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  1. 7 billion euros is within the range of a rounding error for the eu. The latest GDP figure for the EU is almost 14.5 trillion euros. so 7 billion euros amounts to about 0,05% of total EU GDP. This is your idea of an inflationary amount?
  2. The following information provides more proof of the old saying that there's a sucker born every minute: Trump’s digital cards sell out within a day https://thehill.com/policy/technology/3777969-trumps-digital-cards-sell-out-within-a-day/
  3. There has since been a huge amount of data. So whatever the validity of the Imperial College projections, it has no relevance to the modeling that followed once the pandemic was widely underway.
  4. What's significant is that you think that "modeling study" invalidates the findings. Modeling has long since proved it's worth in epidemiological analyses. It's a shame that schools teach algebra instead of statistics and probability. There would so much less denialism of science were this the case. https://www.news-medical.net/health/What-is-Epidemiologic-Modeling.aspx#:~:text=Using Mathematical Modeling in Epidemiology&text=Models of how they progress,social distancing or mass vaccination.)
  5. According to Balinese governor Wayan Koster, “based on the provisions of the new Indonesian criminal code, visitors who visit Bali would not need to worry.” This is because “no checks on marital statuses at tourist accommodations like hotels, villas, guest houses, or spas,” nor inspections by public officials or community groups will be conducted. I'm betting that there will soon be lots of locals patronizing "accommodations like hotels, villas, guest houses, or spas."
  6. To be fair to Musk, a practice I hate to engage in, his father ran for office as a member of an anti-apartheid party. On an ethnic basis, it was the Afrikaaners who were the main supporters of apartheid. Musk's family is not Afrikaans.
  7. Internet Sleuth Pours Cold Water on Musk’s Jet-Tracking Twitter Bans As for Musk's claim that the car his son was in was being stalked because the location of his jet was revealed... 'But according to Eliot Higgins, founder of the investigative journalism outfit Bellingcat, an individual associated with Bellingcat “geolocated the video” of the alleged incident Musk had posted about. As it turns out, the car was not “close to any airports.” As it stands, Higgins added, “we only have Musk’s word he was followed from an airport... In fact, he barely connects the two events, because tracking a car is very different from tracking a plane.”' https://www.thedailybeast.com/internet-sleuth-pours-cold-water-on-elon-musks-jet-tracking-twitter-bans Another lie from Musk
  8. " Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." You got nothing.
  9. How does this support you claim? You got any real evidence? Namely " And the biggest scandal is what the ECB does. Printing money to support bankrupt EU members. " You got any real evidence?
  10. I imagine you think you've scored an significant point here.
  11. Truly devastating article. "Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry says the public is "going to be shocked" when it learns how little Dr. Anthony Fauci could recall during last week's deposition about "some of the most important actions and discussions" when he was chief medical adviser to Presidents Trump and Biden during the COVID-19 pandemic. "I think that the public is going to be shocked as to how much Dr. Fauci can’t recall some of the most important actions and discussions that he had at the time, when the pandemic was on our shores," the Republican AG said in an interview with Fox News Digital. "It is certainly disturbing. " Can you actually share with us the actual shocking information alleged by Landry?
  12. You know, I could have doubter your conspiracy theory, but the use of "maybe" convinced me that you were on to something real.
  13. More up-to-date ones, for one thing. Like this one published on Dec 13, 2022 Morgue data reveal Africa’s high COVID-19 death toll A new study led by Boston University School of Public Health found that nearly 90 percent of deceased individuals at a Zambian morgue were infected with COVID-19, but only 10 percent tested positive while alive... Africa’s low death count has baffled health experts and government officials, but growing data contrasts previous, widespread assertions over the last three years that COVID-19 spared the continent. A new study led by Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) researchers suggests that the reported COVID-19 death toll in Africa is substantially higher than official records indicate. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/974330
  14. It's not anecdotal that no covid deaths were reported during the President's tenure. 0. None. Nada. COVID-19 Cases Increase in Tanzania, Despite Government Denial Tanzania’s government insists there are no cases of COVID-19 in the country, but residents and doctors point to a growing number of illnesses and deaths. Opposition politicians say the government’s stance is endangering lives. https://www.voanews.com/a/africa_covid-19-cases-increase-tanzania-despite-government-denial/6202157.html
  15. It's not a question of noticing. It's one of lacking basic heatlh infrastucture. And denialism. Can you explain why the one country that has an excellent health reporting system did report a high number of deaths and their neighbors didn't. Maybe all the African nations north of South Africa are filled with virtuous people and so immune to covid-19?
  16. Pretty much every reputable medical journal has refused to publish positive research about ivermectin. Possibly because of all the fraudulence that was discovered in research making such claims? And because maybe there isn't really anything postively significant to report?
  17. And, as I recall, there was the case of Tanzania. Which had no covid deaths because, as the President of Tanzania explained, the virtuousness of the Tanzanian people protected them from Covid. Shortly after that he died from what the govt assured us was definitely not Covid.
  18. It's just an amazing coincidence that the 1 nation there with a sophisticated public health system also reports a high number of covid deaths?
  19. He's unloading large amounts of stock. That's gotta be contributing to the precipitous fall in the price of its stock. https://www.google.com/search?q=tsla&oq=tsla&aqs=chrome..69i57.1322j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  20. Doxxing is about releasing private information. The information that Sweeney posts is public. Anyone wishing to harm Musk doesn't need Sweeney's help. What's more, not all the people who were suspended had anything to do with elonjet. And speaking of jets, it looks like Musk is crashing and burning. His goal seems to antagonize everyone except his right wing fan base.
  21. Does it tell you anything at all that South Africa is the only sub-Saharan country that has a modern public health reporting system? It's also rated as having the best healthcare system in Africa. It's also useful to keep in mind that the average median age of Africans is 19. In the USA it's 38 and for Europe 43.
  22. OCTOBER 13, 2020 4:16PM New Research on Illegal Immigration and Crime In 2018, the illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 782 per 100,000 illegal immigrants, 535 per 100,000 legal immigrants, and 1,422 per 100,000 native‐born Americans. The illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 45 percent below that of native‐born Americans in Texas. The general pattern of native‐born Americans having the highest criminal conviction rates followed by illegal immigrants and then with legal immigrants having the lowest holds for all of other specific types of crimes such as violent crimes, property crimes, homicide, and sex crimes. https://www.cato.org/blog/new-research-illegal-immigration-crime-0
  23. Retail outlets of whatever stripe, gasoline/petrol stations included, collect sales taxes from consumers and relay them to governments. Those taxes do not come out of their income.
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