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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. It's not a question of whether or not Trump is an anti-Semite. It's whether or not he exploits anti-Semitism to advance his own political interests.
  2. Where did I misquote you? Where did I alter what you wrote and wrap it in quotation marks? I just pointed out the ridiculousness of your claim. Compared to the harm caused to the UK economy by leaving the EU, the UK's payments were very small beer.
  3. I guess you're blissfully unaware that not only did Trump remove government documents to Mar a Lago and elsewhere without National Archives permission, he openly acknowledged it. A prosecution would have to work extra hard not to gain a conviction for that. And given that he actually lied about returning all the documents, that only makes it the kind of case that's virtually impossible to lose even if managed by 1st year law students.
  4. Yes, it's been a big plus for the UK economy. You've made some ridiculous comments in your time, but this one has got to be up there in the top 10.
  5. When he goes on in this vein with unsupported allegations, my advice is don't feed the...
  6. What evidence? You linked to a letter from a cardiologist. Not to research. And your claim that because the vaccines are exactly targeted on the latest version of the virus they're ineffective is obviously wrong. Here is the conclusion of what you call the newer of the 2 studies you linked to: "In conclusion, this study found an overall modest protective effect of the bivalent vaccine booster against COVID-19, among working-aged adults. The effect of multiple COVID-19 vaccine doses on future risk of COVID-19 needs further study." By the way, both your links lead to the same study.
  7. A UN vote had 141 nations voting to condemn Russian invasion and demanded an immediate withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine. , 5 were against the resolution. There were 35 abstentions and 12 absences. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_General_Assembly_Resolution_ES-11/1#:~:text=The resolution was sponsored by,5 against%2C and 35 abstentions.
  8. You clearly have no idea of the size of the US economy.
  9. It shrank in the 3 months preceding october, though, didn't it. And no one is predicting growth for the future. Quite the contrary. And it's funny. You choose economic growth as the factor to show the UK is doing OK and Inflation to show that the EU isn't. Why the inconsistency? You hiding something? You reallyl want to claim that the UK is doing no worse than the EU? And what's especially significant is that in economically comparable countries, the middle and working classes fare far better in those nations than they do in the UK. The only advanced economy that still hasn't recovered from the 2010 recession. And the EU is facing the problem of corruption head on. It could be a big scandal. The EU should now be very grateful that the UK left. As it shows what the consequences of leaving are.
  10. There's a vast range of space between a few crimes and "astounding levels of corruption'. What don't you get about that obvious point?
  11. Does this mean you think his record is perfect or that he's an absolute nullity?
  12. There's no doubt that Musk has an extremely formidable intellect. But not in all areas. Clearly when it comes to human relations, he's got a lot of deficits. And in a social media company, if you haven't got that, then at least you should have enough sense to keep out of the fray. But thanks to the Dunning-Kruger effect, Musk seems to be incapable of appreciating that.
  13. Given that we know that it was already reported that her father had large amounts of unexplained cash in his possession, this qualifies as a significant development. Let's see how many more articles you can milk in the cause of nothing new news. And what makes this news item proof of astounding levels of corruption? Are there any new people cited as being parties to this criminal activity? And as has been pointed out before, she is one of 14 Vice Presidents of the EU. And actually most have very little authority. Only the executive vice-Presidents do. While the title sounds impressive, most are merely glorified Commissioners. Including Kaili. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vice-President_of_the_European_Commission#:~:text=A Vice-President of the,which multiple European Commissioners participate.
  14. As even the reporter for The Telegraph, a profoundly pro-Brexit publication pointed out in the text, there's no evidence at all to suggest that this is the case. Purely speculative and very unlikely. Most Europeans see the EU as being very advantageous to them economically. They're going to give that up because of some corrupt MEPs? And, of course, if they should consider leaving the EU, they have only to contemplate the desperately unhappy example of the UK to put a stop to that line of thinking. The EU owes a big vote of thanks to the UK for exemplifying the consequences of leaving the EU. An object lesson if ever there was one.
  15. Did you actually read the article? What is new in there that adds to your case? I'm actually quite surprised at how tepid it is, since as you may not be aware, RT, the source of this article, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Russian govt. The same government that aided the Brexit movement in the runup to the referendum.
  16. And the British negotiators didn't use what little leverage they had to gain advantage over their EU counterparts? Like fishing rights? What you have a problem with is a thing called negotating.
  17. He did promote himself that way but as it turns out the rich and the powerful never had a better friend in office than Donald Trump. You would have to be under educated to believe otherwise.
  18. I think you meant that the deal gave Twitter 1 billion in yearly interest payments to make. Tesla is a publicly owned corporation. It couldn't fund musk's private company.
  19. You claimed no r First Gulf War. The invasion of Kuwait. I'd say the US and allied nations won that one. Anyway, it's not wise to overgeneralize. The First Gulf war was a conventional war. The war in Ukraine is a conventional war. Conventional wars can be won.
  20. The targeting doesn't have to be precise for the vaccine to be effective. We know that because as the virus evolved those vaccinated with earlier versions still had a far lower hospitalization and mortality rate than did the unvaccinated. Your claim is nonsense.
  21. Another election denialist chief executive. Is Musk a Trump mini-me or is it the other way around?
  22. The thing is, this is actually a well written and informative article about potential corruption problems in the European Parliament. But this being the Telegraph, instead of presenting it that way, it came up with a headline that has no evidentiary backing the in the text of the article itself. Instead it offers just a soupçon of wan speculation: "There is little sign yet that the scandal is increasing the appetite of other member states to follow Britain and break free, but the investigation by an anti-corruption unit of the Belgian police is far from over and it is impossible to know where it might end."
  23. It's a common derogatory word characterizing opponents of Brexit. It shows the level the the author is operating at.
  24. Did somebody twist your arm to make you cite it on these pages? Is it just a comment that you randomly decided to post?
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