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Everything posted by RanongCat

  1. Certainly the general eastern territories being contested contain vast and various resources. But compared to Russia's oil and gas reserves "coal" is a major objective? No more so than the alleged grain production that without the world with starve ! Of the stated tonnage of grains that escaped Ukraine what percentage was urgently rushed to starving African nations? In truth the very first shipload of corn/maize went directly to........(drum roll ) Irish Republic . Under the guise of sympathy for Ukraine their grains were being dumped in neighboring countries which led to EU moves to prohibit . Now continues. Exactly what has Putin stolen with claimed "practice, practised ? " in excess of colonial militarized nations? Have you noticed the significant number of nations that are currently presenting a middle finger with instruction to "go father yourself" ? Have you noted the desperate attempts by "1" nation in slightly pathetic mode to trail about the world pretending diplomatic appeal while continuing to rattle swords in sad contradiction of democratic superiority? This world is at a crossroads. The false representation of the UN , WHO, NATO as a combination of peaceful accord is being exposed. China has broken the monopoly of the IMF and World Bank who have been the real dispensors of Debt Trap financing. China has invested in preference to the unserviceable IMF loans. China has also supported a large chunk of US national debt by buying US bonds. If they dumped them in bulk the US would be bankrupt. Printing green at a time when they are leaving stains on fingers already would not save them. Paper Tiger? I think so. But so politically arrogant as to be very very dangerous !
  2. ? My comment was base on Hiroshima and other in Japan. As for chemical weapons in Iraq .... were long gone from US funded factories in Iraq before invasion. That program ended soon after effectiveness was tested on Kurdish population by Sadam under instruction by the US. Personal opinion .
  3. It is purely MHO those that might qualify are most likely those who have small business or farm debt to Banks and can be identified by linking ID and Bank accounts with negative balance. Electronic monitoring has become increasingly integrated across Thailand. Previous populist schemes have provided data coupled with accelerated use of electronic Banking in volume sufficient to create a workable system for this latest proposal. Despite relatively low demonstrable income those that subsist without notifiable permanent debt will be denied by virtue of regular account turnover even where that indicates head just above water lives. Pressure on financial realities will be being exercised by claims on black credit . Another round of tokenist insistence on minimum deposits for credit purchases will be publicized for a time and then return to continuation of financing schemes to avert " The Black List" . The exorbitant tax take and profit on car, truck, motorcycle sales needs to maintain shareholder confidence. THai economy is barely averting major crisis. It is not alone ! Beware wolves in cheap sheep clothing !
  4. I deplore the Russian aggression. But I understand the basis of it. Remind me of why the US invaded Iraq and murdered Sadam H after failing to assist him to defeat Iran? Similarly Libya, Yemen , Afghanistan, Vietnam , etc etc?
  5. Sick deflection from the fact that the nuclear vaporization of two civilian city populations cant be justified by the Japanese attack on a naval base. More Lackey ?
  6. And in instantaneous retaliation Russia would do same to the US and significant allies ! Are you not aware of the reality of nuclear capacities and the recognized incapable total elimination of threat in all directions? Or are you satisfied with the concept that "we" won because they all fried before "we" did ?
  7. Why is there this sad perception that US policy represents the aspirations of the entire globe ? It certainly misrepresents the core idealism of "democracy" when and while it is inflicted on nations
  8. Very true the US took advantage of an opportunity that killed many thousands of civilian lives in contravention of any humanitarian measures and have defended that act ever since in that it quickly ended a war that was close to being ended anyway. Do you suggest the US provoke the use of nuclear weapons on same basis ?
  9. You have that confirmed by an Israeli (Palestinian) ?
  10. There are always those who know so much more than those who know .
  11. According to regulation yes. Have you tried it? 555 For vehicles is 80% . Who sets valuation ? Sigh !
  12. Only you. I have no wimpy pole position to desire .
  13. In real terms ? Not different. But under current geopolitical conditions not at all advisable .
  14. And you may just be quite mistaken. ????
  15. It is possible to import but legally only if prepared to pay
  16. Governments set regulations on allowed imports and exports. Thailand is a net exporter of vehicles including motorcycles . Even second hand parts are restricted or taxed excessively.
  17. Even to my limited translated version of your multiple posts is like frantic hand waves of face save denial typical of witnessed and busted shoplifter ! ????
  18. Selective memory ? The great thing about "cloud storage" is the recall potential ! ????
  19. So the difference after graduating from small engine assembler to Taxi Driver was a success based on vehicle brand ? Where did the famous "London Taxi" fit the scheme? Too rich?
  20. Is this a hyphenated support c0mment for trans man ?
  21. Google is facing big legal issues . I am happy never have been an investor ! FF has been less popular from what cause? Even Open source product has no "guarantee" against ghost corporate influence. Only claims. Anything and everything has a price !
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