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  1. I have evidence to the contrary and all you have is assertions. Voice of America Under Pressure to Toe U.S. Line But as the V.O.A. reaches out to distant countries, the hatreds fed by those countries' wars reach back into the V.O.A.'s studios. Its Pashto-language broadcasts are under constant attack by anti-Taliban émigrés, who call the service the Voice of the Taliban. The State Department, sympathetic to the critics, tried, unsuccessfully, to stop the V.O.A. from broadcasting any of its recent interview with Mullah Mohammad Omar, the Taliban leader. https://www.nytimes.com/2001/10/08/business/voice-of-america-under-pressure-to-toe-us-line.html You're confusiing the VOA with RT.
  2. Nonsense. The fascist political party that the Azov regiment supported was thrashed in the last election.
  3. The Common Theme in Central Asia’s Response to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine https://carnegieendowment.org/2022/03/30/common-theme-in-central-asia-s-response-to-russia-s-invasion-of-ukraine-pub-86764 Those are polls of Russian citizens, not citizens of other members of the Russian confederation.
  4. Yugoslavia wasn't threatening its neighbors with a toxic ideology.
  5. How about the Russian confederation crumbles? Lots of states in the Russian Federation are very unhappy with the war in Ukraine. In fact all the 'stans. And other members of the confederation where non-ethnic Russians dominate. In fact, China warned Russia not to invade Kazakhstan after Russian nationalists started to make the same kind of ridiculous Nazi claims about the Kazakhstan government that they did about Ukraine's government.
  6. Thank you for your conspiracy theorizing. Always the mark of a serious thinker.
  7. Thank you for your well reasoned and rational observation.
  8. You really got to take a basic course in statistics. There are people out there who win 2 lotteries, The odds of that are vanishingly small, too. Does that prove that anything other than the laws of chance were operative? Also, just because 2 people came down with the same symptoms after being vaccinated, doesn't prove that it was the vaccination that did it. There's a saying about a logical fallacy in inductive reasoning that's thousands of years old. "Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc". Which means "after this therefore because of this". There are, in fact, huge databases or reported symptoms that are sifted and compared to actual data. A few statistically significant correlations have been uncovered. But nothing like the nonsense that the anti-vaxxers contend is the case.
  9. Did you do a search for it? That would be the sensible course before making accusations.
  10. I avoid taking seriously people who posit massive conspiracy theories to explain why their version of reality hasn't gained any traction.
  11. I can see from this entry of yours that you haven't a clue about how epidemiology works. This tear jerking testimony somehow counts as serious evidence? This might get the author of the piece a good grade in a writing class, but it has nothing to do with science.
  12. Who exactly is spinning? The inspectors who found far more serious violations on the Russian side? The Russians who deny that their troops were in the Donbas?
  13. Likely to launch more drones? Because they're not launching as many as they can now? How do you know that?
  14. You don't understand. It gets truer the more often you repeat it.
  15. That was the war you were talking about? Please, pull me another one. As for supporting a NATO intervention, yes I would. Given that the forces of Ukraine are beating the Russians, it would be a doddle for the US to do the same. The results would be similar to what happened to Iraqi forces in Kuwait.
  16. How many times does it have to be pointed out to you that the Russians said the Minsk agreements didn't apply to them since they had no armed forces in Ukraine? How many times does it have to be pointed out to you that the Inspectors found more violations of the Minsk agreement from the Russian supported forces than from the Ukrainians? That included the pro russian forces detaining inspectors by force.
  17. As for spending blood, that would be the Ukrainians' not Americans'. And they seem extremely willing to spend it.
  18. Before it was money, now it's gold? Maybe next it will be bitcoins?
  19. Actually, the money spent does go mostly to our own citizens. It's American companies that are manufacturing most of the supplies sent to Ukraine. And given what the burden of an aggressive Russia could entail for much of the world economy, I'd say it's worth it.
  20. So, you've changed your tune. From not being the best use of the money, in your opinion, to increasing the debt. If all that money were spent on the homeless, the addicted, and the poor, would that also not increase the debt? Or would God forgive it?
  21. Silly deflection. If the money wasn't being spent in Ukraine, would it be spent on "the homeless, the addicted, poor and so on." Is that how it works?
  22. Can you name a speech that ever made a major problem magically vanish? Apart, rom resignation speeches.
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