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  1. My wife has found some government hospitals that will inoculate tourists with the Pfizer vaccine. However, she was told that the tourists will have to present some kind of pink document that is given to them on arrival. I don't recall ever being given a pink document. But then I don't arrive on a tourist visa any more. Is anyone familiar with such a thing? Is it related to Covid vaccinations?
  2. Because if one thing Trump was opposed to is corporate lobbying? Trump revokes rule preventing White House staff from lobbying In a last-minute move, the outgoing president reversed his original order and allowed the revolving door in Washington to continue swinging. https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/20/trump-revokes-rule-lobbying-by-white-house-staff-460608
  3. Not according to this. https://www.parliament.uk/globalassets/documents/joint-committees/human-rights/Briefing_from_Forces_Watch_Terms_of_service.pdf But it dates from 2011. You do have to get permission. And while in the ordinary course of things, the armed forces may grant permission, they certainly have the right to deny it.
  4. It does give us an indication about what news sources they rely on.
  5. We should keep in mind, though, that the results aren't official until the Republicans claim voter fraud.
  6. Don't be ungracious. I, for one, feel only gratitude to Trump for his backing of Walker.
  7. So you can quit the military any time you like? Just hand in your papers and you're out the door? They have to assent to your decision to leave? The UK must have very permissive armed forces.
  8. I'm sure but if the Tories gave a r*t'$ a$$ about how they treat their healthcare workers, the issue would never arise.
  9. This is obviously a way to give management the upper hand by not allowing strikes. Individual workers have little power against management. Sure, they could wait over time until enough leave to compel management to raise wages. (Although the UK can draw on overseas workers willing to work for less) But what do they do in the meantime? This is why laws were passed to allow strikes in the first place. To counter the massive power of management.
  10. I haven't seen any accounts of the actual jury's deliberation, but it seem to me the fact that the Trump Organization kept on paying Alan Weisselberg his full salary and bonuses, and had nothing but kind words for him, despite that fact that he committed crimes, is a very strong indication that they were afraid of what he might reveal were he antagonized by them.
  11. If this were the only fireworks at the display you might have a point. Or don't you believe that more is coming?
  12. You seem incapable of understanding the issue of degree The Chinese people are not free to protest. They face severe consequence when the authorities catch hold of them. . What the govt. of China imposed on its people was and is far more severe than what any government in the west did. In addition, it refused to use foreign vaccines that are far more effective than the Chinese made ones.
  13. You're confused. The Times did not support suppression of the Germans' right to free speech and protest.
  14. Yes, there are quite a few people like you who don't understand the concept of difference in degree.
  15. Obviously it's you and your fellow-travelers who claimed Trump won some kind of popular endorsement who should give it a rest.
  16. Those emails which were verified are genuine. Does that cover all the emails? And the thing is, there's nothing in those emails that's proof of any wrong doing by Biden. In fact, on the contrary the only time Biden's response to any of this is noted is when Hunter Biden said that the "chairman" gave an emphatic NO to getting involved in the China business.
  17. An almost identical policy? You really want to go with that? And your analogy to Canada is ridiculous. People in Canada are not allowed to protest because everyone in Canada who protests drives a big rig and uses it to disrupt the normal life of citizens for days on end? Your comparisons are ludicrous.
  18. You said she was rehashing the Atlantic article. She dug up the people who spoke with the reporter for that article. Do you have any idea of how ridiculous your attempt at debunking is? Do you think it's likely that all these reporters are making this stuff up and jeopardizing their careers?
  19. First you write this: What evidence did she give to back-up those claims ? Seems like she was just rehashing the original Atlantic story and adding no new information or even naming anyone who claimed to have heard it And when I showed she wasn't rehashing the Atlantic story, you come up with a new objection. You're just wasting my time.
  20. Untrustworthy when reporting on politicians and causes it doesn't like. When it reports negative items on people that it supports or supported, that makes a very strong case for it being true.
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