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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. I almost can't believe that I am actually engaged in a discussion about the possible presence of weevil eggs in rice and the someone's possible disinclination to eat them.
  2. It's up to MJCM whether he wants to eat rice with weevil eggs in it or not. And if the eggs are laid in the rice grains they might not wash out.
  3. Elon Musk was invited on to the stage by Dave Chapelle at one of his shows in San Francisco. Musk got a lot more boos than cheers. A video of the incident was posted to Twitter. Twitter cancelled the account of the person who posted the video. Because, you know, Musk believes in free speech...for billionaires. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/12/elon-musk-booed-by-crowd-at-dave-chapelle-comedy-gig.html
  4. How you're characterizing your stance on that is untrue but I'm not going to feed the troll. Edit: I should substitute "incomplete" for untrue. But even what you maintain is obviously nothing more or less than baiting.
  5. A previous trolling theory of yours was that Remainers wanted to stay in EU because of racism. Give up the baiting already. Nobody's buying it. Or they shouldn't if they do.
  6. Because Elon Musk says so? Why should his opinion count for more than any other non-epidemiologist? Another case of fanboyism.
  7. Another cheap and transparent attempt to make it personal. You've got nothing.
  8. That accounts for why we have to keep on correcting your mistaken beliefs.
  9. I do seem to recall that it can take up to 5 days depending on temperature.
  10. That's my understanding too. To kill the weevils via freezing can take a fair amount of time depending on the temperature of your freezer. I looked that up a long time ago and don't recall the numbers.
  11. The UK government's negotiating team did a study and predicted that a free trade agreement with the USA would increase the UK's GDP by, at most, a whopping 0.16% Post-Brexit UK-US trade deal could boost economy by 0.16%, Government predicts A post-Brexit trade deal with the US is estimated as having the potential to grow the UK economy by 0.16%, according to the Government’s negotiating objectives. The £3.4 billion yearly increase outlined in the document published on Monday was predicted under the best-case scenario where the UK eliminates import tariffs with the States. But if only “substantial tariff liberalisation” is achieved, then the increase estimated in 15 years was put at 0.07%, or £1.6 billion, in the Governments’ preliminary assessment. https://www.kidderminstershuttle.co.uk/news/national/18274378.post-brexit-uk-us-trade-deal-boost-economy-0-16-government-predicts/ In fact, the UK exported a record amount to the USA in 2019. https://tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/exports/united-states
  12. "and to make it clear I don't mean irons." ?????
  13. Well, it may not have been what you meant, but it is what your text meant.
  14. Well, your words are English but I don't understand the reference to "African people's". Do you mean that homo sapiens were originally an African species?
  15. Trump has open acknowledged that he removed government documents from the White House without the approval of the National Archives. It's not really difficult to find overwhelming evidence against him.
  16. It's clear that you don't understand that it's the aboriginal people of Australia who are the Celts in your example.
  17. Sure, you were. That's why your post was the kind the would be written by someone without a sense of humor. Just a plain statement of facts. I believe you. Honestly, I do.
  18. Why would it matter if Biden is the big guy? There was one mention of this in a tweet that said "10% for the big guy?" It was a question mark. And as I've cited to you again and again, Hunter Biden reported that the "chairman" presumably his father, gave a firm NO to that offer. And we don't even know if it's true that Joe Biden was even asked. Biden's brother's and son were not averse to throwing his name around. That may mark them as lowlifes, but it establishes nothing about Joe Biden. There is 0 evidence that Joe Biden ever profited from any deal shared with his son or brothers.
  19. Are you seriously claiming that Australians of English descent are indigenous to Australia?
  20. So, it's been proven that gain of function research created the covid-19 virus? Maybe in the fever-infested sources you get your info from, but the question is very very far from being resolved. At least in saner quarters.
  21. Well, Australia's population is increasing so it won't be 26 million Australians but quite a bit more. A lot of that is due to the fact that 29% of Australians are immigrants.
  22. Really? I guess their willingness to sacrifice doesn't extend to the UK agricultural sector, which will be badly hurt by the Australian deal. I guess buyers of new homes are rejoicing that their homes will cost anywhere from 40% to 55% more than they otherwise would have cost according to your figures.
  23. And why is it relevant that Australia is happy with the deal? This thread is about the UK, not Australia. And as I pointed out, the former negotiator of the deal before he got sacked by Truss, says the deal is a bad one for the UK.
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