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  1. If it was coming only from those folks you might have a point. But that's not the case, so you don't.
  2. You're kind of reasoning makes any discussion of history or relevant. Who knows? Maybe next we'll find out that Hitler and Stalin really didn't partition Poland. Or were justified in doing so. Well you're pushing is just a kind of nihilism.
  3. He had no answer for the fact that as part of the 2nd Minsk Agreement all foreign forces were to withdraw from Ukraine. Russia said that provision wasn't applicable to them since they had no troops in Ukraine. Laughable.
  4. Can you share with us where I stated or linked to an article that claimed that an increase of 0.05 affects the kidneys?
  5. If you actually did know the history, you wouldn't have accepted Putin's twisted version of it.
  6. Also, anincrease in kidney disease as high heat grows more prevalent https://time.com/6303020/chronic-kidney-disease-climate-change/
  7. What makes the denialism of this fact remarkable is that the potency of CO2 as a greenhouse gas was first proven by the Great Irish Physicist John Tindall in the 19th century.
  8. 0 as you clearly don't understand, the person in question was introduced to the Canadian Parliament as Ukrainian war hero. That's when he got applauded. It was only later discovered that he was in fact a Nazi partisan. And I wasn't aware that Putin had ever directed his comments at elderly emigrants who now live in Canada.
  9. Yes it is clear. As far as Florida is concerned, consensus now is that hurricanes, while fewer, are stronger, develop more quickly, drop more precipitation and last longer. Also, sea level rise means flooding in Florida even in the absence of storms.
  10. Sure. You started out with this "Yeah, better not watch, in case you start asking the wrong questions. Can't have that. Be efficient and pot plants until the MSNBC fact show comes on!. 555" And ended up with this: "I expect that certain agreements had to be made in advance to get the appointment in the first place. If any of those had been broken then there would probably have been no interview aired at all." From 'wrong questions' to "I expect that certain agreements had to be made in advance to get the appointment in the first place." It is to laugh.
  11. Big deal. This is just the kind of nonsense to be expected from Putin. Canada’s parliament, Trudeau and Zelensky give inadvertent ovation to Nazi war veteran The speaker of Canada’s House of Commons apologized Sunday for recognizing a man who fought in a Nazi military unit during World War II... “In my remarks following the address of the President of Ukraine, I recognized an individual in the gallery. I have subsequently become aware of more information which causes me to regret my decision to do so,” Rota said in a statement. https://www.timesofisrael.com/canadas-parliament-trudeau-and-zelensky-give-inadvertent-ovation-to-nazi-war-veteran/
  12. Homes in parts of the U.S. are "essentially uninsurable" due to rising climate change risks https://www.cbsnews.com/news/insurance-policy-california-florida-uninsurable-climate-change-first-street/
  13. I wrote that I didn't watch all of it. That said, as far as this subject goes, did Putin say anything that the Russian govt hasn't said? Any surprises here?
  14. Apparently, your suspicions are very recent:
  15. There's nothing in this interview Putin hasn't said before most of it many times. At least, as much of it as I watched. I'll be glad to read a transcript whenever becomes available at no charge.
  16. And speaking of "over the top" Biden Says Israel’s Response in Gaza is ‘Over the Top’ President Joe Biden on Thursday gave his sharpest criticism yet of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s military campaign, which has killed more than 27,000 Palestinians, according to health officials in Gaza. “I’m of the view, as you know, that the conduct of the response in Gaza, in the Gaza Strip, has been over the top,” Biden said in response to a reporter’s question at the White House. Biden said he has been “pushing very hard” for a temporary cease-fire in exchange for the release of hostages held by Hamas and freeing of Palestinians in Israeli jails. https://www.voanews.com/a/biden-says-israel-s-response-in-gaza-is-over-the-top-/7480608.html
  17. Has Israel finally gone over-the-top in its prosecution of the war? It looks like the Biden administration thinks so: The U.S. and U.N. warn Israel that a military advance in Rafah could be disastrous. The Biden administration said on Thursday that it would not at this point support Israeli plans for a military operation in Rafah, a city in southern Gaza where more than half of the enclave’s total population has sought shelter, and both a White House spokesman and the U.N. secretary general warned of catastrophe should Israel attack. “Given the circumstances and the conditions there that we see right now, we think a military operation at this time would be a disaster for those people,” a White House spokesman, John Kirby, told reporters. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/02/09/world/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news#us-intelligence-officials-tell-congress-that-israel-is-not-close-to-eliminating-hamas
  18. If anyone was a "pot plant" it was Carlson. Might as well have put up a cardboard image of him for all the probing questions he asked Putin.
  19. Here are your own words: "I hate it when interviewers cut their guests off as they do so often to appear clever or smart." You think it's a worthy motivation for an interviewer to ask questions for the sake of appearing clever or smart?
  20. It's not just ice cores. There are lots of ways to get independent correlation from various biological processes. And they confirm each other. I don't know if you are familiar with the hockey stick controversy. Michael Mann, a climatologist, published a study that showed a sharp rise in temperatures. Denialists jumped all over it. Subsequent studies, drawn from different sets of data have all confirmed this.
  21. Not surprisingly, you have to pay to read the transcript which is a far better way to fact-check and analyze the interview.
  22. As I pointed out earlier, he already got called out by the Kremlin spokesman for claiming that Western media hadn't made attempts to interview Putin. “Mr Carlson is not correct. In fact, there’s no way he could know this,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday. Mr Peskov went on to say that the Kremlin receives “numerous requests” for interviews from Western media, which are all denied because the Kremlin does not deem the media outlets impartial." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/tucker-carlson-vladimir-putin-interview-b2492192.html It looks like he's even more pro-Putin than Putin himself.
  23. Says you. For one thing, the Minsk agreements required the withdrawal of all foreign forces. The Russians said that didn't apply to them since they didn't have any troops in Donbas. It is to laugh.
  24. Here's how this sub-thread began: No arguments or evidence you have posted since has contradicted my assessment. Unless you count repeated denials unbacked by arguments or evidence as valid rebuttals.
  25. No one has contended that Putin is stupid. As for others who contend that Putin knows where bodies are buried without explaining why he hasn't revealed them, one might legitimately question the quality of their reasoning.
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