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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Once again, your question takes no account of progressivity in taxation.
  2. Have you never heard of a progressive tax system? If you haven't, get yourself acquainted with the concept.
  3. Predictions used as some kind of evidence are useless. As for your likening your prediction to other unlikely outcomes, that is of course entirely invalid. This is exactly the same as saying because you know what the results were of this weeks lottery, your prediction what the results of next week's lottery would be are somehow more likely to occur. As for this: "It would appear that your attempts to label everyone you disagree with as a conspiracy theorist are not going too well." This is truly a bizarre piece of irony. In your previous post you claim this about the fifteen minute city idea: "It's the thin end of the wedge. The start of a long process (many decades)." "Of course it will be dressed up as 'helping' citizens and making life convenient but the long term aim is to reduce the movement of people as much as possible. Let the proles go to work, let them buy their food and clothing, then get them back into their homes to watch politically charged content from state broadcasters such as the BBC that you are forced to pay for under the threat of prosecution (telling them what a great job they are doing saving the planet, documentaries featuring one armed trans women etc.) and then prepare for their next workday, ideally working from home." What is this, if not a conspiracy theory? Your lack of awareness of this is truly bizarre. And once again you accuse me of being a member of a doomsday cult. And once again i'm asking you what is the doomsday cult you allege that I'm in? And what are the tenets that make it a doomsday cult? And once again, I suspect you'll have no answer. Which is not surprising. Because you've got nothing.
  4. Actually, they supported allegations that the machines were hacked. Not could be. So stop creating fiction and stick to the facts.
  5. Thanks for sharing with us your vision of the future. I imagine its appeal for you lies in the fact that it can't be currently disproved so it gives you license to say whatever you please. You completely fail to address the issue that there has been a campaign of falsehoods waged by the right about what the 15 minute city concept is. Instead, like you, they resort to conspiracy theories.
  6. Not only did the Trump administration cut taxes, but it increased spending before covid 19.
  7. Or put taxes back where they were before the Republicans started slashing them with false promises about how cuts would stimulate the economy so much that they would pay for themselves.
  8. I noticed that you don't recommend raising taxes the wealthy. How about restoring the tax structure back to where it was before George W. Bush was President. In Bill Clintons final year in office, the budget was virtually balanced.
  9. It's true that just because a majority don't agree, that doesn't make it so. But they might be forgiven for skepticism about the debt given that the same people who slashed taxes with the false claim that the cuts would pay for themselves, are now demanding punishing cuts. As has been pointed out, as far as social security is concerned, taxing wealthier individuals could solve the problem. The Sanders-Warren proposal to reimpose SS tax on incomes over $250,000 would not only extend the life of Social Security for 100 years but also allow for a genuine increase in benefits to the elderly. But those on the right simply ignore this option even though increasing the SS tax on wealthy people is overwhelmingly popular.
  10. You may know how little. But you don't know how much. First off, this is what's being given to Taiwan. Not what they have purchase. U.S. House passes bill to provide US$12 billion in military aid to Taiwan https://focustaiwan.tw/politics/202212090002 Here's some of the stuff they've been able to buy Taiwan showcases most advanced fighter jet after China drills https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/8/17/taiwan-shows-off-most-advanced-fighter-jet-after-china-drills Taiwan Is Extending Conscription. Here’s How Its Military Compares to Other Countries https://time.com/6245036/taiwan-conscription-military-comparison/
  11. There's no evidence that it's even been incorporated into general use in the army. It was a very bad example.
  12. Can you name some of these people who are slightly to the right of Karl Marx who are being branded as such by the main Street Media and gutter press? I'm going to go out on a limb here and claim that you've got nothing.
  13. Sure you did. As for that laser weapon, it was delivered to the army in September of 2022 as part of a demonstration project. So apparently a prototype not yet in general use even in US forces.
  14. What's significant is despite the overwhelming public support for raising tax on the wealthy in a big way, the issue gets no traction. Clearly the proposal to rescue social security by imposing SS taxes on higher income individuals should be very popular. Yet politicians aren't yet lining up to support it. Clearly, the power of the wealthy to stifle reforms that lessen their net income is still very strong.
  15. Actually, batteries are lasting a lot longer than anticipated: New Study: How Long Do Electric Car Batteries Last? Battery replacements are quite rare. In our community of 15,000 cars, only 1.5% have been replaced (outside of big recalls like Chevy Bolt). Degradation is not linear. We're including battery degradation curves that illustrate how well these batteries hold up over time. There's some drop in the beginning then it levels out for a long period. Most replacements occur under warranty https://www.recurrentauto.com/research/how-long-do-ev-batteries-last Good News: EV Batteries Last Longer Than Expected Almost all of the EV batteries Nissan has ever made are still in cars. https://cleantechnica.com/2022/09/16/good-news-ev-batteries-last-longer-than-expected/#:~:text=Almost all of the EV,made are still in cars.&text=It's true%3A despite early questions,about longevity – it's exceeding them! And I haven't found anywhere that the average lifespan of an ICE vehicle is 20 years. Given that EVs are mechanically a lot simpler than an ICE vehicle, in principle they should last longer. And the price of batteries should keep on declining as cheaper and better technologies keep coming on line.
  16. I think you're confused about how a forum works. It's not about communications between 2 parties. For that, there's Private Messaging. I'm not going to leave your posts unrebutted just because you won't see my refutations.
  17. Nonsense. Taxes could easily be raised to guarantee the solvency of Social Security and Medicare. It would be very politically popular. And the debt itself doesn't have to be paid down. It should be stopped from going up. But if we returned to the tax system that existed before George W. Bush blew things up, that wouldn't be a problem.
  18. First off, the assertion that Nixon's move to get off the gold standard because of dollar-rich foreigners isn't true. Unless you're calling foreign governments "dollar rich foreigners." Private citizens were not allowed to purchase gold from US reserves whether they were foreigners or US citizens. That ended in 1933. As for the decline in the dollar's value affecting the poorest, this is untrue. What matters is not the value of the individual dollar but how many dollars someone has and their purchasing power. For instance if someone was once earning $10,000 but is now earning $30,000 but the dollar has declined in purchasing power by 50%, are they better off then they were before or worse off? The answer is obvious. And of course the dollar's value in relation to other currencies has some effect on people's purchasing power since imports become more expensive, but that effect is hardy 1 to 1 since imports constitute don't have nearly a 1 to 1 effect on costs of items in the USA.
  19. It's funny. The subhead of this articles says that most Americans say Don't Raise My Taxes. What it didn't note is that most Americans support raising taxes on those earning over $400,000 per year and on businesses. Even a majority of Republicans support increasing income taxes on the rich. This obviously has major implications for the 2024 elections.
  20. You could actually look this stuff up via something called Google. Or do you prefer to fulminate? Taiwan's military to get a $619 million U.S. arms boost as China keeps up pressure The United States has approved the potential sale of $619 million in new weapons to Taiwan, including missiles for its F-16 fleet, as the island reported a second day of large-scale Chinese air force incursions nearby. The arms sales are likely to further sour already tense ties between Washington and Beijing, which has repeatedly demanded such deals stop, viewing them as unwarranted support for democratically governed Taiwan, an island China claims as its own territory. The Pentagon said on Wednesday the U.S. State Department has approved the potential sale to Taiwan of arms and equipment that includes 200 anti-aircraft Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM) and 100 AGM-88B HARM missiles that can take out land-based radar stations. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/taiwans-military-us-arms-boost-china-pressure-rcna73027
  21. Thanks for the empty generalizations. Anybody can play that intellectually vacuous game. Just a form of name-calling.
  22. Still repeating the same nonsense as before. Virtually no one on the Democratic side is claiming that the ballot count was fraudulent. Unlike the majority of Republican legislators in the House who voted against certifying the election. 6 Republican senators too, and it would have been 10 but 4 reversed themselves after the invasion of the Capitol. The "illegitimacy" invoked by Pelosi in question refers to Russian interference in the election campaign via hacking and using troll farms to create fake news. Not questioning the ballot tally. And not claiming that Trump really lost to Clinton.
  23. Thanks for the falsehood. Par for the course from you. State Farm Arena also published a statement saying, "Within 2 hours, repairs were complete. No ballots were damaged, nor was any equipment affected. There was a brief delay in tabulating absentee ballots while the repairs were being conducted...as planned, Fulton County will continue to tabulate the remainder of absentee ballots over the next two days." The affidavit also states, in part, that "observers and media were not asked to leave. They simply left on their own when they saw one group of workers, whose job was only to open envelopes and who had completed that task, also leave," the affidavit said. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-fabricated-water-main-break-affect-vote-counting-georgia-trump-says-1558876
  24. Well, protecting the dollar was precisely why Bretton Woods was abandoned. It was noted that foreign government were taking advantage of Bretton Woods to use their dollars to buy gold from the US reserves. It was feared that this influx of dollars into the U.S. economy would lead to inflation. That would lessen the value of the dollar. And this whole notion of the relative decline of the dollar being somehow due to the abandonment of the gold standard under Bretton Woods is a very strange one. As the European and Japanese economies recovered from WW2, it was virtually inevitable, unless they were terribly managed economically, that their economies would grow faster than the US's. So naturally their currencies should have gained in value with respect to the dollar. And they did.
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