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  1. Video shows Russian soldiers fleeing Bakhmut outskirts, handing 3 square miles back to Ukrainian forces, Ukraine says Ukraine claims to have retaken a portion of Bakhmut, sharing footage of fleeing Russian soldiers. The video backs up a furious rant by a key Russian mercenary, who said that Russia had ceded ground. Exact figures — of land gains and soldier deaths — remain unclear as Russia clings on to most of the city. https://www.businessinsider.com/video-russia-soldiers-flee-bakhmut-cede-ground-ukraine-prigozhin-2023-5
  2. According to your way of thinking, the Tories are anti-Tory too, As a govt. spokesperson noted: “We wouldn’t get involved in the independent travel decisions of a private citizen who is not a member of the government.” https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/05/09/liz-truss-visit-taiwan-solidarity-against-china/
  3. More nonsense from you. There was plenty of reason to doubt at the time that the info on the laptops wasn't genuine. AS I've pointed out to you again and again, even the seasoned reporter who the NY Post assigned to write it up refused to do so because the laptops and their provenance hadn't been adequately investigated. And those who had possession of such information like Rudolph Giuliani refused to share data that could have confirmed the validity of the data. That's kind of bizarre, unless, of course, he wasn't sure about it either. And as explicitly documented, Comer conceded that he currently has no proof linking Joe Biden to any of those payments. Nothing. Zip. Nada. All he can offer is his belief. That's laughable.
  4. In other words, you can offer no actual evidence proving that Joe Biden was involved in criminal activities. Just like Comer.
  5. Here's what Comer said when asked what proof he had to tie Joe Biden to various payments: "“I don’t think anyone in America … would think that it’s just a coincidence that nine Biden family members have received money.” “We believe that the president has been involved in this from the very beginning. Obviously, we’re going to continue to look,” he added, characterizing Wednesday’s update as the “beginning stages” of his investigation." https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/10/james-comer-biden-probe-00096067 In other words, Comer still has got nothing.
  6. Now, if Trump was the frontrunner by far in the polling, then your suspicion would clearly be unfounded.
  7. Are you saying that Trump didn't even manage to get 400 votes in New Hampshire?
  8. Because if they do, that's going to make it harder to recruit confidential informants in the future, And depending on what the information is, it could endanger the confidential informant who filed this report.
  9. The kind of belief that you indulge in is faith-based, not evidence-based.
  10. They found that he merely sexually abused her. Totally exculpated!
  11. You want evidence to justify my claim about the hypocrisy of the GOP? Here ya go! Here’s what’s in the GOP bill to lift the U.S. debt limit House Republicans began their tenure in the majority by passing a bill that would rescind nearly $71 billion that Congress is providing the IRS to upgrade its technology and boost hiring. They have included the same proposal in their debt limit bill... The CBO has said that rescinding the IRS money actually would increase deficits by more about $120 billion over the coming decade due to the impact on the agency’s work https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/heres-whats-in-the-gop-bill-to-lift-the-u-s-debt-limit
  12. Maybe Trump likes being Carroll's piggybank. It looks like he's setting himself up so she can make another withdrawal. Live Updates: At Town Hall, Trump Insists, Falsely, That 2020 Vote Was ‘Rigged’ Donald Trump also praised the rioters on Jan. 6, and said he would pardon many of them. He then viciously mocked E. Jean Carroll, who won her sexual abuse and defamation case against him, as the audience laughed along. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2023/05/10/us/trump-cnn-town-hall or https://archive.is/8OtDo
  13. As the government spokesman noted she's going there as a private citizen. As a mere private citizen, is she eligible for government funding of her trip?
  14. Trump Furious That Jury Wasn’t Told Name of E. Jean Carroll’s Cat Donald Trump unleashed a barrage of attacks on a New York judge and jury late Tuesday after he was found liable for sexually abusing and defaming journalist E. Jean Carroll. Among the stranger complaints made by the former president—who now has to pay Carroll $5 million—was that the jury wasn’t informed about the name of his accuser’s cat: Vagina T. Fireball. “The partisan Judge & Jury on the just concluded Witch Hunt Trial should be absolutely ashamed of themselves for allowing such a travesty of Justice to take place,” Trump raged on his Truth Social platform. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-furious-that-jury-werent-told-name-of-e-jean-carrolls-cat Trump also went on to lie about Carroll's dress. He claimed that it wasn't allowed to be introduced into evidence. Actually his team fought against using the dress as evidence by refusing to give a sample of Trump's DNA. And when it was too late, Trump's team asked to see an appendix to the report about the dress (which they had the opportunity of seeing all along) and then deciding on the basis of that whether they would agree to have Trump provide a sample of his DNA. The judge ruled that this was an obvious delaying tactic and that the deadline for submitting such evidence had already passed.
  15. Really? I've demonstrated that the Republicans aren't sincere about deficits. And also explicitly answered your question about what gets kicked down a year. And you've demonstrated that you've got nothing.
  16. For one thing, increased IRS funding. For years the Republicans have been starving the IRS of funding in order to protect the wealthy. Part of the bill Biden got passed last year funed increased enforcement of the tax laws since there is rampant tax evasion going on on the part of the wealthy. It's explicitly part of the GOP's plan to stop funding this. Which only goes to show the utter falseness of their alleged concern about the deficit.
  17. His audience tops out at about 4 million and he gets 58 million views. Hmmmm...
  18. I don't think that Trump is the least bit appealing, even if that means the pope isn't Catholic
  19. It says a lot about you and nothing about Zelensky that you would call him a green shirted gremlin. But even if you had just used his actual name, your comment would merely have been baseless, instead of baseless and insulting. Are you seriously claiming that Zelensky doesn't have overwhelming support from the Ukrainian people?
  20. Becauseif the govt hadn't appropriate these funds for Ukraine, then that money would have gone to these departments instead?
  21. One tiny problem with your post is that there's plenty of evidence that he did subscribe to white naitonalist and neo-nazi ideology: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65539698
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