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  1. Maybe, sweetheart, you should try to grasp the fact that x number of immigrants who are making it through to the UK by itself tells us nothing about the efforts being made to slow this emigration.. It's the percentage that are making it through that counts. You got any figures for that? Maybe a totalitarian nation could mine the beaches to slow the exodus. France, not so much.
  2. I don't understand. Even though Trump is being tried in Federal court in the Mar a Lago case, Dershowitz and Turley believe that's the one that poses the greatest threat to him.
  3. The thing about New Hampshire is that in some ways, its Republican electorate is very different to those in other states. The politics of New Hampshire, America’s quirkiest state, explained "The state is deeply fiscally conservative — endorsing an income tax is only slightly less politically toxic than endorsing Putin — and a strong libertarian streak runs through it. Further, in the age of political polarization down educational lines — college-educated voters flock to Democrats and those without degrees break heavily toward the GOP — it is one of the most educated states in the United States. And it’s one of the least religious states in a country where church attendance is a key predictor of partisanship among white voters." https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2022/10/13/23400859/politics-new-hampshire-america-quirkiest-state-explained
  4. This only goes to show that you don't understand the difference between the Fed and politicians. If the Fed were truly a political outfit in service to the current administration, then it wouldn't have raised interest rates to the current level with the possibility of it raising them higher.
  5. And how long did it take for the UK to come to an agreement about this? France proposed it at least as far back as Nov 28, 2021. And it's a mark of how empty the case you make is that you invoke the future as some kind of evidence.
  6. If that's the case, it's only because Aileen Cannon is the judge in the Mar a Lago documents case. Even Dershowitz and Turley think that case looks bad for Trump.
  7. Or, it could be that these results reflect what that profound thinker, Stephen Colbert, once said in words to this effect: "it's a well-known fact that reality has a liberal bias."
  8. The papers have some inherent shortcomings. Political beliefs are subjective, and ideas about what is liberal or conservative might change depending on the country. Both the University of East Anglia paper and the one from Park’s team that suggested ChatGPT had a liberal bias used questions from the Political Compass, a survey that has been criticized for years as reducing complex ideas to a simple four-quadrant grid. https://archive.ph/zQ6tj https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/08/16/chatgpt-ai-political-bias-research/
  9. And unlike the 2021 big numbers, this is not a rebound effect.
  10. "A trio of water-saving basins will ensure the new locks reuse 60 percent of that water, replenishing the canal and helping to ensure that officials won’t need to flood communities to generate the water lost if the locks dumped into the ocean. Aleman says the extra water needed for the expansion will raise the banks of 160-square-mile Gatun Lake by only 18 inches, and even that will only occur once a year, at the end of the rainy season." https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna15413300
  11. If they're so rational, why is the party doing its best to damage the Chinese economy? They've managed to scare investors away. Chinese capital is feeling the country. They're managing to take more and more money from the private sector to prop up the money losing state sector. The CCP is actually undermining the strength of China. If it goes to war, it will be out of weakness, not strength.
  12. Thank you for sharing with us your conspiracy theory. And your concern for minorities is touching...make that touched.
  13. While carbon dioxide levels continue to climb, more than a century of warming has also made the climate more hostile to plants. Drier conditions in many parts of the world mean that, even as plants get more carbon dioxide, they are also losing more of the other key ingredient needed for photosynthesis — water. https://e360.yale.edu/digest/climate-change-carbon-emissions-plants-photosynthesis
  14. Nature abhors a vacuum. That's why conspiracy theories are sucked into empty heads.
  15. And it's not just Trump advisors Was Kanye West's Former Publicist Indicted Alongside Trump in Georgia Election Case? "These claims were true. They refer to a woman named Trevian C. Kutti who, in late 2020, claimed to represent law enforcement officials to election worker Ruby Freeman in an effort, prosecutors say, to compel a false statement of election fraud from her. That story, first reported by Reuters in December 2021, describes those actions, which were captured on video:" https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/kanye-former-publicist-indicted/ Here's a reminder about the accusation levelled against these 2 workers: Georgia poll workers accused in Trump-backed conspiracy theories cleared of election fraud allegations Allegations of election fraud against two Georgia election workers who became the subjects of a Trump-backed conspiracy theory in the aftermath of the 2020 election were found to be "false and unsubstantiated," according to an investigative report released Tuesday by the Georgia Elections Board. Ruby Freeman and her daughter, Wandrea "Shaye" Moss, both former election workers from Fulton County, faced threats of violence from conspiracy theorists after their election-night conduct on a polling place livestream proliferated online among right-wing election deniers who believed Donald Trump won the 2020 election. https://abcnews.go.com/US/probe-finds-allegations-election-fraud-mother-daughter-poll/story?id=100250712
  16. Thanks for the update on the pardon. As for the other part, I think it depends on whether or not Trump's efforts to undo the election are judged to be official acts. I would think not, but who knows? Aileen Carroll isn't the only incompetent Trump nominated.
  17. It turns out that because the trial concerns actions taken during the Trump presidency, it's possible that the trial can be transferred to a federal court. If that turns out to be what happens, then contrary to what I've claimed elsewhere (I can't track it down) Trump or some other President, could pardon Trump were he to be convicted in that venue. There is still some legal question over whether a President can pardon themself, though. "A federal law, known as a “removal statute,” generally allows an “officer of the United States” facing charges in state court to transfer the proceedings to federal court if the alleged behavior falls under their governmental duties. Some legal experts have argued that transfer in these circumstances is not appropriate because interfering with the results of an election does not count as conduct falling within an officer’s official duties. Meadows filed his motion in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, where his request was assigned to Judge Steve Jones, an Obama appointee." https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/15/meadows-georgia-case-federal-court-00111382
  18. Comments like this one definitely confirm your earlier one about how you "not understand all that stuff you go on about."
  19. The person who composed the report was one of the people ex-President Trump read to from a document he acknowledged was classified.
  20. I have disappointing news for those of you misguided souls who think that Trump is going to be convicted. Trump vows to release ‘irrefutable’ report exonerating him in Georgia election-tampering case Donald Trump claimed Tuesday he will share an “irrefutable” report next week proving there was 2020 presidential election fraud after being indicted for allegedly tampering with the race’s results in Georgia. The former president announced on Truth Social that he will present the “CONCLUSIVE Report” to the media at a press event Monday in Bedminster, NJ, where his Trump National Golf Club just hosted a Saudi-backed LIV golf tournament over the weekend. “A Large, Complex, Detailed but Irrefutable REPORT on the Presidential Election Fraud which took place in Georgia is almost complete & will be presented by me at a major News Conference at 11:00 A.M. on Monday of next week,” the current leading 2024 GOP presidential contender wrote. https://nypost.com/2023/08/15/trump-vows-to-release-irrefutable-report-exonerating-him-in-georgia-election-tampering-case/ So, despite the fact the the Georgia vote was counted, not once, not twice, but 3 times, including once by hand, and that 2 forensic teams hired by the Trump campaign, found no significant evidence of fraud, this time it's for real. MAGA!
  21. what is so hard to understand about this from the State Constitution? The Montana case revolved around language in the state Constitution that guarantees residents “the right to a clean and healthful environment,” and stipulates that the state and individuals are responsible for maintaining and improving the environment “for present and future generations.”
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