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peter zwart

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Posts posted by peter zwart

  1. 5 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

     No,  it wasn't the CDC and it wasn't the Supreme Court.




    FDA Begins Releasing Pfizer COVID Vax Documents


    Court-ordered release runs risk of "cherry picking and taking things out of context"


    March 7, 2022


    "The FDA turned over thousands of documents related to its review of Pfizer-BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine last week, marking the first of several releases mandated by a court in Texas earlier this year.


    The agency released 55,000 pages of COVID-19 vaccine review documents last Tuesday, following a loss in court months earlier that forced it to expedite its process to make the information available to the public.


    In a January court order, U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman of the Northern District of Texas required the FDA to release around 12,000 documents immediately, and then 55,000 pages a month until all documents are released -- totaling more than 300,000 pages."




    You are absolutely right. Thanks for the correction. I was under the impression it was the CDC.



  2. Biden, Bush, Trump, it's all junk. I can't understand how communities can be so staunchly opposed to each other when it comes to politics. In the end, it won't make you any better. Whether you're a D or an R, you're the loser as long as you allow politics to tear the community apart. Form a collective against any political group. Then you can make your country a better place.

  3. But perhaps the number of mentally ill due to alcohol use is declining faster? Or are underlying mental illnesses emerging. Then that can be called positive. A worthless article based on minimal information. If you want to see what Cannabis does to a society, look at all kinds of studies in the Netherlands with a 40-year track record.

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