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Posts posted by Grover

  1. I got a nokia phone with GPS and I downloaded the thailand maps from the Nokia website for free. The maps are suprisingly good, where i am living its got the network of dusty back roads in my area, it took me off the garden path many times though.

    im guessing the maps are a couple of years old because newer roads are not covered.

    I paid i think 300 baht for one month of navigation activation.

  2. If you want to discuss the New Atheists -- Dawkins, Hitchens, Dennett, Harris, et al --

    I thought Dawkins described himself as an agnostic, a "toothfairy agnostic" in his book the God Delusion.

    The documentary sounds interesting though. Maybe you can report back for those who cant make it.

  3. Let it not be said that racism is dead, it is unfortunately still here , throughout the world. Those who have the need to feel racially superior are at the least, inferior; they are the losers as history has shown countless times.

    What has this thread got to do with racism? Can't you find another thread to pollute?

    It's very much to do with race, if you don't see that then your a baffoon.

    well.... you should have mentioned at least 'how' , describing the relationship between subject (OP and race) IMO

  4. It's a cost saving exercise by the Met Bureau. In the summer the will simply reuse the same graph. The pyramid shape will represent Doi Inthanon and the two levels will show the high and low of the haze - that way we can say "ah today's reading is for only 60% of the mountain shrouded in haze"



    argghhhh ! :o

  5. Grover fyi this is a connecting link to the CR Weather Forecast from the Met Bureau.

    I am hoping that someone on the forum will do a daily cut and paste of the weather in the region. Any volunteers?


    excellent, thanks CB

    something I found useful from that link: Average temp, min & max plus rainfall over 12 month period in Chiang Rai


    /edit/ phew, nothing regarding haze in that graph !

  6. Between 1951 and 2007 the number of cool days - classified as below 16 degrees Celsius - has decreased particularly in Chiang Rai and Nakhon Sawan provinces. Information from a monitoring station in Chiang Rai province found that the number of cool days had decreased from 90 days in 1951 to 70 days in 2007.

    Thank you so much for this post, :D after spending 30 minutes trawling through this so called "weather thread", I finally have information regarding winter temperatures in Chiang Rai! That was all I wanted.

    Honestly I was going to give up in frustration, 2 members were particularly annoying, taking apparent delight in post after post of their absolutely worthless haze status reports. no need to mention names. :o:D

  7. Maybe I read into some of the posts to much (in the Buddhism section in general) a vehicle for making sly digs at other faiths. Namely Christianity.

    Is it me or is there a subliminal 'disrespect christianity, while championing Buddhism?' vibe that I sometimes pick up in some members posts?

    According to the Pali scriptures, the Buddhas answer to the OP question was that God is not very important to Buddhism. If anyone dismisses the importance of God like this does it amount to disrespect ? For some monotheistic religions, yes.

    I am agnostic, and if a monotheist calls me an "infidel" or an "unbeliever" it doesnt bother me in the least, despite the disrespectful meaning put behind it. But when I say to them that God is not important to me and that I don't really believe in him/her, they often get defensive or tense, silently mumbling "unbeliever", as if I have challenged the very foundation of their lives and religion, which is in fact what I have done unintentionally.

  8. just be careful with these chemicals, with the HCl wash your skin immediately if you get in on you, especially at 20% concentration, wear gloves and careful not to get in on your clothes or eyes. It will lose its potency if you dilute it too much though. 20% is a good concentration I think. Dont worry about the fizz, it looks evil but its normal.

    with the mist bleach, careful not to breath the fumes/mist or get it in your eyes as its a toxin.

  9. hydrochloric acid, quick, easy, and ends up very white.

    it gets rid of everything on concrete, easily does oil stains and mold. I put some on a driveway oil stain once, got rid of the oil but now I ended up with a white patch instead of a black one

  10. Think of the good side, if she tires herself out you won't have to worry about that sex chore anymore.

    nah, sore saddle only lasts for a few days, after that she will develop calluses

  11. I lived in San Francisco for many years and have nothing against gay people, but sometimes it seems that the whole gay rights thing goes too far. Do we even have to know the sexual preference of fictional characters for children?

    Harry Potter author JK Rowling has revealed that Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts, is gay. He spent a lot of time and effort helping Harry out. One has to wonder what Harry was up to with the old codger when they went into some of those magical trances together. Could Dumbledore have been teaching Harry more than just magic? :D

    One has to wonder how some people's minds work :o:D .

    Its called using the imagination to fill in the blanks.

    A very pointed move by Rowling, given the attention some subjects are getting in the news lately.

  12. I was down the main market the other day with a visitor and an adult male crippled beggar pursued us for several hundred meters.

    You were pursued by a cripple for 700 meters ?

    Life is telling you that you are walking too slow :o

  13. After many years in SE Asia "dating" 100's of the best looking women in the world, I know I would find it almost impossible to settle down in a relationship with just one woman for the rest of my life.

    I've had truly wonderful gf's, almost perfect, well educated, good looking etc etc, but after a year or less I'm out there looking again. (in between this, there are also many, many one nighters, most paid, some not)

    Is there hope for me to mend my ways and become "normal" again?

    I don't mean normal in the western world sense, like grovelling after overweight, solemn women at discos, but as in sticking with one women and building a solid relationship.

    To the OP, you should consider that fertilizing women is not just physical but mental and emotional. Maybe you should look into those departments if you are failing long term and feel frustrated by it.

    My guess is if your gf's are 'almost perfect' it means they are willing and capable of accepting your seed at all levels so maybe you need to work on your impotency.

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