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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Or perhaps, unlike you, he understands that trade between the EU and Europe is largely free anyway. Tariffs are low or even nonexistent for the most part. Not going to make much of a difference either to the UK economy or the EU's.
  2. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/health-insurance/average-childbirth-cost/ Even if one don't have insurance, abortions cost far less: https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/dashboard/abortion-in-the-u-s-dashboard/ As for "dangerous" The comparative safety of legal induced abortion and childbirth in the United States The pregnancy-associated mortality rate among women who delivered live neonates was 8.8 deaths per 100,000 live births. The mortality rate related to induced abortion was 0.6 deaths per 100,000 abortions. In the one recent comparative study of pregnancy morbidity in the United States, pregnancy-related complications were more common with childbirth than with abortion. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22270271/
  3. Abortions are far less dangerous than pregnancies are to a pregnant woman. Abortions are only expensive if someone has to travel out of state and stay in hotels and pay for transportation to have one. And abortion by medication is very inexpensive. Once again, you're making things up. Stop making things up.
  4. Can you please share with us the evidence that Florida schools are or were teaching critical race theory? Maybe for a change you could stop making things up. Anyway, since the Florida schools didn't and don't teach critical race theory, there's no "instead" about it. And it's clearly a lot more to the point to teach the facts about sex and contraception than it is to teach some general idea of personal responsibility. How would that even work? Teach via fables?
  5. As I pointed out earlier, Stephen Moore is a know liar and genuine incompetent. As the 2008 real estate market was crashing he said everything was fine. Ultimately, he blamed the crash on too much regulation of the banks.
  6. What do you mean there's no way to keep them separate. Apparently you have no experience with even basic bookkeeping. Such nonsense.
  7. The problem is that if he doesn't work on his fair share of Sundays, then someone else would have to.
  8. At this point, a lot depends on the Fed. I think they should take a break from rate hikes and see what happens.
  9. This is excellent news, of course. Usually, when producer prices fall, then in the following months goods tend to follow suit.
  10. Nobody who has posted here should count on the Supreme Court agreeing with you. They have definitely embarked on a program to tear down the wall between church and state.
  11. And yet here you are allegedly unconcerned about the issue. What is wrong with this picture?
  12. In georgia it was a hand rrecount conducted under the auspices of a state govt that is entirely Republican. In Arizona the recount was conducted under the auspices of the Republican State Senate.
  13. Treating that 21 year old who swore an oath when he jointed the military as only a victim is also pathetic. The system is clearly bad and has been that way a long time. And it badly needs reform. That doesn't make your boy blameless.
  14. Thanks for the correction. And as I pointed out earlier, I'd be interested to know if Thomas was contributing to the support of his mother before the sale. If so, not having to pay rent would clearly have monetary value to Thomas, just as much as a gift of actual cash.
  15. And you can't help coming up with empty jibes that don't address the facts. You've got nothing.
  16. Maybe you should crawl out of your basement and recognize that the year is 2023 Plunge in border crossings could blunt GOP attack on Biden A sharp drop in illegal border crossings since December could blunt a Republican point of attack against President Joe Biden as the Democratic leader moves to reshape a broken asylum system that has dogged him and his predecessors. https://apnews.com/article/asylum-immigration-poll-biden-border-dbfb4af09d4beb81f4f1d450d4d66f29
  17. Actually, there's a far more important reason that we both forgot. As the rich get to keep more and more of their income thanks to right wing success in lowering taxes and creating tax dodges, they've accumulated more and more liquidity, while the middle class has less. So you have more money chasing investments. There are only so many productive investments an economy can offer So instead money starts going after assets like stocks. So naturally stock prices tend to rise sharply. The rich got to park their money somewhere.
  18. Not only that. Just to make that more women in Florida get pregnant, the legislature is going after Planned Parenthood. by depriving them of state funding. Their excuse is that Planned Parenthood supports abortion services. However, the money from Florida goes to contraceptive and other health services. Not to abortion. Defund Planned Parenthood? Florida is going to try. A federal judge previously blocked part of a 2016 abortion law. Citing the Supreme Court case that reversed Roe v. Wade, Florida’s attorney general on Wednesday filed a motion to reinstate part of a 2016 law that would have blocked state funds from going to Planned Parenthood and other organizations that perform abortions. https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2023/02/22/abortion-moody-desantis-planned-parenthood-clinic-funding/
  19. Did you not pay attention to the part about Florida being massively gerrymandered. And the state legislature making it virtually impossible for a citizen sponsored referendums to make it to the ballot box. This happened in the wake of a overwhelming vote by the citizenry to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour.
  20. You want to educate people. You do that by teaching. Not by punishment. Don’t say “period”: How Florida Republicans are taking aim at basic sex education "Florida schools are not required to teach sex education, but are required to teach comprehensive health education. There is no statewide curriculum for sex education, which makes instruction inconsistent across the state, according to an ABC report." https://www.vox.com/policy/2023/3/24/23649277/dont-say-period-florida-republicans-restricting-sex-education#:~:text=Florida schools are not required,according to an ABC report.
  21. How long do you think it will be before Tucker Carlson and others start hailing him as a hero? The new Kyle Rittenhouse.
  22. If she even knows she's pregnant inside of 6 weeks. But after 6 weeks she has no right to have an abortion in Florida except in certain constricted circumstances. And of course it's about punishment. If it was about concern for children, these legislators would long since have passed legislation to see to it that all children in Florida have access to decent medical care. Same goes for those other states, too.
  23. Typical dishonest question. An honest question would be what has Biden accomplished? But this way, if someone lists what he's done you'll just claim that they're the opposite of good. Really, "hiding in the cellar"? You still broadcasting the nonsense from the 2020 election? Guess what, Biden is in the White House. I guess they have a cellar. What's your point?
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