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  1. Aren't you the person who predicted fiat currency was going to fail several years ago? Anyway, your idea of common sense is uncommon nonsense. And your lack any real knowledge of the situation is obvious. Clearly it consists of memes and other dubious assertions that you've encountered elsewhere. Take, for example, your assertion about Ice age predictions. Denialists repeatedly make the false claim you've adopted. What follows is what valid evidence looks like: The Myth of the 1970 Scientific Consensus on Global Cooling. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26220900 The small fraction of studies predicting cooling received a lot of media attention in the 1970s. The idea of a forthcoming ice age made for great headlines. The effect of this disproportionate media coverage persists today, as some people and organizations continue to perpetuate the idea that an ice age was predicted in the 1970s. https://skepticalscience.com/ice-age-predictions-in-1970s-intermediate.htm
  2. Whatever the human contribution was back then, it doesn't compare in rate of change to what is happening now.
  3. The fact is that they weren't climatologists. Stop trying to introduce contrary-to-fact hypotheses into the discussion. They are pointless.
  4. "Less than 1% of the names listed describe themselves as climatologists or climate scientists... According to an independent 2019 count of the declaration's signatories, 21% were engineers, many linked to the fossil fuel industry. Others were lobbyists, and some even worked as fishermen or airline pilots." https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/09/16/fact-check-did-1200-climate-experts-sign-declaration-denying-climate-emergency Various members of CLINTEL’s list of ambassadors, and its extended list of signatories, have connections to libertarian free-market groups with a history of climate science denial, including the Heartland Institute, the Cato Institute, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute.7 All three organisations are members of the Koch-funded Atlas Network.8 9 https://www.desmog.com/climate-intelligence-foundation-clintel/
  5. 'I was just there to do a job': Ex-utility worker recalls confrontation with Utahn later shot by FBI Before a Utah man pointed a revolver at the FBI agents who would shoot and kill him and before Provo police said he met other officers at his doorstep with a semiautomatic rifle, a former utility worker remembers fearing for his own life when he says Craig Deleeuw Robertson pointed a handgun at him in 2018. "I was actually up on the power pole with a whole spool of cable when he came out," Caiden Taylor recalled Wednesday in an interview with KSL. "And I have never climbed down a ladder faster in my life." https://www.ksl.com/article/50711472/i-was-just-there-to-do-a-job-ex-utility-worker-recalls-confrontation-with-utahn-later-shot-by-fbi
  6. Whatever the results of that appeal may be, I doubt that any party to the appeal is going to be invoking the Declaration of Independence to support their case. Or claiming that the case should be dismissed because the author of a clause in the Constitution was an idiot.
  7. I have no doubt that elected officials played a big role in selling out native Hawaiians. How does this not support the fact that their welfare hasn been betrayed by selling them out to the highest bidders?
  8. Human Versus Natural Causes Scientists have pieced together a record of the earth’s climate by analyzing a number of indirect measures of climate, such as ice cores, tree rings, glacier lengths, pollen remains, and ocean sediments, and by studying changes in the earth’s orbit around the sun.2 This record shows that the climate varies naturally over a wide range of time scales, but this variability does not explain the observed warming since the 1950s. Rather, it is extremely likely (> 95%) that human activities have been the dominant cause of that warming. https://www.epa.gov/climatechange-science/causes-climate-change#:~:text=Human Versus Natural Causes&text=Rather%2C it is extremely likely,dominant cause of that warming.&text=Human activities have contributed substantially,Absorption of the Sun's Energy
  9. More information can be found here: https://www.greenbiz.com/article/alternative-copper-thats-less-carbon-intensive
  10. Galvorn is stronger than steel, lighter than aluminum, and has the conductivity of copper, according to an article on LinkedIn. While the jury is still out on whether it’s faster than a speeding bullet, experts at Houston-based DexMat suggest their product can revolutionize the green tech landscape. Galvorn can be an alternative to rare and expensive copper — a crucial metal in electronics, according to a report from GreenBiz. https://news.yahoo.com/scientists-discover-magical-material-stronger-100000581.html The article goes on to list other uses for the new material.
  11. What about installing a heatpump? Would that help reduce the initial draw on power? A study by the Florida Solar Energy Center found that high-efficiency heat pumps could reduce cooling energy consumption by up to 30% compared to conventional air conditioning systems. However, it is essential to choose a heat pump with a high seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) for optimal performance in Florida's climate. https://www.ecolivinginspiration.com/post/heat-pump-technology-in-extreme-climates-florida-vs-ottawa
  12. One of these days you're going to actually provide evidence to back this up. Given the reality of the situation, most likely I will be here to show why that evidence is invalid.
  13. It's an organization with a political axe to grind. It receives most of its money from conservative sources. So it's only a grassroots organization, if that grass is astroturf.
  14. Cost of Living in Hawaii in 2023 According to a study by the Missouri Economic Research and Information Center in 2019, Hawaii has the highest cost of living in the nation with an index of 191.8. The national average index was set at 100 and Hawaii absolutely crushed it with the closest 2nd being the District of Columbia at an index of 159. https://www.dwellhawaii.com/blog/cost-of-living-in-hawaii/
  15. Thanks for mentioning Grassroots Hawaii, an extreme rightwing libertarian organization: "The organization's stated mission is to "educate people about the values of individual liberty, economic freedom, and accountable government."[5] It promotes free market values and produces research on subjects like the Jones Act and pension issues. The organization is a member of the State Policy Network, a conservative and libertarian network of state-based think tanks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grassroot_Institute_of_Hawaii Grassroot Institute of Hawaii is a member of the State Policy Network....Although SPN's member organizations claim to be nonpartisan and independent, the Center for Media and Democracy's in-depth investigation, "EXPOSED: The State Policy Network -- The Powerful Right-Wing Network Helping to Hijack State Politics and Government," reveals that SPN and its member think tanks are major drivers of the right-wing, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)-backed corporate agenda in state houses nationwide, with deep ties to the Koch brothers and the national right-wing network of funders.[8]... The Grassroot Institute of Hawaii has hosted writers from the ALEC-connected Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity, which screens potential reporters on their “free market” views as part of the job application process.[11] https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Grassroot_Institute_of_Hawaii
  16. The article you cited is only about Lahaina. Not about the whole island. It doesn't even address how water is taken from the relatively water-rich parts of the island and transferred to the low rainfall coast. https://archive.ph/jnC9f https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/13/us/lahaina-water-failure.html
  17. Thanks for providing no evidence to support your refutation. Here's an article dating from before the big fire. 'Hurting for water': Hawaii resorts worsen Maui's water shortage The coastline is actually dry, receiving less than 10 inches of water per year. It gets the majority of its water from Central Maui — the area of Kahului and around Wailuku — where residents are sometimes urged to conserve. “The fact is that the people where the water originates are hurting for water,” Lucienne de Naie, chairperson for Sierra Club Maui Group, told SFGATE. “There are definitely shortages of water from overtourism, and those shortages of water are impacting an area we call Na Wai Eha.” https://www.sfgate.com/hawaii/article/hawaii-resorts-worsen-maui-water-problems-18210790.php
  18. Of course, one of the reasons that they have to leave is that housing costs have skyrocketed. THE PRICE OF PARADISE AS HOME PRICES SPIKE NATIONWIDE, MAUI FACES THE PEAK OF A SYSTEMIC HOUSING CRISIS. MANY BORN AND RAISED ON-ISLAND ARE LEAVING FOR MORE AFFORDABLE STATES AS AFFLUENT NEWCOMERS BUY PROPERTIES AT RECORD SPEED. On a busy Thursday afternoon at Kahului Airport, Kawika Kaina and his family pulled up to the curb in their silver Toyota Tundra amidst a flurry of rental cars and departing tourists. Kaina, 40, hugged his teenage daughter Deslyn and his niece Lauae and kissed his wife Pohai goodbye before he and his oldest daughter Deisia gathered their oversized suitcases and walked towards the crowded check-in counter, towards a new life in Nevada. Kaina and Pohai and their four children were born and raised in Hana, as were his parents and grandparents. They are moving to Reno because they cannot — and likely will never be able to — afford a home on Maui if they stay https://mauitimes.news/the-price-of-paradise/
  19. This might be a reason why outsides aren't so welcome: Why was there no water to fight the fire in Maui? Big corporations, golf courses and hotels have been taking water from locals for years. Now the fire may result in even more devastating water theft. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/aug/17/hawaii-fires-maui-water-rights-disaster-capitalism
  20. Thanks for the passive aggressive reply. Given your past responses, you may understand "self-explanatory" in theory, but not in practice.
  21. Given that the Declaration of Independence is not only not a legal document, nor even a U.S. document, the point you are making is ridiculous. As is your point about an idiot being responsible. Whoever was responsible is irrelevant. The words are in the Montana Constitution. As such, they have legal force.
  22. They are just appearing now because Trump's lowyers kept on using delaying tactics to slow the investigation. And their motions mostly got shot down because they were baseless.
  23. Only to a paranoid conspiratorial thinker would the OP imply that. Can you quote where that implication is located?
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