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Posts posted by Jonson83

  1. Im going back to Thailand in a couple months and i'll be staying for a quite a while and would love to play footy.Im happy playing either 11 a-side or 5-side football.Although i do prefer the latter.

    So im just wondering if there are many places to play indoor?.I saw some pictures posted on this forum that showed some indoor teams.Im assuming this is in BKK? What about Chiang mai? Any there?


  2. 09-Dec-06 Blackburn Newcastle 1 1

    09-Dec-06 Bolton West Ham 2 0

    09-Dec-06 Liverpool Fulham 1 1

    09-Dec-06 Man Utd Man City 2 0

    09-Dec-06 Middlesborough Wigan 0 1

    09-Dec-06 Portsmouth Everton 2 2

    09-Dec-06 Tottenham Charlton 0 0

    09-Dec-06 Watford Reading 1 2

    10-Dec-06 Chelsea Arsenal 2 1

    11-Dec-06 Sheff Utd Aston Villa 1 2

  3. 'Her Thai son was 6 years old when he camt to the UK and has forgotten most of his own language-He has llived as an Engish lad and adapted to life here. He worries about his mother.

    He is now in care and may have a future thanks to the social workers.'

    How can a young kid 'forget' his native tongue when it is the only <deleted> language that his mother speaks! :o

    Your either bullsh@tting this forum or 'Miss A' is bullsh@tting you.

    Earlier i thought it was the latter but judging from your comments on the other thread......

  4. 'As for you Johnson, peoples fears are their own concern, generally people here try to help, go back to bed then no one has to ignore you.'

    People DID complain about these new tests.Just take a look at the first page of posts.Its hypocritical ,as the guy two posts above already said.

    I mean.Dam right Ivan from the east and Theo from somalialand should take these tests(or be refused entry all together).... but my pooying thai! oh god no,Its not fair!

    If you actually read my post you would see that i was trying to make light of the situation and reassure them that they have nothing to worry about(easier said then done i know..).You yourself agreed with me that the test was a cakewalk.Then you basically said the same as i did!!.Internet,books,your own knowledge/proper revision etc etc It would be dam near impossible to fail.

    They should thank their lucky stars that they are doing this now and not in several years time when the next goverment will almost certainly be throwing up its anti-immigration walls.

    Im not trolling or anything.Infact i know a couple of people who are in this situation(two nigerian teachers before u ask).Ive basically said the same thing to them.This is Britain! Nothing to worry about!

  5. Her son acting as an interpreter-thats a joke. He has been brought up speaking english and has forgotten most of the Thai he learned even to the extent that I can speak far better Thai than he can.

    So the mother speaks very little English, and her son speaks no Thai.. errmmm yeah whatever, that statement alone makes this story look like total rubbish.

    Missed that bit!!

    How the <deleted>@k do they communicate then!?! Maybe they grunt at each other like cavemen :o

    This ship is sinking fast......

    Troll maybe?

  6. What are you all moaning for? by the looks of things those tests are a cake walk!.If any of your...wives fail these tests you should be <deleted> ashamed of yourselves for not helping them pass!

    I dont believe these tests are going to do anything to solve the problems with intergration,immigration etc that we currently have at the moment.Its just more labour shit.But thats a bonus to any thai trying to get in here.Imgaine what it would be like if the tories got in! :o

    But really,Youve got the internet,books,your own f'king knowledge! How can you guys honestly complain about these tests being hard!

  7. 'She had enough to get back to Thailand, if she had enough to open a business in England then she had enough to open one in Thailand.

    Complaining she is not getting enough money from the state? If i was in the same situation in Thailand then i would get ZERO.

    Can hardly speak English? What has she been doing all the time she has been in England? She has had plenty of time to learn.

    Just another person looking for an easy ride and making bad decisions, regardless of race.'

    I kinda agree with that.

    Stories dodgy,sorry just my opinion.

    A lack of understanding of english after 5 years in England is bad enough but 10? sorry thats just silly.Totally unbelievable.

    Im not doubting some of the things she has told the OP but thats basically it.She has told her story to this dude/his wife.She could say anything she wanted...

    Still,fair play to the bloke for giving her a place to stay.

  8. Cambodia is an awesome place.I stayed their for a month earlier this year.The Khymers attitude is similar to that of the thais,just not quite as friendly.But they are certainly not miserable.

    You should ignore moaning tourists,tourists always have to moan about something.As far as being ripped off goes.No country in SEA comes close to Vietnam.But really its the same in all of these countries,including Thailand.Just a way of making an extra buck,i got no problem with it.As i said,only the Vietnamese really take the piss...but id still got back their if i had the chance.

    Anyway,on a whole.Cambodia is a lot safer than its made out to be,So many things to see,places to go in PP,Siam Reap(Angkor) is a must.Sinoukville ,beaches.Trekking in the northeast etc

    The only thing id say cambodia is lacking.Is ,well places to go! Its a small country and if your their for more than couple of weeks you might run out of things to do!

  9. I'm going away for xmas and will return early in the new year, but am unsure of the precise date. I'm thinking of taking the overnight train back to CM.

    Could I have a problem with buying a ticket at Bkk station - on the day, or if necessary a day or two ahead?

    Is there 1st class compartment with attached loo available for single occupation, or must one share it with a stranger?

    Can I buy or reliably reserve a ticket on the internet - once I am surer of my dates?

    Would appreciate any info or comments on these queries

    Being peak season you might have a problem buying the tickets on the day(espeically a 1st class ticket).Also safer to get them a couple of days before hand.

    I think a 1st class ticket from bkk to CM is about 1300 BHT and im 99% sure you cant get a single compartment.The compartments have one bed(large seat) and another fold down bed above.If you wanted the compartment for yourself you would ahve to pay for both beds :o About 2600BHt

    I dont know about the internet.Sorry.

    Hope that helped a bit.

  10. Lawman/endure its safe to say that Islam plays its part in the conflict.

    As for the KKK,well in my country they were known as white christian whackos and in america they were certainly seen as white supremacists/nutcases.By some peoples logic,by calling them white you are offending 220 million other americans? But thats what they are(were),white and christian.I have no problem with this label,because you know what? i dont burn black people on crosses and i dont have a wardrobe full of white robes.So when i hear stories about the KKK and i hear them being reffered to as white supremacist christian wacko nutcases weirdos...I dont get offended!

    Yet by saying "muslim insurgents in southern thailand...".I am somehow unfairly labelling the worlds muslims.99.5% of whom,do not actually live in southern Thailand.I guess some people feel that muslims are just to stupid to actually realise where they are and what they do everyday.Mohammed doesnt really live in Morroco,hes cutting off monks heads in southern thailand.He just doesnt realise it.... :o What politically correct horses@@t.

    Disagree to agree ? :D

    Apoligies PB,Ill drop it now :D

    On topic,

    If these schools have closed in the south.So there will be no TEFLing done their for a while.Add that to pattaya.

    Any other places that are without farang TEFLers? Like,major areas of Thailand?

  11. The KKK is a fantastic example of what i am talking about.The white/christian majority of the USA all but destroyed them.The people of america did not tolerate them and the goverment went out of their way to put an end to the KKK.To be fair they were 95% successful.Same with similar groups in England ,like NF/C18.The communities have played the biggest part in their demise.

    I did NOT say all muslims were insurgents,nor did i say all muslims in the south supported them.I said some did and thats why the insurgents existed.The insurgents must have connections/financial sources.The insurgencies in southern thailand are hardly small and extremely well organised either.

    In the UK we were fed the same bullshit,its just a tiny minority,they dont have any support,all british muslims are against islamic terrorism blah blah blah Yeh then the media polled muslims and found that a whopping 20% of british muslims actually sympathised with those that carried out these atrocities against their fellow brits.

    Saying that,most of what i have wrote above and what you wrote is irelevent!

    You still missing my point. :o

    For the last time.It is a FACT that they are muslims.Thus i refer to them as muslim insurgents.Deal with it because nothing that you or the guy above say are going to change that fact.

  12. Thats not the point.The fact is that these people are muslim.Thus they should be referred to as Muslims.

    Another example.The KKK are/were a white supremacist/chrtistian organisation.No one had any problems reffering to them as white/christian nutcases.

    Ofcourse i have no problems with therm being labelled this,because its exactly what they were.But some peoples clear refusal to even accept that some terrorists just might be muslim shows blatant double standards.

    Clearly this has little to do with teaching and should ahve been debated elsewhere.I hope i have made my point.

  13. So we ignore facts as not to offend people(ahem minorities).Excellent!! An idea thats been inpractise in politically correct western nations for the last 20 years.We are so much better off for it....sigh/

    Think about this.Separatists movements can NOT exist without local support.Some of the law abiding folks in the south cant be all that innocent.

    Ofcourse would it be to much to ask these people to root out the scum in their community? From the looks of things..yes.

    I wonder why...

  14. neither ,

    what does the word Muslims suggest to you ?

    is it not all encompassing ?

    are all Muslims terrorists / insurgents ?

    see my signature for further clues ...................

    ahhh so your a PC liberal :o

    I understand that the situation in southern Thailand is far from black and white.But it is a fact that the majority of these people are muslims.Whether they be 'bandits' / separatists / insurgents..They are muslim.Thats the bottom line,thats my point.If you have a problem with this...I dont know,go and convert them ??

    Why are you afraid to use the term muslims anyway? or muslim insurgency.Are all muslims terrorists/insurgents? Ofcourse not and i never suggested they were.The insurgents in Southern Thailand just happen to be muslims though.This is an inescapable fact.One which you clearly need to come to terms with.

    So why do you refuse to call them muslims?

  15. The teacher wasn't targeted. He was the innocent random victim of a city centre (Hat Yai) bomb. Unlucky to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The muslims have never targeted farang in Thailand as far as I know.

    please replace the word Muslims with insurgents ,


    define farang ,

    that's to say are Malays farang ........?

    Why not refer to them as muslim? That's what they are? Muslim insurgents.I hate this attitude that is held by muslim's and idiotic PC liberal's(not suggesting you are either...) that if a muslim does something bad all of a sudden they become anything but a muslim.A 'bomber'/a maniac/crazy minority etc etc Its complete BS.

    Pull your head out of the bloody sand would you.

    hmmm Not exactly teaching related...lol

    one or the other please

    Well what are you? pc liberal? or muslim? :o

  16. The teacher wasn't targeted. He was the innocent random victim of a city centre (Hat Yai) bomb. Unlucky to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The muslims have never targeted farang in Thailand as far as I know.

    please replace the word Muslims with insurgents ,


    define farang ,

    that's to say are Malays farang ........?

    Why not refer to them as muslim? That's what they are? Muslim insurgents.I hate this attitude that is held by muslim's and idiotic PC liberal's(not suggesting you are either...) that if a muslim does something bad all of a sudden they become anything but a muslim.A 'bomber'/a maniac/crazy minority etc etc Its complete BS.

    Pull your head out of the bloody sand would you.

    hmmm Not exactly teaching related...lol

  17. '6.Most important - wear clean professional clothes and smell of soap and shampoo. Men should ideally wear a long-sleeved white shirt, dark tie, black trousers and shiny black shoes. Thais think farang don't wash enough so make sure there's no hint of B.O. or cigarettes. Make sure your hair is short and neat and your face clean shaven.'

    If i turned up with long-ish hair(not down to my shoulders but not exactly short either,although it is tidy) and a short trimmed beard would this have a bad effect? I'm assuming Thais think beard + long hair = backpacker ??

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