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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. This hasn't got much attention at all in the media: UN Accuses Israel of Detaining, Mistreating Thousands of Palestinians Addressing journalists in Geneva by video link from Gaza, Ajith Sunghay, OHCHR representative in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, said he met “a number” of released detainees who said they’d been held by Israel Defense Forces for between 30 and 55 days. “Getting to the bottom of numbers has been extremely difficult, but we have heard that it runs into the thousands,” said Sunghay. “They described being beaten, humiliated, subjected to ill treatment and to what may amount to torture,” he added. https://www.voanews.com/a/un-accuses-israel-of-detaining-mistreating-thousands-of-palestinians-/7447577.html
  2. Stop trying to come between me and my arch-enemy. This is no place for civilians.
  3. Those Houthis seem quite formidable. How a Ragtag Militia in Yemen Became a Nimble U.S. Foe For years, the scrappy Iran-backed Yemeni rebels known as the Houthis did such a good job of bedeviling American partners in the Middle East that Pentagon war planners started copying some of their tactics. Noting that the Houthis had managed to weaponize commercial radar systems that are commonly available in boating stores and make them more portable, a senior U.S. commander challenged his Marines to figure out something similar. By September 2022, Marines in the Baltic Sea were adapting Houthi-inspired mobile radar systems. source
  4. Get a grip. I just pointed out that because his statement was so blatantly false, it must mean that he didn't know about the blockade. . To your way of thinking, apparently, if someone makes a true statement, that also means they must be ignorant. Had I mentioned the reasons for the blockade, would that have made his assertion less false? More false? And if I had some hidden agenda to bash Israel, why did I mention Egypt as well? You are losing it.
  5. Well given that Hamas espouses a genocidal ideology, it doesn't only want "to regain control of the land that used to be theirs."
  6. Do you think that because you made the original quote, you have the right to misleadingly truncate it? Here it is once again in its entirety: You think a country that is under blockade by Israel and Egypt is "already free from Israel"?
  7. Well, they also espouse a genocidal agenda. Not that they have the means to actually carry it out. But still...
  8. I guess you missed the memo that said Israel and Egypt have been blockading Gaza since at least 2007.
  9. How rich he got. I'm reminded of Ann Richards comment about George W. Bush. Something to the effect that he was born on third base and thinks he hit a home run. In fact, Trump destroyed his father's business and ended up deeply in debt because of overpaying for various other businesses. In other words, he got outnegotiated. It was only The Apprentice that rescued him from penury. As was pointed out, if he had just invested the money his father gave him in an index fund, he would have done better.
  10. And when I think of how many fathers have died during childbirth and from complications of pregnancy, it just makes me so mad that they don't get the final say.
  11. I wasn't aware that Neeranam took a cheap shot alleging plagiarism. It was the gratuitous nastiness that I was objecting to.
  12. If that's the case, then the mods agreed with me about the quality of the post I originally objected to.
  13. Their usual casual style. Maybe he composed this over time. Who knows? But making unfounded allegations is taking a cheap shot. Engaging with him on the facts and reasoning or the lack thereor isn''t
  14. I just pointed out that Morch had no evidence to support his claim that Neeranam committed plagiarism. You then jumped in. If you got a problem with Neeranam being the topic, look to yourself. Or Morch.
  15. An irrelevant thought. This forum is open to all members of aseannow.com
  16. Someone was accused of plagiarism which is a serious accusation. I think it's a good thing that I'm going after someone who offers only nonsense to defend that accusation.
  17. Because someone from a previously colonial nation is critical of the present situation and proposes changes, that is proof of a colonialist mentality? What about all those countries that were previously colonized by European nations including the UK and share Neeranam's views? What makes your statement even loonier is that it was the UK Foreign Minister Anthony Balfour who issued the famous or infamous, depending on one's viewpoint, Balfour Declaration which promised to hand over a piece of colonial territory to become a national home for the Jewish people. That looks a lot like drawing lines in the sand to me. If anything, it would make more sense to say that Neeranam is opposing the colonialist past of the UK. Maybe not a lot of sense, but more.
  18. If that's the case, then how was it on topic to accuse someone of plagiarism? You could have just addressed the issues raised or asked for evidence to support his claims.
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