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Posts posted by Grover

  1. I think the first couple of posts were George and Dr PP writing questions and answers to each other using differnt nics to get the ball rolling.


    14) Multiple accounts on the Thaivisa Forum are not permitted. Any member found to have more than one account will be suspended. Suspended or Banned members found creating additional accounts will be banned.

    Other nics included Goose , Pot , Gander and Kettle :D


    haha, busted! :o

  2. This stuff is really great. In fact, I got the brilliant idea to put it on my balls, thinking it would be exhilarating. Wrong. Bad idea. Don't do this unless you'd like to experience it firsthand. Anyone else ever try this?

    reminds me of a movie I saw once where the guy accidentally grabs the super glue instead of the lube. another mistake.

  3. I once borrowed a hammer from a neighbor to build a ladder at the dock where i keep my boat. as luck would have it i dropped the hammer into the sea never to be recovered again. i went out and replaced the hammer. upon returning their now new hammer they were confused about what happened to the old one. i didn't know the word for "sank" in thai so i just told them that their hammer went swimming. they eventually got what i was trying to explain but thought it was pretty a funny image.

    hammer wai nam mai geng :o

  4. I'm not sure if there is an Indian shop in your area, but if there is you might find something like this on the shelf


    Its what ive been eating lately. Its only recently come onto the market, they are not frozen, not dried, use no preservatives, they use some special packet to stop it going bad, all vego dishes in the range, its got a shelf life of 1.5 years, taste really good.

    I just put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes and add rice. :o

  5. Out cycling and needing something cold to drink, I still had some lukewarm water in my bidons, I fancied a drink of ice cold milk. I stopped at the next 7-11, spoke to the young lady at the counter and said in Thai "Do you have a large bottle of milk?" but it came out as "Do you have large breasts?" She looked at me, then at her chest and said "No, small ones!" with a twinkle in her eye.

    Can you write Thai or Roman Thai for this please? :o

    probably said "mee nom yai mai krup"

    should of said"mee nom, kuat yai mai krup"

  6. When I was beginning in Thai language I met two female Thai uni students, their names were Moi and Maam.

    A month or two later I met them again, and I wanted to say "Hi, I havent seen you around for a while" in Thai, so I said "mai dai hen Moi Maam dung naarn laeow krup". The key word here is Moi, which means pubic hair if said in the wrong tone.

    They all had a good old laugh at my expense. :o

  7. no ones mentioned CMDA or EDGE internet wireless through the mobile phone network.

    never having been to chiang rai myself, im guessing the network coverage around the province is not good .

    if there is coverage in your area, it might be an option.

  8. I'm sure that answering a phone and telling the caller that "I'm not here" is flawed....

    how about if it's done in a high-pitched, squeaky voice to conceal your identity? :o

    I suppose that is possible!

    The comment was TIC though... :D

    As was mine.... :D even if you distorted the voice, it'd still involve saying, "I'm not here".... :D

    could pretend you are an answering maching "sorry, im not here at the moment.... "

    probably get caught out at the "beep" imitation.

  9. Winter in Chiang Rai - I can only comment on Last Year. I don't have a thermometer so can guess at the Temperature. As I recall it, Cool evenings , Nights and mornings. could be 10 degrees + and then rapidly back to 30 degrees + soon after the Sun Comes out. Still T-shirt weather for us Northern Europeans but occasinally wear a jacket early morning. Best to stay in Bed until the sun comes up if you can. I see Thais in Wooly Hats and duvet jackets. Its my favourite Season , If we are staying home in the evening, we generally sit around a small fire. Beautiful clear skies, funny thing about the winter here; no rain. I don't think it rained from November to February.

    is it really true about the beautiful clear skies ?

    some chaing raiers are constantly speaking of a haze, I still dont know if its a joke of some sort or not.

    10 degrees is rather cold :o

  10. Def. from the buddhist dictionary:


    citta: 'mind', 'consciousness', 'state of consciousness'

    Here's a rather long article http://www.budsas.org/ebud/mind/01_chap1.htm I can't say I've read more than the first couple of paragraphs but at the beginning it discusses the way Citta is sometimes translated as heart.

    here is a relevant quote from that article.

    ...the meaning of citta as given in PALI-ENGLISH DICTIONARY can be presented as the heart usually in psychological sense, and further explained as the center and focus of man's emotional nature as well as that intellectual element which inheres in and accompanies its manifestations[11]. Emotional, conative, and rational or mental as the three sides...

    I recall the ancient Greeks made a sharp distinction between the emotional and rational sides of the human, I think in the west it has carried to modern times, we also distinguish between the heart and mind.

    In Buddhism they are lumped together as the quote above shows.

  11. Obviously the good old "chock dee krup" doesnt cut it for a marriage good wish.

    I believe that a farang guest's wedding hosts would be very impressed when the farang guest gives a perfectly toned and intonated version of the wedding blessing. This is real life Thai, beyond academic learning. Have a good time at the wedding!

    hmmm. I wonder if it would go down well if you were to write a love letter to your "fain" using some of these expressions.

    would she/he laugh at you, politely smile, or swallow it hook line and sinker ? :o

  12. I'm sure that answering a phone and telling the caller that "I'm not here" is flawed....

    I think the OP was referring to a situation in which his wife goes to answer the phone and he whispers in her ear, "I'm not here" so that she will tell the caller that he's not home. In which case withnail's translation is fine just as long as his wife understands he's telling her what to say and not making (an obviously false) statement of his current status. I could, however, see his wife just looking at him confused if he said ผมไม่อยู่ so it might be necessary to first say ช่วยบอกน้อยว่า...ผมไม่อยู่ (chûay bòk nói wâa ... pŏm mâi yòo) while pointing at the telephone.

    -edited to add the thai2english.com transliteration for the Thai text.

    with reference to this phrase in the post,


    I wonder if it is appropriate to insert a ให้ into the phrase so it reads



    ps, the observation by soundman was :o

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