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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. That claim would be laughed out of court. This was a civil trial. Just because not enough evidence was produced to qualify as a preponderance of evidence doesn't mean that the jury found that Carroll was lying. This kind of claim may sway public opinion, not judicial opinion.
  2. It's very common here for human caused climate change denialists to ask if climate change is real why are people still buying property in allegedly endangered areas. The fact is that home insurance rates are skyrocketing in areas like California, Florida and flood zones in general. So, while very wealthy people can afford to buy a home in these areas and rebuild, if necessary, for most people that's on the way to becoming out of reach.
  3. The document does exist but it's value as evidence is extremely questionable. Basically, it's an unredacted report from a confidential source. The FBI has a policy of not releasing such reports since revealing their contents could compromise the anonymity of those who made the confidential report. Also, because in and of themselves they have very little value as evidence. But I'm sure Comer knows this but is desperate to distract attention that his big reveal turned out to be a major flop.
  4. I noticed that you haven't pursued the issue of inflation. From Jan 1, 2012 to Jan 1, 2023, for example, cumulative inflation amounted to 16%. So, now your big scary 30% is down 14% in real terms. Much of that is due to expanded Medicaid and Medicare in the wake of the pandemic. The deficit in Social Security could be solved by requiring social security taxes to be paid on all yearly income including capital gains of over$260,000,
  5. 99% voted for a Right wing party? https://www.politico.eu/article/belgium-far-right-surge-elections-2019/ And you accuse the Green Party of incompetence?
  6. Is the starlink service free? I don't think so. I believe in the USA it starts at about$100 per month
  7. Why is it that right wingers always make generalizatons about the left based on particular responses?.
  8. I said for starters. And I guess you're going to continue with the childish "Come on, man" nonsense. It's revealing about the intellectual content of what you offer that you have to resort to such taunts.
  9. There's no reason? It's magic? Inflation might be a good reason, for starters.
  10. More nonsense. In effect, what you're claiming is that raising taxes on the wealthy never works. Only lowering them. Clinton did it, Obama did it and so did Biden. And your example of France is utterly irrelevant. France is a member of the EU. So its ultrawealthy were able to move to neighboring countries and have their income taxed at lower rates.
  11. And this is relevant how? Trump certainly wasn't there first. So why did you even bother making that post? As far as I can tell, your post is just about you harboring vicarious resentment against the Germans for how they reacted to Trump.. Once again, I still don't understand why you posted Trump's opposition to the pipeline when the oppostion to it was a position of the American govt that pre-dated his Presidency.
  12. Oh wait. Someone beat him to it: Obama to EU: Cut reliance on Russian gas PUBLISHED WED, MAR 26 2014 https://www.cnbc.com/2014/03/26/eu-to-press-obama-at-summit-for-aid-in-cutting-russian-gas-imports.html Oh wait. Someone else beat Trump to it Biden warns EU against Russian gas dependency August 25, 2016 https://www.dw.com/en/biden-warns-europe-against-dependency-on-russia-for-heating-oil-and-natural-gas/a-19503334
  13. What do you mean the effort isn't worth the cost? What does that even mean? It's not worth it to fund programs fully or at least at a constant level? This is just B.S. I don''t know why the budget has risen. I do know that Biden did manage to raise taxes enough to pay for the heightened financial support for Obamacare.
  14. Trying to increase revenue is bad? Because clawing back from all the tax breaks that the rich has been given over the years by various Republican administrations would be a bad thing? Why?
  15. Perhaps the chief characteristic of fascism is to claim that a certain majority group in the country, be it ethnic, racial, or religious, is threatened by a certain minority or certain minorities with sinister agendas.
  16. Why exactly is she "total joke of a woman'? You mean her lies about the Iraq invasion which she still supports? Can you share with us what policy positions she took, what bills she voted for that were backed by Democrats? But I do agree with you about her lies. After all, how otherwise could have compiled a record like this? Liz Cheney Voted With Trump 93 Percent of Her Congressional Career https://www.newsweek.com/liz-cheney-voted-donald-trump-93-percent-congress-1734186
  17. Please. This is a proposal that's been in the works for years and compliance is voluntary. What's more, it's still in the comments state. And you know that statement by Willie Sutton when asked why he robs banks? "Because that's were the money is."
  18. One item that shows how deeply dishonest the Republicans are is that they succeeded in getting some clawback of funding for the IRS. In other words, deficits are bad and so is increasing revenue. If anything shows how the rich exert undue influence in government it's actions like this.
  19. Why the federal budget is not like a household budget https://theconversation.com/why-the-federal-budget-is-not-like-a-household-budget-35498 Why comparing government and household spending doesn’t quite work https://www.marketplace.org/2023/02/16/why-comparing-government-and-household-spending-doesnt-quite-work/
  20. I don't think you understand that there's a difference between hypothesis and theory. In science there's a big difference between the two.. For an idea to graduate from hypthesis to theory takes a lot of evidence.
  21. Maybe she ran out of lies justifying the Iraq War during her tenure in the State Dept. As for principles, I think about Trump she got caught out on a limb and decided there was no way of going back.
  22. You mean the wife of an extreme right-wing Governor got one? Clear proof that the media is prejudiced against the wives of progressive governors.
  23. Until a week ago she was not even the wife of a declared candidate for the Presidential nomination. How many governors' wives get to be on the covers of national magazines?
  24. Germany is no longer an economic powerhouse? Really?
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