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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Nonsense. The gold standard was actually hurting the US economy. You subscribe to the logical fallacy known as "Post hoc ergo propter hoc" which translates to "After this therefore because of this". Exactly what is the mechanism whereby fully abandoning the gold standard led to the relative decline of the US economy?
  2. Hopefully abortion will be less of an issue? What does percolating through the states even mean? If anything, red states are getting more extreme. Florida just passed a law banning abortions at 6 weeks. And you think the horror stories about women being denied treatment are going to go away? As long as doctors don't have the final say in deciding when an abortion is called for in a medical situation, those stories will persist. And I wouldn't put it past the supreme Court to support the decision to outlaw the abortion inducing drug. And if even only a few of those justices do support it, it can't be pointed to as what we can expect from a Republican president in the way of judicial appointments.
  3. Can you please share with us at what minute in the cbs interview there is evidence that Fetterman is a vegetable? And he said during the interview his speech recognition is improving which is the usual course for stroke victims. And he uses speech recognition devices that let him understand perfectly what is being said. How does any of this make him a vegetable?
  4. The "effete urban elites?" Like those who oppose the right's abortion extremism? Like the rising generations who are decidedly left of center? You got any more right-wing cliches to share with us?
  5. The reason Bretton Woods was terminated was because other governments were using their accumulated dollars to buy gold from US govt. reserves. It was feared that the influx of dollars would further raise the level of inflation in the US.
  6. Why even have any more parliamentary elections just because some whiners aren't happy with what they've done orange happy with what they've done? After all, everyone knows that democracy means never getting to say you're sorry.
  7. Actually as I recall, wasn't there a huge problem with the passport office in the UK before Covid? Passport delays: Why they are happening Ministers have suggested the surge in demand for passports has been caused by an upturn in the economy - but Passport Office boss Paul Pugh says he does not know why it has happened. In fact, Mr Pugh did predict that there would be an increase of 350,000 applications this year - very close to the 346,289 extra applications currently in the system. He warned about the extra workload in the foreword to the agency's 2013 annual report, saying it would be caused by the closure of seven passport offices at British embassies and the transfer of the work to the UK. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-27813438
  8. I get your point. After all, aseannow.com has very strict standards for whom it accepts as a member. I recall the long hard hours it took me to convince them that I was an upstanding citizen before I was granted membership.
  9. I never accused you of being a denialist or even close, I just construed that you want to appease the denialists by indulging their unreasonable demands. There's no reason to do anything different from the way it's been done. There are no problems with electoral fraud on any meaningful scale. Repeated investigations have shown that. And as I pointed out, not even hand recounts have satisfied those people. So why even bother?
  10. And since you cannot please election denialists whenever an election goes against their candidate, why bother?
  11. In addition to which this doesn't really capture how the rich get richer. Most of their wealth is tied up in investments and is only subject to capital gains tax when and if they sell. If someone rich dies not only is no capital gains tax paid on the inheritance but it gets even worse. The base of the investment is reset at the time the assets are inherited. This is called a step-up basis This is how it works, Let say Mr Smith buys an asset for 25 dollars and when he dies it's worth 200 dollars. Should the inheritor ever sell this asset, she will only be taxed on the increase in value above $200. The $175 difference between the time Mr. Smith bought it and the time he died doesn't count. Another way the rich avoid paying income tax is to borrow against assets. So the cash they realize counts as a loan. So not taxable. And the interest on the loan comes to far less than an income tax would be.
  12. Really? Georgia had a complete hand recount. Denialists still don't accept that Biden won there. The Arizona Senate authorized a hand recount of Maricopa county ballots where widespread fraud was alleged. Denialists still don't accept that Biden won Arizona.
  13. Really? Was not wanting to admit defeat a real problem until Trump came along? Where even repeated court decisions and recounts counted for nothing? Not a good idea to legitimate conspiracy theories.
  14. How would we know that you would have backed it had the vote gone the other way? Take your word for it? We do know that Nigel Farage wouldn't have done so.
  15. Well, this is a civil case, so he wasn't charged with anything. It's a matter of plaintiff vs defendant The only case that involved the Trump name and criminal charges was the trial of the Trump Organization headed by Donald Trump It was charged with 17 criminal violations. But was only judged guilty on 17 of the original counts. Blameless! He should put that on his resume.
  16. Nonsense. JonnyF made a ridiculous allegation that it was claimed all EU tourists were arriving via ferries. An obvious caricature of what was actually said.
  17. Also, as for the issue of international flights, it's not surprising that they rose a lot. After all, all flights from the EU that used not to count, now do. Got any figures to adjust for that difference?
  18. You're the one who raised the issue of France. Not me.
  19. A few countries. No country governed by sane people is going to seriously engage with a currency that isn't allowed to float freely. And Xi's propensity to meddle in financial and economic matters he clearly doesn't understand, isn't going to promote its use.
  20. Was the OP about tourism during the covid lockdown?
  21. Your nastiness and dispostion to share falsehoods hasn't abated. Ya think neurologists would agree with your diagnosis? His thinking processes are affected. You think hearing aids disqualify someone from public service? That's a genuinely weird form of bigotry you're sharing with us. And how is this candidate going to get around the abortion issue? You think someone like Sununu even has a shot at it given his moderate stance on the issue?
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