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peter zwart

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Posts posted by peter zwart

  1. On 2/17/2023 at 12:53 PM, bob smith said:

    he said he was a supporter of the war and of putin

    You have stupid Russians and you have smart Russians. You have dumb Germans and smart Germans. You have dumb Americans and smart Americans. You have dumb Englishmen and you have smart Englishmen. You have stupid Dutch people and you have smart Dutch people etc etc etc. Fortunately, not everyone is the same or thinks the same.

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  2. But it could be worse. My daughters attended a school in Pitsanulok where the principal's sister had the sole right to sell snacks during breaks and after school. Small children happily lined up with a few baht to buy some sweets. However, no change was given. They were told to walk away and shut up. How rotten do you have to be to steal money from little kids. sick sick sick

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  3. 11 hours ago, webfact said:

    You must have a work permit to work in the kingdom and you must not do jobs reserved for Thai people.

    I totally understand that and rightly so. However, most Thais have very poor work ethic, do not show up or have absolutely no sense of what they have been hired for. Not even if you explain it to them 10 times. And this is the experience of my Thai wife who has her own shop.

  4. Another success story of the Thai education system. Also today, of a much less violent order, I asked my daughter at supper: What have you learned today? Nothing was the answer. Where were the teachers then? they had a meeting all day. And then what did you do? Sat in class and played and slept a bit. .........And this country thinks to develop only 1 step further???? Let the teachers, for starters, put chili in their butts and then take their responsibility to educate the children. Meetings, groceries, apps etc are things you do after school.

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