes weigh in at one troy pound - 373 grams, then the Scottish definition is rather off.

  8. On 2/5/2021 at 10:57 AM, Pilotman said:

    All those dim <deleted> who come up with this kind of discrimination <deleted>, its called acting, get it? 


    It's 2021... apparently folks aren't happy anymore unless they can claim to be discriminated against in some minor way.


    The world is becoming a ridiculous place. There are 46 different sexual preferences. When I was younger, there was only LGBT - only 4 to remember. There are 52 genders now - I was taught there were only two!


    With people rushing to make themselves different, and insisting on using plural pronouns such as they/them/their what else can we expect but a floodgate of fake outrage.


    Damn... I'm getting old, and I'm only in my mid thirties! 

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