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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. I guess I should be flattered that you would ask me, an anonymous member of aseannow.co for the answer to this question rather than consult the numerous resources that are available on the internet. Still, rather than have you be possibly misinformed by me, I decided for the sake of your education to google for an answer to this question: What causes ice ages? I came up with an authoritative link that explains what causes ice ages. (And just to be precise, we are still in an ice age.) https://gml.noaa.gov/education/info_activities/pdfs/PSA_ice_ages.pdf However, the fact that we are in an interglacial period of the current Ice Age, has nothing to do with current accelerated rate of change. An issue which you addressed with one word: "Still"
  2. Yes, Farage's deep knowledge of economics, particularly trade, would have been a major resource for the government to draw on.
  3. Good point. What reall condemns the left is their support of the birther movement, QAnon, and stolen election conspiracy theories. Clearly, whatever crazy vicious beliefs right wingers endorse pale by comparison.
  4. Coal plants are being closed because they aren't economically competitive. They are also a huge public health hazard with the costs incurred by their pollution paid for by others. As for nuclear reactors, they typically incur huge cost overruns when they are being built. And virtually all defunct nuclear plants which have had to be shut on account of their age, haven't managed to find any takers to dispose of spent fuel rods.
  5. Who said these people are experts on the Climate change? Obsessed much? So, for this alleged blocking to be the case, there would have to be a conspiracy on a massive scale to accomplish that. Please share with us the evidence that this is the case.
  6. I guess your argument is just because the entire globe, both land and seas are getting warmer, that doesn't mean climate change is going to affect the entire globe.
  7. What is it about human-caused climate change denialists that apparently makes them incapable of understand the concept of rates. If you were offered 2 equally safe savings accounts, one that offerd 1% interest and another that offered 10% interest, I guess it would be a matter of indifference to you which account you would chose. After all, both are increasing, so rates are irrelevant. John Paulos, a mathematician, coined the word "innumeracy". Basically it's the equivalent of illiteracy but applied to math. The rates at which glaciers are melting and global average temperature is rising are unprecedented for hundreds of thousand of years. What is so difficult to understand about this?
  8. Sure. A week ago he gave a 25 minute speech at Howard University. You would have to suffering from some kind of neurological impairmentto believe that someone capable of doing that has dementia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxqYIl3eP0M
  9. What is "bumbling" about teling someone to "shush up"? Your comment is utterly Pavlovian.
  10. ‘Manipulative, deceitful, user’: Tara Reade left a trail of aggrieved acquaintances A number of those who crossed paths with Biden’s accuser say they remember two things: She spoke favorably about her time working for Biden, and she left them feeling duped. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/15/tara-reade-left-trail-of-aggrieved-acquaintances-260771
  11. From the article you linked to: "Thailand is susceptible to the effects of El Niño, which is forecast by the Department of Meteorology and weather experts to commence in June. The world, Thailand included, is expected to face an intense drought due to the occurrence of El Niño, leading to reduced rainfall during the rainy season, or possibly no rain at all."
  12. Did they give you a piece of leather to bite down on?
  13. The point of Durham's investigation was to establish that there was some sort of conspiracy in the Justice Dept against Trump. Had the FBI wanted to screw him over all they would have had to have done was leak that there was an on ongoing investigation of Trump's Russia ties during the campaign. Peter Strzok, who was maligned for writing emails bashing Trump was on that team. Yet, somehow, word never leaked out. Give up already.
  14. If the likelihood of the current heat wave is most likely due to human caused climate change, it's because that's what climatologists have determined. Not because you or I have decided, based on our local or regional weather, that this is the case.
  15. Which is why it's pointless to mention it.
  16. First off, you wrote this: "Does the government not control where you can go and for how long?" And of course it's been the case for a long long time that localities can exercise zoning laws. And who would doubt that governments have an obligation to protect public health from pollution? What has this got to do with deadly floods linked to climate crisis?
  17. So plain to see that it seems to have gone entirely unreported. At least among Brexiters and supporting media.
  18. Trying to make it personal instead of addressing the issue.
  19. I don't actually recall any of the Brexit campaigners claiming that after Brexit things would at first be difficult. I do recall Michael Gove claiming that the EU would relent and that free trade would prevail. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-36074853 Here's a link to Johnson's speech where he claims Brexit would be a win-win. Here's a link to UKIP's manifesto. Nothing about sacrifice and difficulties there: https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/ukipdev/pages/1103/attachments/original/1429295050/UKIPManifesto2015.pdf And of course there's the infamous bus campaign tying the recovery of 350 million pounds per week to the NHS Anyway, can you provide any independently confirmable evidence that the leading Brexiters were warning before the referendum that it wouldn't be plain sailing?
  20. So Brexit isn't a failure as long as its ongoing? For however long it takes? Despite what trends may show? Even if results contradict the predictions of its supporters? And who gets to decide when Brexit is over? How is that even defined? 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
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