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  1. Would you like to see the wind turbines and batteries work there?
  2. Even if the projections for these still nonexistent plants eventually pan out, we don't need them anymore. Everything is already falling into place for renewables.
  3. I forgot to include info about this French nuclear plant: French nuclear power plant is seven years late and costs have tripled An official report rapped French energy giant EDF on the knuckles on Monday for lacking a "culture of quality," as reflected in huge delays and price overruns at a nuclear plant it has been building for more than a decade... EDF's European Pressurised Reactor (EPR) reactor in Flamanville is now seven years late and costs have more than tripled to €12.4 billion. Earlier this month, the company said fixing faulty welding on the Flamanville reactor will add €1.5 billion to the already swollen price tag. https://www.thelocal.fr/20191028/french-nuclear-power-plant-is-seven-years-late-and-costs-have-tripled Flamanville-3 / EDF Announces Further Delay And €500 Million Cost Overrun The Flamanville-3 nuclear power plant project in northern France has been delayed by at least six more months and costs will increase by another €500m ($531m), plant supplier EDF said. The 1,630-MW EPR plant, which is already a decade behind schedule and has been dogged by repeated cost overruns, is now expected to start operations in the first quarter of 2024 and cost €13.2bn, EDF said. In January EDF had forecast construction costs of €12.7bn and said fuel loading at the plant would begin in the second quarter of 2023. Nuclear fuel loading is now scheduled for the first quarter of 2024. https://www.nucnet.org/news/edf-announces-further-delay-and-eur500-million-cost-overrun-12-2-2022
  4. I just listed huge cost overruns of nuclear power plants in Europe I could list the only one under construction in America if you like. Vogtle Nuclear Expansion Price Tag Tops $30 Billion An updated financial report from one of the owners of the Plant Vogtle nuclear expansion in Georgia shows the cost to build two new reactors has now topped $30 billion, more than double the original price tag expected for the project. The Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia (MEAG), one of four groups with an ownership stake in the Vogtle expansion, on May 6 raised its total cost forecast for the project to $7.8 billion, up from $7.5 billion. The group’s updated figures, when combined with cost estimates from the other owners, push the cost to build two new 1,100-MW reactors at the site in Waynesboro, Georgia, to at least $30.3 billion. https://www.powermag.com/vogtle-nuclear-expansion-price-tag-tops-30-billion/ And you couldn't be more wrong about the costs of solar and wind not including the cost of manufacturing and disposal. Do you know what LCOE stands for?. What's more solar panels are now being profitably recycled. And Siemens has recently figured out how to recycle wind turbine blades. And clearly you don't know a thing about how rapidly the cost of battery storage cost is declining. You might want to look up Form energy, among others And storage and renewables combined still are a lot cheaper than nuclear. And no one has any clear idea of what it's going to cost to dispose of a nuclear power plant. And the reason for that is it hasn't been done. Plenty of defunct plants now. But no one has yet managed to dispose of even one. Odd, no? And no insurer is willing to fully insure a nuclear power plant. That leaves taxpayers on the hook in case of a major failure.
  5. Profits are made by private parties from all sorts of programs and activities. Does that make them nefarious?
  6. New polling from ABC News and Ipsos shows former president Donald Trump’s favorability ratings collapsing in the aftermath of his April 4 arraignment and indictment the week prior. Breaking down the numbers, which saw a four-point dip to 25% favorability, “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski said Tuesday that Trump is “dropping like a rock,” and Willie Geist said the number is so low that he’s “starting to dip into being a fringe political candidate.” https://www.thewrap.com/morning-joe-trump-favorability-polling-msnbc-clip/
  7. Well, for one thing, Taiwan Semiconductor is probably the most advanced chipmaker in the world. So keeping that capability from China is worth it. Especially given the dark turn that Chinese governance has taken with the ascent of Xi.
  8. In fact, not only has the US appropriated extra funds for Taiwan, but it has also been pushing the Taiwanese to profit from the lessons of recent conflicts and invest heavily in asymmetric warfare rather than continue purchasing more conventional weaponry.. Taiwan can't possibly match China in brute military strength. And it needs to spend a lot more on its own defense. Taiwan is not a poor nation, It can afford to raise expenditures considerably.
  9. I got the terminology wrong. Rabies Immune globulin. It's not a vaccine. It's supposed to kick in whle your body is reacting to the vaccine. It can be made from the blood serum of either horses or humans. I had a friend here who got bitten by a stray dog and got her rabies shot here. When she went back to the states she went to a doctor and he was shocked that she wasn't also offered the option of the RIG. It's not cheap. I think it costs around 20,000 baht.
  10. Germany is not alone: Spain on track to complete nuclear power phase-out by 2035 https://www.power-technology.com/comment/spain-nuclear-power-phase-out/ Nuclear plant shut down in Switzerland https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2019/12/20/nuclear-plant-shut-down-in-switzerland Given that the decline in costs of renewables and storage is way ahead of what was projected even 3 years ago, I suspect a lot more counties will be following suit.
  11. How France’s prized nuclear sector stalled in Europe’s hour of need Meanwhile the French government is fully nationalising EDF, the state-controlled energy company running the power stations, to stop it going bankrupt. EDF’s new boss Luc Rémont said in October the company faces a “serious crisis”. https://www.france24.com/en/france/20230105-how-france-s-prized-nuclear-sector-stalled-in-europe-s-hour-of-need Finland's much-delayed nuclear plant launches Nuclear reactor Olkiluoto 3 has gone online in Finland some 12 years behind schedule and on a massively inflated budget. Finland now hopes to cut back on energy imports from Russia, Sweden and Norway. https://www.dw.com/en/finlands-much-delayed-nuclear-plant-launches/a-61108015#:~:text=But the project was plagued,2019 World Nuclear Industry Report. Hinkley Point C delayed by a year as cost goes up by £3bn The nuclear power station being built at Hinkley Point will start operating a year later than planned and will cost an extra £3bn, EDF has said. The revised operating date for the site in Somerset is now June 2027 and total costs are estimated to be in the range of £25bn to £26bn. EDF said it would have no cost impact on British consumers or taxpayers. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-somerset-61519609
  12. You think the Chinese are suicidal? That they would use nukes even if it meant their total destruction? You must have a very low opinion of the Chinese leadership.
  13. I'm not going to go through the whole thread to find out, but did you get a gamma globulin injection as well? https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/medical_care/hrig.html#:~:text=Human rabies immune globulin (HRIG,producing antibodies of its own.
  14. In the first case i quoted you and you don't get how laughable your claim is that because your wife gave birth in 20 minutes, and that childbirth is not a prolonged and painful experience. You know, you could actually look this stuff up before you make such outlandish claims. It too me literally less than minute to find this: "The average labor lasts 12 to 24 hours for a first birth and is typically shorter (eight to 10 hours) for other births. Throughout this time, you'll experience three stages of labor. The first stage of labor is usually the longest and it ranges from when you first go into labor until your cervix is open." https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/9676-labor-delivery Women’s experience of pain during childbirth Labor pain is one of the most severe pains which has ever evaluated and its fear is one of the reasons women wouldn’t go for natural delivery. Considering different factors which affect experiencing pain, this study aimed to explain women’s experiences of pain during childbirth. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3093177/ And my second comment was obviously directed at this comment of yours: "You made a baby, you gotta be responsible."
  15. Like the 2020 elections? Like when the Supreme Court ruled against Trump's bid to stop the Jan 6 committee from getting hold of his records? Or the 2 rightwing justices an the panel who joined the liberal judge in shooting down a special master for Mar a Lago. Or the hundreds of other cases where Trump appointed judges have ruled against his interests? Get real.
  16. "Perhaps, it's worse for other women. Maybe my ex got it easy." This is laughable. How about you made a fetus. It's up to you.
  17. And then there is what's called 100 hour storage which has come down dramatically in price. And as the interconnectivity and range of the network increases, the likelihood of a failure decreases.
  18. In the case of a decision between 2 people, what does "have a say" actually mean? Give the man veto power? In that case, what kind of "say" does the woman have. One of the has to have the final say. And since the burden falls disproportionately upon the woman, she's the one who should have it.
  19. And what about those who aren't counted. Like young people entering the labor force for the first time.
  20. They may lose 25% of their income even though unemployment may only rise by a few points? And covid is hardly an apt example, is it, given that it kept people from their usual routines? Also, there are other problems with your assessments of the effect of an unemployment rise. What about the effect on 2 income households if one worker is laid off? What about underemployment? Loss of overtime?
  21. Well, I see that your goal is laying blame. And that some sort of moral offense has been committed if an abortion is the upshot.
  22. "Recessions mainly impact on mom and pop micro businesses not average workers."
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