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Posts posted by Jonson83

  1. If you do go remember to be really respectful of their situation. Bankwang is a popular backpacker tourist destination, to the inmates it must feel like being an animal in a zoo with tourists coming to look at you. I've worked in UK prisons they're not nice places, Thai will be horrendous. I've heard stories of people in their for drug offences and the visitors then telling them about all their drug taking antics etc. Just really think carefully before you go.

    I bet they must feel like animals in a zoo!

    I wonder what motivates people to go and see these prisoners? Its kinda like when people slow down by car crashes just incase theres a severed hand on the road or something :o

  2. Hi There,

    Can anyone recommend apartments for rent in Chang Mai area, inside or outside the Old City is suitable.

    If possible with Internet access in the room (ADSL).

    Bangkoks got plenty but my groove is usually Chang Mai.

    If any of the wise heads know anything the information would be much appreciated.

    My monthly budget is 6000 - 10,000 Baht. Although i'll go over if needs must.



    You absolutely do not need to spend that much in CM. I know of at least a few places where you can get in-room internet, one of which I live at myself. I'm pretty much in the center of town (not suburbs), near Central shopping mall. I pay 4,000 baht / mo. + utilities for a very nice room in a new apartment unit. We have a pool, exercise room, convenience store, laundry and a few cafes on-site. I have phone in-room, A/C, TV, fridge and other standard furnishings. Its safe and secure, with its own parking. ADSL is reasonable, 512K shared per floor, which doesn't end up too bad, at 300 baht per month. But you may need to find a proxy if you need certain ports to remain open.

    I know of at least one other place as well. Email me directly if you want more information.


    Could you please post the address(9soi etc) of your appartment m8.Sounds like you have a really good deal.


  3. True,the food is expensive by thai standards for sure!

    I really don't like the place,stayed their quite a bit aswell.Only used to go their as it was easy to get a room(normally!),book train tickets to chiang mai..then get the hel_l out of their!

    One plus about the place though.As someone already pointed out,there is a real shortage of sexpats about :o

    Still,i won't be staying their when i return to LOS.

  4. Well,the internet is full of sites advertising TEFL refresher courses.

    Where are you based? Thailand/Farangland? Where do you want to do your course?

    Some more details would be nice,maybe then the experienced teachers on this forum will be able to point you in the right direction :o

  5. UlyssesG,I dont know how many decades have passed since you were 19 but for me its just a couple years and i sure as hel_l didnt spend my afternoons waiting outside secondary schools for 'hot' 13 year olds!!

    Tracy lords was 15 not 13,there is a big difference,kids change/mature quickly.Sure at my school you would see a few year 8(13) girls with say year 10(15) boys ,even more 14 and 16 year olds together but 13 - 19 ?? not a fuking chance m8.Never! Its bloody wrong.Adult/child relationships are illegal!

    As someone already pointed out.This guy might have said he waited 4 years for sex with her,but thats BS imo.No way a 19 year old chap would wait that long,not to mention that the 13 year old girl would be to weak mentally to tell him no.

  6. and whoever said asian women go downhill at 30 must have been a female farang .. :o

    That was me Jonson.

    The decline in health amongst poorer Asian women (most in relationships come from poor families) has a lot to do with their nutrient intake.

    If you hit a poor village and have a look around at the women aged 30 plus you might be surprised to see many with missing teeth, bad skin, poor muscle tone and posture and a whole host of other physical ailments. Their life expectancy is much lower than that of the more well fed Western women.

    Apart from that, they lack knowledge on how to stay healthy. In the West single women are often working out, eating health food and really taking care of themselves.

    Well you have to compare poor asians to poor westeners,not poor asians to average westerners.No doubt in my mind who takes better care of themselves...Just look at obesity levels...

    Anyhoo,off topic.Please continue your debate.

  7. shall I count the morons... let me see... 1,2,3,4,5.. wow so many idiots it's hard to believe. As usual there are a lot of very ignorant, gargantuanly ignorant, stupid moronic swipes at someone who dated a 13 year old girl when he was 19.

    Oh Rod :o

    I can't believe the guy is trying to make excuses for this tosser.


    and whoever said asian women go downhill at 30 must have been a female farang .. :D

  8. 'I'm particularly lucky in my relationship. '

    'Get over it, young ladies can and do fall in love with much older guys. My girl is just not attracted to young guys. She doesn't find them appealing much to the chagrin of many young guys that used to chase her...and they too had a hard time accepting that she preferred much older guys.'

    By saying your 'lucky' ,surely you can admit that it is very rare that a young woman will fall for a much older guy just for his looks.Like is much more common with younger couples?

  9. Some women are in it for financial reasons, and some actually love who they are with. Not a hard concept to the Cynics. :o


    Some women prefer mature men because they are more understanding, patient and very sensitive towards our feelings (or mood changes).

    I think most women would prefer their partner to be older,but not by much..ahem 30..40..50 years :D

  10. Youve really gotta define love,lust etc

    IMO,There is very little chance that a 20 year old thai girl will fall in a love with a 45 year old farang bloke just by his looks.I think only a tiny ,tiny minority will find their older western partners that sexually attractive either,if they find them attractive at all(sorry not trying to offend anyone)...

    Saying that.It doesnt mean they can't ever love their older partners.What if he treats her well? takes care of her? etc etc Better than any other person ever has in her life? Well,then i think the girl could come to love this chap.Maybe this is what these young thai girl/older farang man relationships are like? Althought it may take time,she will love him for being so good to her? Nothing strange about that.

    'i hope thai women like younger guys'

    Yeh i hope so to bilfo!

    My Thai GF is 4 years older than me,i'm only 23.She doesnt seem to complain :o

  11. Well im not a manutd fan but my bro is and hes been talking about this.

    Id place Edwards higher,but then again he's a local legend where i'm from.So you could say im being biased :o

    I think the top 5 is alright,accept Robson,Giggs and Schmeichel should be higher than Law.

  12. endure,

    So those people in the Hopistal would be skilled workers...so whats your point? As for the Fillipina nurses.Please read:




    'If I may remind you of the title of this thread British Citizens Who Chose To Go Permanently Abroad , so perhaps not so much 'Biased, as well informed on the issue as I am a British Exapat '

    Not biased? :o Is it so hard for you to understand? Your not just biased m8,your selfish! A selfish old git.Your only motive for have strong pro-immigrant views is your thai wife.You should take a leaf out of paulsmithsons book.He has a thai wife but he still realises that we have problems in this area.But you know what? the guy lives in England,so he would understand the situation a million times better than you.

    As for calling me a bigot? :D Dear oh dear.All those false assumptions,calling me a xenophobe,now a bigot...lol.You really are struggling.Ill be sure to tell my Thai friends what you called me though :D

    Im done here,Ciao.

    Your right robski,this really is a waste of time.Bashing my head against steel post would probably be more rewarding.

  13. "What 'third worlders' are you refering to? Is it the Thai wives and husbands of people on this forum or is is it doctors and heart surgeons from India? maybe it's the Chinese Neuro surgeons, maybe it's the philippine nurses or the scientists from the Eastern block. What about the Americans that move there or for that matter the Australians or western Europeans?"


    yeh right!.All of the immigrants we get are bleeding rocket scientists and doctors! hahaha :o:D Good one m8! Oh Good point about Thai wives though because it CLEARLY makes some people incredibly biased :D I wonder if they would see all of our lovely immigrants as angels if they weren't married to thais hmmmmmmm

    Aussies,yanks and western europeans in general are just as rich(if not richer) than us.Thus they are not coming here as economic migrants like so many people from the thrid world.Thats pretty simple logic m8.Even then imo only aussies,kiwis,canadians and some south africans should be let in without question.What? you expected me to say that they should be allowed in because their white and the 'darkies' from 3rd world are well exactly that and should be banned?? Why don't you just call me a racist? oh wait,the eastern europeans arent black.Ermm just call me a xenophobe then!

    'Maybe you just rely on your tory newspapers for your information who would have you believe it's only unskilled imigrants who move to the UK and decide to ignore the rest.'

    I haven't given away nearly enough infomation on my polictal beliefs for you to assume anything about me.For the record i am for immigration but ONLY if it is controlled and the people who are getting in actually have something to offer.You know...skilled workers? doctors? rocket scientists? ....thai wives...?

    We simply do not need so many immigrants.There is no good reason for the Uk to have its doors wide open when we already have 60+ million people living here.

    We need to get things under control so we can deal with the real problems facing our society such as segregation,crime,chavs,Chelsea FC....

    That okay donquixente? Have i explanied myself well enough for you?.Because in all honesty my debate was with GH,not you.Ciao.


    Why didnt you tell me you had a thai wife! .It would have made things a whole lot easier :D So lets see,you don't live in England,married to an immigrant yourself.Hmmm your posts aren't biased in anyway :D ?

    Now you have made a lot of false assumptions about me just like the guy above.But its absolutely no suprise that you have called me a xenophobe.Anybody who dares to critises the goverments immigration policy or the immigrants themselves is immiedatly labelled a xenophobe,racist, or little englander these days.PC rubbish,ands its ruining this great counrty of ours!

    To clear things up further.Im young,i have never been to pattaya (nor do i want to go there) and im not anywhere near the bottom of the pile.I live in the west midlands and i witness first hand the damage over immigration is(has) doing to my area.Communties are segrated and i experience this daily....You DON'T.Bottom line,you don't know whats its like ,so your in no position to label me a f@king xenophobe.

  14. Its very simple guesthouse.Just like the 'white flight' surveys of inner cities it would give a good indication as to whom is actually leaving.

    The survey in question shows typical BBC bias.No question.This is the <deleted> Beeb were talking about here(are they your only source of infomation or what?).Somehow they have managed to show the exodus of millions of citzens in a good light! They are basically saying,don't worry,thousands might be leaving but the good old 'third worlders' are coming to take their place.. yippee!

    Robski made several excellent points about this and you have chosen to ignore all of them.

    The BBC are liberal,Labour run loosers that are out of touch with the majority of the population(they have even admitted the latter...).How they have presented this survey is typical beeb BS that anyone with half a brain can see.

    There,i have answered your question.Hope you are happy. :o

  15. "Not 100% but i'm sure i've read that in 2nd class A/C you can specify the bottom bunk for a slightly higher price. Apparently its slightly wider & generally more user friendly."

    Yeh,its wider and blocks out a lot more light.Normally about 10-15% more expensive.I'm never to fussy to be honest.Both upper and lower are comfotable enough to sleep on.I always find that the worst seats are the ones nearest either end of the carriage.People constantly opening those sliding doors till the early hours can be really annoying.Although nowhere near as annoying as some elderly thai bloke snoring!

    One question lancashirelad,why were you and your GF seperated?? Thats really strange?

  16. Stayed in LOS and SEA for 10 months and lost 15 pounds(just over a stone).Not the fact that the food is unfattening but the fact that i just dont like it! The longest i ever went just eating thai food was for about 4-5 days and i felt really shit.I had to have an emergency visit to mcdonalds.If there weren't so many italian places in los.I probably would have come back even lighter! :o

    Been back in UK for 4 months now and ive put back on about 30 pounds,after a lot of hard work at the gym and eating 5-6 shit tasting 'clean' meals daily.

    Going back to LOS in 2 months and i gotta work out a way of holding onto that weight! and beer doesnt count!

  17. Yeah that place is very good, very good service. They have 2 pools as you may have noticed and is 20 yards from a 7-11, which would be very handy on the way back from the Full Moon. It would only take about 5 minutes to walk into town. There are many staff who speak alot of english and also some American staff. It also has a major bank in the foyer.

    For beaches you MUST visit bottle beach, although it is alot more crowded than it used to be. Although by no means as crowded as Samui beaches. You should also try Koh Maa, they have good snorkling there.

    Maybe its just me,but i reckon thong nai pan yai has got the best beach.Bottle beach was alright but a maybe bit out of the way for someone whos only staying for 3 to 4 days??

  18. Hi m8,thanx for the response.

    I wont be spending that much time in BKK,wont really have time to play.But is this 'futsal' popular around thailand?

    About the actual game.Is it basically 5-aside footy but more skill is expected? If it is.I think id probably be better off playing 11-aside as i am only capable of playing 3 postions.GK...and to a lesser extent Centre back or centre forward. :o

    Anyway thnx for the info,ill keep it in mind when im next in BKK.

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