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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. You mean what was once family entertainment in the 50's and 60's is now too risqué for these chaste times? Are you living in an alternative universe?
  2. You materialists are all alike. Who can put a price on the beauty of a flower? The smile of a child? Or the BS of a Brexiter?
  3. From the landing page of the World News forum. "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." And you wouldn't publish them here? Do you thinkk the members of aseannow.com need protection also?
  4. Actually just as important a reason is the protect the Inflation Reduction Act. The repubicans would like nothing better than to shrink back the IRS and deprive it of necessary resources. And to slow or even reverse progress on renewables and pollution reduction.
  5. Maybe total energy. But electricity not so much 511.59 TWh 2021 484.2 TWh 2022 That would be about 2%.. But 2021 was still very much a covid year with business conditions depressed, so using less in 2022 is quite impressive. And of course, the less gas Germany uses for industry, the better that should be for its price when used to generate power.
  6. Well, given that the Republicans have a majority in the House, that's an ambiguous question. And even the question of headed in the right direction as far as economics is concerned is one that thoughtful people know doesn't necessarily depend on who is president. Especially in the relatively short term. There are lots of external forces at play. And then there's the chair of the Fed. For instance all the tax cuts starting with Reagan through Bush and Trump have added mightily to the deficit. Does that mean that they had a deleterious effect on the economy when they were President. Or are even having a deleterious effect now? As for whom I will vote for, I would certainly vote for Biden over any prospective Republican candidate. The makeup of the Supreme Court alone is reason enough for that.
  7. But his argument was that because he hadn't lost his job, therefore no problem.
  8. I actually watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show 3 times in the hope that it would turn me gay. I want my money back.
  9. Brazil a prize? Brics follow China to what? Defect how?
  10. I do think it's somewhat of a problem. But that doesn't justify over-the-top rhetoric. It is possible to make that case rationally. And what exactly do you mean by alliance? It seems it's mostly about closer economic ties. China did finance some Brazilian megaprojects. And Brazil is rich in natural resources. You have to remember that there is still a lot of bitterness in Brazil about the US support of the Brazilian military junta. And I should point out that Lula's predecessor, the right wing Bolsonaro, was and continues to be a huge supporter of Russia and even more of a fanboy of Putin than is Trump.
  11. You mean because fox news fans say otherwise? Because that's an audience that doesn't skew to the right? What serious economist wouldn't say that the continuing decline in inflation is good news?
  12. Because if Fox chose to ignore a really big piece of news about the economy, then it must be the kind of news that I would find pleasing.
  13. Brilliant move especially considered the criminal's documented history of being eager to kill black protesters and being a fan of white racist memes.
  14. Lula was President of Brazil for 2 terms. Did he take power by force? In that time, did he abolish free elections? Did he abolish private property? Were Brazilians less free during his term in office. He did institute some social programs that were very successful in helping poor Brazilians. Maybe in that he's a bit like the early Castro. But otherwise? This is just nonsense. As is your belief that I am gushing over Lula. Please share with me some of that gush. He was President of
  15. None of which justifies calling Lula a "new Castro". Castro was in ideological Marxist who denied Cubans freedom of expression and mostly the ability to own property and start businesses. You can certainly criticize Lula on the basis of what he's done without making ridiculous comments about who he is.
  16. Well I assumed that it was the post since 30,000 plus lies was invoked. And a lie is an intentional misstatement of fact.
  17. Maybe you do. But the fact is this was front page news on most major media sites. Where you don't have to hunt for it , Just not on fox.
  18. Fidel Castro was a dedicated Marxist who turned Cuba into a command economy. Even if Lula's views on foreign policy align with Castro, you think that is the determinative factor that makes him a "new Castro". Ya think the Cuban people would agree with your assessment?. You know, the folks who actually had to live with him in power.
  19. Are they? Got some evidence for that? It is true that Florida does have a shortage of teachers but that's because they pay them so little. I believe 48th in the nation.
  20. Really? Did Lula take over the government by force? Has he banned elections? Confiscated private property?
  21. Well, women most likely to be prevented from getting an abortion by abortion laws in places like florida will be single and poor.
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