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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. I'm sure you wouldn't make such an accusation without being in possession of a smoking gun. Can you please link to your evidence? We do know for a fact that the Attorney General has given final authority to David Weiss, the Trump appointed U.S. atttorney for Delaware, the final say in whether Hunter Biden should be prosecuted. Hardly seems like an administration willing to play prosecutorial games. Whereas the Trump administration...
  2. I did. Very carefully. And the text. Clearly you didn't and still don't get it.
  3. So elections aren't a constitutional means to stop someone from taking office? Hmm...interesting.
  4. Here's the relevant quote: "We just have to demonstrate that he will not take power.by, if he does run, under the legitimate efforts of our constitution, does not become the next President again." From that you construe the Biden is speaking about some unconstitutional, criminal plan to block Trump from taking office? An ad hoc comment, which doesn't even support what you claim, is your idea of proof. It is to laugh.
  5. Well, then, to go by your past form I find your prediction positively encouraging.
  6. Yes, Trump was all about projecting love, unity and forgiveness. Not a trace of vindictiveness in the man. None. Zero. Nada. Zip.
  7. Yes, the dude with a genius uncle said disinfectant. A crucial distincition. He didn't stop Americans returning from China or make plans to quarantine them. He also waited another 40 days to stop people from Europe. (Hmmm. nothing racial to see there.) Well, except Ireland and the UK, where, oddly enough, he just happens to own golf resorts. For those 2 nations, he waited another 4 days. And while Biden made a gaffe, he didn't repeatedly spout the same falsehoods over and over and over again, did he?
  8. Well, it should be a valid point anywhere. Why especially Thailand. Are the accident rates for autos and light trucks, as opposed to 2 wheeled vehiicles, signifcantly higher than in developed nations. I'm not saying that they aren't but when Thailand is criticized for its high vehicular mortality, I've never seen motorcycles and motorbikes accounted for in those statistics.
  9. I guess technically that could be the charge. Although I don't think his intent was to share these documents with America's enemies which would be the common understanding of what these "espionage' entails. Of course, if this turns out to be the case, it isn't just stupid, but very likely criminally stupid.
  10. These are mostly excellent questions. I predict that someday something called google or ChatGPT will be invented as easy ways to get such questions answered. Until then, all is darkness.
  11. I'm someone who doesn't give a sh*t about what car I drive so long as it gets me from point A to point B provided that the A/C works. But, on the other hand, I don't claim to be a mind reader. To judge by all the websites and magazine that feature automobiles, it's clear there are lots of enthusiasts who love cars and get a thrill out of driving those that offer some features that less expensive autos don't.
  12. To be accurate, he didn't say bleach. He said disinfectant. So maybe he had Lysol in mind.
  13. Got a link for that? Wind and solar generated 10% of global electricity in 2021 - a world first https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/04/wind-solar-electricity-global-energy/ Also it's clear you don't understand how compounding percentages doesn't work. by your way of figuring, By your way of thinking there is no such thing as compound interest. And th most important thing to note, this is only about power that has come online. It says nothing about now solar and wind energy under construction. Renewable power’s growth is being turbocharged as countries seek to strengthen energy security https://www.iea.org/news/renewable-power-s-growth-is-being-turbocharged-as-countries-seek-to-strengthen-energy-security
  14. Maybe the reason Fox lawyers delayed producing the evidence is out of a sense of fairness? They think it's only fair that they have a least a sporting chance of success.
  15. Only if the poll shows over 50% support for not suspending his campaign. Typically, polls offer the option of 'don't know' or "no opinion".
  16. Well, we don't know for sure what's holding Jesus up from returning, but maybe the reason is that he's using Trump's lawyers who are experts at delaying.
  17. But what you didn't note in your text was that his support was raised among republicans but not among the general electorate. And since the poll featured here is a poll that samples all voters regardless of political orientation, your evidence is not relevant to the issue at hand.
  18. His popularity among Republicans may have increased but his popularity among the American electorate on the whole? And of course, the poll you cite was taken right after the FBI search. What's more, later when Trump was pitted against Desantis in the wake of the November elections, his popularity was down. Not it's up again. So no good evidence that the Mar a Lago search lastingly benefited him. Also, even if it had permanently boosted his popularity among Republicans, what effect did it have on his popularity among the general electorate? I know that Republicans are trying to game elections so that Republican votes are overrepresented in general elections, but that's still far from being absolutely the case.
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