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  1. Dubious. "While the ICJ's rulings are legally binding in theory, they lack enforceability by the court. If the ruling favors South Africa's requests, it may increase political pressure on Israel to work towards a ceasefire and prompt international allies to intensify efforts behind the scenes for a resolution and humanitarian assistance in the region."
  2. It's not me challenging the numbers. It's you. Do you believe that the Health Ministry, part of the government in Gaza, is lying? As for my post about Al-Jazeera, that not only didn't you get the point, but that you managed to construe the opposite, is remarkable.
  3. Of course, to be fair, this story about the total number of cazualties came via Al-Jazeera. And everyone knows that those Zionists are in the bag for Israel.
  4. So, you're calling the Ministry of Health in Gaza, the agency under the Hamas govt, a liar? Shame on you! Gaza death toll surpasses 25,000 as Israel escalates assault The Palestinian death toll in Israel’s assault on Gaza has surpassed 25,000, according to the Ministry of Health in the territory. Ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra said on Sunday that 178 people had been confirmed killed in the previous 24 hours, with the death toll in more than three months of Israel’s war on Gaza reaching 25,105. The Palestinian death toll in Israel’s assault on Gaza has surpassed 25,000, according to the Ministry of Health in the territory. Ministry spokesperson Ashraf al-Qudra said on Sunday that 178 people had been confirmed killed in the previous 24 hours, with the death toll in more than three months of Israel’s war on Gaza reaching 25,105. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/21/gaza-death-toll-surpasses-25000-as-israel-escalates-assault
  5. Well whatever the provisional decision may be, it's estimated roughly 9000 of those killed were Hamas soldiers. So the figure of 25000 is somewhat inflated, no?
  6. The US economy grew at a faster rate than expected in the fourth quarter, capping off a year many expected to end in recession with one final economic surprise. The Bureau of Economic Analysis's advance estimate of fourth quarter US gross domestic product (GDP) showed the economy grew at an annualized pace of 3.3% during the period, faster than consensus forecasts. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg estimated the US economy grew at an annualized pace of 2% during the period. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/gdp-us-economy-grows-at-33-annual-pace-in-fourth-quarter-faster-than-expected-133828802.html
  7. You have a peculiar command of American geography. Willis is located in Georgia. The alleged fraud took place in New Hampshire. Just to make this perfectly clear to you, Georgia and New Hampshire are separate states. So Willis wouldn't have jurisdiction in New Hampshire.
  8. Lack of links doesn't prove someone is making things up. But when they're challenged and can't be backed up, that's pretty good proof. Unfortunately for you, here are links to the evidence. On February 29, 2020, the United States and the Taliban signed a peace agreement. It provided for a full withdrawal of U.S. troops over 14 months on the condition that the Taliban would take part in peace negotiations with the Afghan government and prevent affiliates of al-Qaeda and ISIL from operating within Afghanistan. The agreement did not include a condition that the Taliban reach an agreement with the Afghan government. https://www.britannica.com/event/withdrawal-of-United-States-troops-from-Afghanistan Here's when the withdrawal of troops took place: Withdrawal of United States troops from Afghanistan, the United States government’s removal of its last remaining armed forces in Afghanistan following the Afghanistan War (2001–14). The withdrawal was completed on August 30, 2021, despite the Taliban’s toppling of the Afghan government earlier that month. https://www.britannica.com/event/Afghanistan-War Do you really require a link showing that Donald Trump's term of office ended on Jan 20th, 2021? Trump ordered rapid withdrawal from Afghanistan after election loss President Donald Trump ordered a rapid withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Somalia in the wake of his 2020 election loss, but senior officials never followed through on the plan, according to testimony released by the congressional January 6 committee on Thursday. “The order was for an immediate withdrawal, and it would have been catastrophic,” said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., one of two Republican members of the special panel. “And yet President Trump signed the order.” https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2022/10/13/trump-ordered-rapid-withdrawal-from-afghanistan-after-election-loss/ As for the net negative of illegal immigration in 2021 claimed by impulse. I can't actually find evidence that this was the case. . I just hope my providing links to credible sources will prove an inspiration to you and put a stop to your penchant for making things up.
  9. There are plenty of people here already commenting on that. Mostly, they use it as a way to defend whatever it is that Israel does or just simply to engage in denial. Stuff like this: You don't seem to have a problem with stuff like the above. As for 7/10 helping to explain the brutality, I agree. As I have pointed out before, what do people think is going to happen when an angry, vengeful army is loosed on the Palestinians. That goes for the West Bank too, where Red Cross visits have also been terminated as the number of jailed Palestinians there grows as well.
  10. Even if this judge's decision is upheld on appeal, which presumably will occur, you didn't note this: The van was first used in Racine’s municipal elections in 2022. https://apnews.com/article/wisconsin-racine-absentee-voting-van-16e07f54c595013ffeeb190c706ba4d8 Not only didn't you note that, but you also didn't note that the judge in the case did not base his ruling on whether or not the vehicle was secure. HIs ruling had nothing to do with ballot security. Nothing. "The judge said his ruling wasn’t a determination on whether mobile voting sites were a good idea or not. That is up to the Legislature to decide, Gasiorkiewicz said." As for the Georgia case: "The plaintiffs in the case do not assert hackers exploited the vulnerabilities in the systems during prior contests in Georgia. But they argue that the risks of a hack have intensified since 2020 due to efforts by pro-Trump activists to steal voting system software used in multiple swing states, including in Coffee County, Georgia." https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/09/georgia-court-voting-machines-trump-election-fraud-00134420 This kind of reminds me about the old joke about a person convicted of killing his parents who then throws himself on the mercy of the court because he's an orphan. Anyway, as the state argues, the chances of anyone actually succeeding in tampering with the machines is virtually nil. There are still lots of safeguards in place.
  11. Let's start with the Afghan thing. Given that Trump's agreement with the Taliban pushed the US withdrawal date into 2021, it's not exactly surprising that there were no deaths during withdrawal on his watch. That might not have been the case had Trump had his way to withdraw all U.S. troops before Biden took office. He actually signed an order to that effect but it was ignored. And Trump certainly encouraged the continuing Russian incursion into Ukraine by illegally refusing to send weapons to Ukraine that were authorized in legislation. As for Israel Palestine, and the world situation in general, there's a logical fallacy called. post hoc ergo propter hoc. You can look it up. As for net negative illegal immigration in his final year, given that the US economy was actually contracting, and lower wage workers were disproportionately affected, it's not surprising that illegal immigration fell sharply. You think that shrinking the economy is a policy that the Biden administration should pursue? (something tells me that you are going to allege that this is what's actually happening or maybe happening because you don't trust the government)
  12. Carroll, 79, alleged that Trump raped her at the Bergdorf Goodman department store across the street from Trump Tower in Manhattan some time in 1996 https://www.foxnews.com/media/jonathan-turley-president-trump-biggest-problem-e-jean-carroll-case-did-not-testify
  13. Really? As a a business person, Trump had a terrible negotiation record. You must be thinking of TV Trump.
  14. So, you offer no justification for why Israel won't even release the names of POW's to the Red Cross. Instead you pull your usual moral indignation stunt.
  15. Your question is irrelevant to the fact that, with a few exceptions, Israel won't even confirm the names of the POWs. How would the Red Cross distort or misuse that data?
  16. Trump thinks his most formidable opponent is Nancy Pelosi who in his mind is running against him for the Republican nomination.
  17. The Red Cross did not launch the claim about the hospital attack. It was simply too credulous and believed it. That's quite different from the Red Cross reporting on its own experience with the Israeli authorities. As for what some Red Cross employee told an Israeli family, what's that got to do with this report coming from the Red Cross?
  18. You think that the Red Cross is lying about being denied access to POW's? Really?
  19. Stop making things up: From the landing page of this forum "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/
  20. https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/mena/hamas-crackdown-on-protests-snuffs-out-a-push-for-change-in-gaza-1.839824 Palestinians are getting brutalised in Gaza and you ignore that and focus of fals accusations made about Israel . Could it be that Hamas are pointing fingers at Israel, just so they can carry on attacking civilians without any criticism ? The reports about Israeli brutality do not stems from accusations by Hamas. And how does evidence of Hamas' brutality negate the evidence of Israeli brutality?
  21. What makes your comments so ridiculous is that you assume the default position should be that Israeli forces are not abusing prisoners or falsely imprisoning people who aren't members of Hamas. Given that Israel is denying the Red Cross access to prisoners and is not allowing outside reporters to enter Gaza, what is the factual basis for your belief? You asked me for evidence. Well, what proof do you have that Israel is treating prisoners humanely? Here is some specific evidence: Photographs taken by Gaza journalists have shown newly released detainees being treated in hospitals, the skin around their wrists worn down with deep cuts from the tight restraints Israeli forces kept on them, sometimes for weeks at a time.... “The presumption that military-aged males are combatants is troubling,” Mr. Finucane said. Francesca Albanese, the United Nations special rapporteur for the occupied Palestinian territories, said in October that designating civilians who did not evacuate as accomplices to terrorism was not only a threat of collective punishment, but could constitute ethnic cleansing. https://archive.ph/S6a4Y “Getting to the bottom of numbers has been extremely difficult, but we have heard that it runs into the thousands,” said Sunghay. “They described being beaten, humiliated, subjected to ill treatment and to what may amount to torture,” he added. “There are reports of men who were subsequently released — but only in diapers, without any adequate clothing in this cold weather.” Sunghay also said the released detainees “reported being blindfolded for long periods — some of them for several consecutive days,” and that most said “they were taken at some time into Israel,” although they could not determine specifically where. https://www.voanews.com/a/un-accuses-israel-of-detaining-mistreating-thousands-of-palestinians-/7447577.html And you know for a fact that all the people being detained are Hamas members? This is the testimony of Mosab Abu Tosa, a Palestinian poet. Fortunately for him, he had enough friends in America that he ultimately got released. "And the Israelis, by the way, accused me of being a Hamas member. You know, I mean, what a ridiculous accusation. I have been living in America for the past four years. And I’ve been hurt, you know, without — I asked them. I asked the Israeli captain if they have any photograph, if they have any satellite photo of me holding a weapon or being in any place that could cause any harm to you. And he slapped me in the face. He said, “You give me the proof!”" https://www.democracynow.org/2023/12/7/mosab_leaving_gaza
  22. Had you bothered to read the articles I linked to you would have seen that there is evidence. And Israel's refusal even to provide proof of life of these prisoners, much less allow the Red Cross to see them, is quite damning.
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