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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. I don't mean to offend you, but why don't you understand the simple explanation that Brexiters have been offering since the referendum was passed? Namely, "Brexit means Brexit".
  2. Well, to give them credit where credit is due, the Tories did delay and dither about hiring personnel to staff the bureaucracy of customs and immigration which was mostly an EU responsibility before the breakup. That played out briliantly.
  3. Is there a tipping point for Trump supporters to stop backing him? Here's what the science says https://uk.news.yahoo.com/tipping-point-trump-supporters-stop-152659593.html
  4. Unlike you, apparently, I don't have access to that alternate universe in which Brexit lost. So I have no way of knowing how it would have turned out had Remain won.
  5. One thing Durham didn't mention in his report was the fact that when he and Barr were pressuring the Italian intellgence agencies to come up with dirt on the Russia investigation, all they offered was a tip tying Trump to corruption. Although it wasn't within Durham's remit to investigate Trump, he took it upon himself to investigate. Word did get out that Italian intelligence did offer some sort of evidence about corruption but it didn't say who was implicated. Naturally, the right wing media ran with it and assumed it was about the usual suspects. Durham and Barr never said anything to discourage such speculation even though they knew better. Durham has never disclosed any specifics about that investigation.
  6. Actually, I read the piece and it's mostly about the Steele report. But even Durham acknowledged the investigation was not predicated on the Steele report. Anyway, it's a ridiculous piece since it posits some kind of mass conspiracy without offering any hard evidence.
  7. This could be quite significant. Maybe Floridians are becoming fed up with Desantis' attacks on Florida's largest employer and not happy with the very strict limits imposed by the abortion law that was recently passed. It seems Independents broke for the Democratic candidate on election day. Democrat Donna Deegan becomes first female mayor of Jacksonville https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/politics/elections/local/2023/05/16/democrat-donna-deegan-becomes-first-female-mayor-of-jacksonville/70220473007/
  8. Even if Joseph Bloggs had put the comment in quotes, your point would still be picayune. But, in fact, he accurately represented the meaning of what Farage said. How does this differ in meaning from what Joseph Bloggs wrote? "The Ukip leader said a small defeat for his leave camp would be “unfinished business” and predicted pressure would grow for a re-run of the 23 June ballot. Farage told the Mirror: “In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it.”
  9. Because Farage was such an unimportant figure in the Leave campaign.? You really want to go with that? Give me a break. And thanks for offering a contrary-to-fact assertion. That's the kind of thing that's worth the pixels it's printed in and no more.
  10. And what makes the charge of conspiracy against the FBI particularly ridiculous is that during the 2016 elections there was a special team of FBI agents investigating these charges. And yet it was never leaked that there was an ongoing investigation. Some conspiracy!
  11. This is the same Jonathan Turley who supported Judge Aileen Cannon's appointment of a special master in the Mar a Lago case. You know, the case where very conservatives judges tossed out her decision. And who believed that Durham had strong case against the 2 major defendants. You know, the cases where 2 members of Durham's team quit because they thought Durham didn't have the evidence to back up what he contended. And Durham and Barr were looking for an actual criminal conspiracy among members of the Justice Dept. They found nothing. Turley clearly is misusing the word "conspiracy".
  12. Do you understand what a conspiracy theory is? "a belief that some secret but influential organization is responsible for an event or phenomenon. "they sought to account for the attacks in terms of a conspiracy theory" For instance, believing that the Deep State, whatever that is, was responsible for the Russia investigation. Now that is a conspiracy theory.
  13. False. it's exactly what Farage said. Nigel Farage wants second referendum if Remain campaign scrapes narrow win Nigel Farage warns today he would fight for a second referendum on Britain in Europe if the remain campaign won by a narrow margin next month. The Ukip leader said a small defeat for his leave camp would be “unfinished business” and predicted pressure would grow for a re-run of the 23 June ballot. Farage told the Mirror: “In a 52-48 referendum this would be unfinished business by a long way. If the remain campaign win two-thirds to one-third that ends it.” https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/nigel-farage-wants-second-referendum-7985017 And as far as I can find, no one from the Brexit camp disagreed with him.
  14. If you found the above statement inflammatory, wait until you read this: Steve Bannon Slams Durham's 'Epic Failure' in Trump Probe ongtime Trump ally Steve Bannon harshly criticized the Durham report for not recommending criminal charges after his investigation into the FBI's Trump-Russia probe, blasting the special counsel's conclusions as an "epic failure." On a Tuesday episode of his podcast Bannon's War Room, Bannon said Special Counsel Robert Durham's report was an "epic failure" because Durham failed to bring convictions after a three-and-a-half-year investigation. https://www.newsweek.com/steve-bannon-slams-durhams-epic-failure-trump-probe-1800711
  15. You really need to get out your dictionary and look up the definition of inflammatory. You would have to be pre-inflamed to find that statement inflammatory. (especially of speech or writing) arousing or intended to arouse angry or violent feelings. "inflammatory slogans"
  16. As was found by both the Justice Dept Inspector general and conceded by Durham, the Justice Dept investigation of the Trump Russian connection was not predicated on the Steele Report. As has repeatedly been pointed out, there is nothing significantly different in Durham's conclusion from those arrived at by the Justice Dept. IG.
  17. It's not just a matter of being energy indendent. It's also about having enough of a reserve to counter OPEC when they restrict production and send prices skyrocketing. Of course, with time, and the growing use of renewables, OPEC's leverage will become less and less.
  18. If Jesus returned before that then it wouldn't be a problem, would it?
  19. If there's sufficient political pressure for another referendum, then there will be another referendum. I am sure, though, that to gain reentry, the UK is going to have to agree that for X number of years, the UK will be bound to stay in the EU. And as far as your claim that it was agreed that there would be only one referendum in perpetuity, I still haven't found any evidence for it.
  20. Nor can you predict if there would be a third referendum. Once again, as you pointed out, young people who lived with the UK being a member of the EU overwhelmingly have a favorable attitude towards the EU.
  21. Figurehead much? Tesla CEO Elon Musk says he must approve all new hires in internal email https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/15/tesla-ceo-elon-musk-says-in-email-he-must-approve-all-hires.html So much for Musk returning to spending more time managing his other enterprises.
  22. First off, the EU would have some say about what the UK could do if it were to rejoin. In addition you're assuming that it would go back and forth. You're the one who brought up the fact that demographics are working against sustaining Brexit.
  23. Not only did the Mueller investigation result in convictions, but as has been repeatedly pointed out ad nauseam, the report found that if a President was liable to criminal prosecution, there could have been 10 counts against Trump that could have been pursued.
  24. If that's what the citizens of the UK want, that's what they should get.
  25. As I've pointed out already, Nigel Farage specifically disagreed with that and I can't find any record of Brexiters contradicting him. And of course, I doubt it's constitutionally valid for one govt to rule out another vote in perpetuity. Unless, of course, you believe that democracy means never getting to say you're sorry and acting on it.
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