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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. I was wondering how long it would take the right to pivot and support him, Given that he seems to share Tucker Carlson's view of the Ukraine war, I don't think it will take long at all. I see a martyr in the making.
  2. Really Here are some stories from the first page that should delight most supporters of Trump: https://aseannow.com/topic/1289905-economy-is-in-the-tank-banks-are-reeling-inflation-is-sky-high-and-theres-more-biden-isnt-telling-you/page/7/#comment-18016763 https://aseannow.com/topic/1292058-the-post-office-fired-me-for-honoring-the-lords-day-supreme-court-must-make-this-right/#comment-18016764 https://aseannow.com/topic/1292063-florida-house-passes-6-week-abortion-ban-expected-to-be-signed-by-governor/#comment-18016855 https://aseannow.com/topic/1291837-as-president-biden-considers-2024-run-americans-weigh-in-on-whether-he-should/ https://aseannow.com/topic/1291961-donald-trump-is-suing-michael-cohen-for-500-million-in-damages-for-allegedly-breaching-his-contract-as-trumps-former-personal-attorney/#comment-18016469
  3. I ran my Fox News test on whether this is good news or bad news for the right. It's not on the home page. Bad News!
  4. I think you're being a little unfair. How can a justice of the Supreme Court be reasonably expected to comply with the law?
  5. And there's this: "Crow did not respond to questions about whether he has charged her rent." https://www.propublica.org/article/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-real-estate-scotus I'm guessing we can take that as a "no". I wonder what similar properties in that neighborhood rent for. I bet it comes to a lot more than the $15000 Thomas received from Crow for the sale of the property.
  6. Also, Thomas' mother was still living there after the purchase. Crow made lots of improvements to the property. Was he being paid rent?
  7. A few days ago the monthly consumer Price index for inflation was released. Most news outlets carried extensive coverage of the report. But to determine whether or not it was good news or bad, I turned to an infallible source: Fox News. There was absolutely no mention of it on their homepage. The conclusion to be drawn was clear: good news!
  8. What's really funny about this is that Trump and Barr did attempt to coerce justice dept officials to go after Trump's enemies. Trump even attempted to push Zelensky into investigating his chief political opponent, Joe Biden. Ya think the same people who are trying to twist Biden's words into some sort of plot, were concerned by the actions of the previous administration?
  9. I did not dodge your question at all. I just didn't give you the answer you wanted. In fact, when you did ask me what I thought it meant, I gave you the answer, namely, elections. Stop making things up. I also pointed out that your interpretation is dodgy. What does "under the legitimate efforts of our Constitution" mean? He didn't use the word "legal", he used legitimate which sets a far stricter standard, even though, to be fair, I'm not entirely sure what "under the legitimate efforts of our Constitution" even means. But it certainly doesn't smack of using the Justice Dept. against him. Throughout his career, Biden has not earned a reputation for being a wordsmith.
  10. Trump is still entitled to take the Fifth, but unlike in criminal cases, the jury is allowed to use that as evidence that he's hiding something.
  11. Maybe you should publish the results of your lack of research in "The Journal of I Don't Care"
  12. 'If you truly don't care, then what are doing here? But of course that BS. You've got your own agenda based on what looks like ideolaogy and an almost utter lack of knowledge. Funny, when it comes to EV's you provide all kinds of data and links. But here, you've got nothing but falsehoods and ignorance to offer.
  13. You still don't understand about rapid rate of change. Climatologists predicted it would happen and it did. There hasn't been anything like it for at least the last 125,000 years. Earth hasn't been this hot in 125,000 years, but scientists say temps are rising much faster now Climate change is warming the planet, but not since the last interglacial period — almost 125,000 years ago — has it been this hot, according to scientists. While the planet wouldn't have been inhospitable to humans at that time, temperatures would have been 1 to 2 C above pre-industrial times — and up to 8 C higher in the Arctic. The difference is that the last time the climate warmed to these levels, it did so over tens of thousands of years, allowing species to adapt. Today, climate change is moving far faster. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/day6/earth-as-hot-as-125-000-years-ago-election-countdown-reservation-dogs-afghanistan-under-siege-more-1.6139545/earth-hasn-t-been-this-hot-in-125-000-years-but-scientists-say-temps-are-rising-much-faster-now-1.6139550
  14. 200 TWH would constitute about 40% of German power consumption in 2021. "Germany’s Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) has published the country’s electricity market data for 2022. German electricity consumption (grid load) fell by 4% in 2022 to reach 484.2 TWh in 2022 (504.5 TWh in 2021), while net electricity generation increased by 0.4% to 506.8 TWh (505.0 TWh in 2021). The share of electricity generated from renewable energies increased in 2022 to reach 48.3% (42.7% in 2021). Wind (onshore and offshore) accounted for a share of 25.9%. Solar PV accounted for 11.4% and biomass for 8.2%." https://www.enerdata.net/publications/daily-energy-news/germanys-power-consumption-falls-2022-generation-renewables-rises.html#:~:text=Germany's Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur,(505.0 TWh in 2021). For what it's worth, biomass is BS. Forests that store carbon get chopped down and burned to provide electricity. It's a scam. Still wind and solar combined to produce 40% of electricity that was consumed.
  15. Funny. I just saw his press conference after the November 2022 elections and I didn't see that. This BS is just based on gotcha moments. And a big thanks to 2009 for drawing my attention to it.
  16. What is so difficult to understand about rate of change. If one bank offered you 1 percent interest after inflation and another offered 10 percent after inflation, would you say that there's no meaningful difference between the two offers since in both cases the amount of your money is going to increase?
  17. That issue was decided long ago. Even in the 1970, when climatology as a science was just beginning, far more research supported warming than cooling. As more research was published the global cooling hypothesis vanished. Except for a few cranks who predicted that 1998 was as hot as it was ever going to get and that next decades would see cooling.
  18. What I'm not missing is the usual right wing tactic of giving a statement the most discreditable interpretation possible, and basing a conspiracy theory on that. One shaky "gotcha" is proof of nothing.
  19. Funny. I thought that the Tories really cared about getting to a trade deal with the United States. Now, if Joe Biden were President that could pose an obstacle if he wasn't pleased with UK policy on Northern Ireland. Fortunately for the UK...oh wait a minute...
  20. Exactly. If unemployment is low, it really makes no sense to call 2 negative quarters a recession. It goes to the question of who is an economy for.
  21. First off you're taking an awkward ad hoc quote and turning into a conspiracy theory. And he says "using the legitimate efforts of our constitution". That hardly sounds like a threat of skullduggery. And, as I also pointed out, this administration gave the US attorney for Delaware, who was appointed by Donald Trump, the final authority to decide whether Hunter Biden should be prosecuted." Come back to us when you have some real evidence. Good luck with that.
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