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Posts posted by placeholder

  1. 7 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

    No voter fraud at all.  Perfectly clean election.  LOL

    Fox News - Nevada GOP cites voter-fraud claims in criminal referral to AG Barr


    Lawyers for the Nevada Republican Party sent a criminal referral to Attorney General William Barr on Thursday, claiming they have received reports of at least 3,062 instances of voter fraud in the battleground state. 

    "We expect that number to grow substantially," the party tweeted. "Thousands of individuals have been identified who appear to have violated the law by casting ballots after they moved from NV."


    See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.  Ancient Dem Proverb

    You know, if it was a biased organization like say the Nevada Republican Party sending a criminal referral, that would not be concerning. But since it's...oh wait a minute...

    Do you realize that anybody can send in a criminal referral? It doesn't mean that there's any real grounds for it. This is utterly insignificant. But "criminal referral" does sound so ominous and official it must signify something serious.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, J Town said:

    Biden is just another old white guy, a bootlicking corporate shill. He's against Medicare for All, against college tuition assistance/debt relief, is fully in the pockets of Big Pharma and insurance companies, is courting Jamie Dimon (CEO of JPMorgan Chase) and Michael Bloomberg (billionaire loser) for positions in his cabinet - you don't think Bloomberg "donated" millions of dollars to the Florida race without expecting something in return? - and while Creepy Joe isn't AS big a liar as 45, his lies are still YUGE.


    I didn't vote for Joe, I voted against 45, and I have to thank some of 45's supporters on this forum cuz I might not have cared save for the vitriol spewed here. First presidential election ever in my adult life.


    Bernie would have won by now.


    I have spoken.  ????

    The reason he's against Medicare for all is that it's a political loser. The Kaiser foundation did a poll and when people were asked if they were in favor of Medicare For All a big majority said yes. But when they were asked if they approved of it if it meant losing their workplace insurance, that quickly turned into a minority. What their "yes" really means is that they want everyone covered. I honestly don't understand this obsession with Medicare for All. The point of any publicly supported health care system is to get coverage to all. Plenty of countries do this via private insurance. I know that "virtue signalling" is a way inaccurately and overused phrase. But in this case it's valid.

    As for Bernie winning? Really? Bernie the socialist. You don't think that would have been used against him? Why do you think the Trump campaign was focussed on underming Biden from day 1?


  3. 3 minutes ago, watthong said:


    So far Biden has consistently gotten 2 out of  EVERY 3 mail-in votes in Georgia (still looking for the link to that report.)  At that rate a quick math shows that out of the uncounted 15000 votes left he should get 10000, and Trump the remaining 5000. A 5K upset that will take over the 1800 gap. State officials are reluctant to make a call, because any call at this stage would likely mean a call for the new president, and nobody wants to be in the position to do that. So we all will have to wait for every state to finish, ie counting the last vote. (Pensylvania is also in the same predicament.)

    Not quite 2/3. I believe either 61 % or 63%. Either way enough to put Biden over the top. Even so, there would still be other ballots such as those from the military to be tallied.

  4. 54 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Just more misleading info wrapped in a guise of reasonableness from aTrump supporter. The system is working really well in tallying an accurate count of the voters. That is its crucial function. To claim it's broke whether beautifully or otherwise is just a covert way of supporting  Trump's campaign of disinformation.

    Just edited my post to correct "readonableness" to "reasonableness".

  5. 5 hours ago, meechai said:

    Gotta admit here in the US the feeling I am getting from friends/neighbors etc is...

    The longer it takes the stranger it gets.

    It is getting hard to believe any outcome will be truly accurate + the oddities of this year already made things tenuous but now?


    I mean to be honest no president in the past 6 decades touched my life personally in any meaningful way

    so we are not really troubled by it all but....It makes the whole system look once again beautifully broken


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