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peter zwart

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Posts posted by peter zwart

  1. 17 minutes ago, marin said:

    ^ Can you be more specific as I for one think the "comeback" is doing rather well. Hotels, restaurants, tourist attractions, which do you think are suffering the most and in what areas of Thailand. 

    If i see in Pattaya and Jomtien......quiet, if i hear friends in the North of Thailand......quiet. 

  2. Can we state that tourism in Thailand is "sick"? Despite all the impressive figures from the TAT (Tourism Authority of Thailand), you only need to look at the hospitality establishments to realize that these businesses are, to put it mildly, struggling. Has Covid, high ticket prices, soaring inflation, and an uncertain political situation dealt a fatal blow to the Thai tourism sector?

    • Confused 1
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  3. 5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    The guarantor route is the way many Thais go in order to buy a new car and do not have the money to show they qualify.  A friends wife had to do the as the friend would not pay for the car outright and a loan from Krungsri Auto was needed.  The local School director, the friend of the woman's father signed as the guarantor.  The FIL could not sign as he had two cars and a tractor on loan payments.  Of course my friend made the monthly payments so no issues, but just think of those who are not so lucky to have a foreign payment maker in the house.  You may ask, why did not the foreign husband sig as the guarantor and the answer was he is a retiree on a retirement extension of stay and has no WP so the bank would not loan the money for the car with him as the guarantor.


    Those who take the loan default and the guarantor is on the hook and as you can see the stress is too much.  


    If you can not qualify for aa loan then the banks really should not be making the loans.

    its all in your last sentence. 

  4. 3 hours ago, h90 said:

    yes as long we have no government the economic will do well.....

    Prayuth destroyed it with his Covid lockdowns

    Pita has already plans how to further damage it.


    Best government is no government

    Absolutely true. And the prove was in Belgium were there was for about 580 days a formation period. In that period the country did financially better then all the other European countries.  

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