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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. The thing is, anthropogenic climate change is based on very old science. The properties of greenhouse gases were well established by the end of the 19th century. Despite that, I often read denialists claiming that gasses that constitute such a small percentage of the atmosphere can't possibly be responsible for the warming of the land and sea.
  2. What do you think the consensus of climatologists is about the threats posed by human cause climate change?
  3. I agree with you. How could heybruce ever hope to compete with such nonsense as: "We are the noble and wise elites, we know everything, we can never be wrong, and it is our duty to control the behavior of the stupid atavistic masses for their own good." as a way to characterize science.
  4. What has the video got to do with the content of Devon Archer's testimony? Your comment is a particularly lame attempt at deflection.
  5. Via the Wall Street Journal, this is from Republican Congressman Andy Biggs, a strong supporter of Donald Trump "Rep. Andy Biggs (R., Ariz.), a member of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, said Archer testified that only pleasantries were exchanged when Joe Biden was on the phone with his son during meetings. Still, Biggs said that he was confident that the testimony implicated Biden in his son’s business activities." https://archive.ph/B1YE4#selection-323.0-323.342 https://www.wsj.com/articles/devon-archer-joined-calls-joe-biden-son-hunter-biden-264e66f0
  6. Eventually they will release the transcript. But the delay gives them time to spin.
  7. Yet you claimed that Goldman "twisted Archer's words." You know this how? You stated it as a fact, not a surmise.
  8. And you know it was twisted how? Do you have access to a transcript of Archer's testimony? In fact, why was this testimony held behind closed doors? Is there anything in Archer's testimony that could affect National Security or some other governmental processes? Why didn't the Republicans want this testimony to be done openly?
  9. What's truly bizarre is the existence of memes claiming that the CFC caused problem was some kind of fake.
  10. Another dishonest post. No climatologist to my knowledge has ever denied that climate changes over time. The issue is rate of change and what is contributing to that rate of change. The rest of your post is just another evidence-free conspiracy theory.
  11. It's not at all a sure tihng that one will follow. It's not at all sure a re-glaciation will occur or that it won't be delayed. It may even come sooner. Lots of variables come into play with anthropogenic global heating.
  12. Don't flatter yourself. I could care less about you. But this is the World News Forum. And when you claim false things, you're going to get called to account.
  13. I don't really want to go into this but for Dershowitz a hugely important issue is Israel and he rejoiced in Trump's hardline support of Netanyahu. Whereas his criticisms of other Trump policies were decidedly tepid. So I suspect, that for all his naysaying, Dershowitz actually does support Trump.
  14. He wasn't prosecuting and he wasn't investigating. So no coincidence.
  15. Because all the human beings I know of, don't live thousands of years. And the rate of change may not matter to you, but it is scientifically significant. I couldn't care less about your feelings in respect to a scientific issue.
  16. Stop making things up. There is no record in the past 125000 years at least, of temperature rise occurring this rapidly. Even if I had the expertise to fully understand the science, would have the expertise to understand it. In an example I cited earlier, complicated statistical analysis was required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Higgs Boson had been found. Would you understand the explanation from a physicist given the complicated techniques involved? If they can't prove it so you can understand it, does that mean it's not proven? Get over yourself.
  17. First off, you don't know that. The current era of Ice Ages has lasted about 3 million years. It may come back a lot sooner if it turns out that would be the consequence of a severe disruption of major ocean current systems. Or it might not happen if the atmosphere gets too warm because of excess greenhouse gases. But even if it does happen, you, like so many other denialists, don't seem to understand the issue of rate of change.
  18. From the CNN article CONCLUSION Shokin was not prosecuting Burisma. Even if, contrary to fact, he was investigating Burisma. the fact is that Biden was acting as the messenger, not the instigator. The State Dept recommended that Shokin be fired and the EU was behind it. And there's this: "On the same day, his office carried out a raid against one of Ukraine's leading anti-corruption groups, the Anti-Corruption Action Center (AntAC), claiming that it had misappropriated aid money.[21] AntAC was a frequent critic of the Prosecutor General's Office under Shokin.[34] In one notorious case, two of Shokin's prosecutors were caught with stashes of diamonds, cash and valuables in their homes, likely indicating bribery. Prosecutors from another department of Shokin's office were fired or reassigned when they attempted to bring a prosecution against the so-called "diamond prosecutors".[35]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Shokin
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