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Everything posted by Klonko

  1. DTA tax credits on transferred foreign taxed income must be provable with certified translation of foreign RD tax assessment. If such documentation is not possible in time, full Thai tax is payable first and refund of DTA tax credit possible later on. I am still waiting for my foreign RD tax assessment for 2020. Because my foreign taxed income is not tax exempt in Thailand under DTA, I have given up on the DTA route and will use transfer of segregated foreign funds not qualifying as income, gifts to my wife and sporadically non-Thai tax residency. This setup is compliant with Thai tax law even if there will not be favourable clarifications for foreign retirees being tax resident in Thailand.
  2. Mea maxima culpa, my calculation was using the wrong bracket and resulted in too low tax rates. My 5% become 7.8%. Following corrected table consistent with UOB:
  3. Do I understand you correctly, that the money is as long the husband's money as long it has not been assessed for IRS? In my home country, I do not incur any tax on gifts to my wife regardless of my tax domicile and ownership passes to my wife when money is credited to her account. Question remains if Thai RD can require gifts to be transferred from a Thai account. Sorry, I wait for my tax lawyer's response before I would send monthly gifts of < THB 100k to my wife, who is not required to file taxes. If the tax issues are not clarified in due time, I may leave two weeks earlier for Christmas in my home country and transfer the money for two to three years living expenses this year under the 179 days rule.
  4. Could you please substantiate this assumption. I agree it will be most probably tax evasion if 100% of joint living expenses are financed by gift or the gifted amount is transferred back to the husband's Thai account. However, supporting the non working wife up to ≈ 50% of joint living expenses and enabling her to finance her share of living expenses from her own account is hardly tax evasion and I have found nothing to the contrary.
  5. Splitting living expenses 50/50% payments to my account and gifts to my wife, gifts for larger purchases in the name of my wife and forgetting DTA (100% offset). Allows for THB 2.44m living expenses.
  6. While I am flying under the radar as plan A, I have retained a Thai tax lawyer (recommended by my home country tax lawyer) to get professional assessment of my personal situation and have plan B (DTA), C (paying 5% tax) and D (179 days) ready. Flying under the radar is fine as long as I am able to land safely.
  7. Cf. following clarifying post: Flying under the radar with less than THB 2m annual account turnover may remain an appropriate strategy for easy living in Thailand. I expect that workable solutions are also in the interest of Thai RD and doubt they will link IO extensions to tax filing.
  8. AFAIK: Thai banks notify Thai RD on accounts with either ≥ 3000 transactions or ≥ THB 1.8m turnover per year. Assuming these thresholds are not changed and you do not have a Thai tax ID, you will not show on Thai RD radar if you stay below both limits. The yellow house book goes automatically with a Tax ID.
  9. I doubt aggregating CRS data (AFAIK no tax information) solves the problem when my foreign untaxed income is 300% of my foreign taxed income (20% tax rate) and I only transfer from my foreign account with only taxed income, which transfers would be taxed with 10% in Thailand unless offset under my DTA. I currently plan with multiple accounts unless Thai specifies a favourable ruling this year. I am confident that my DTA would protect me. However, instead of going the legal route, I would rather split my transfers between my account and as gift to my wife resulting in a 5% tax payable in Thailand, still better than being taxed on global income.
  10. There are many workable setups, at least from the perspective of Thai RD. For the less favourable setups, it may help to maintain separate accounts abroad segregating taxed and untaxed income and transfer from the zero interest bearing taxed income account under DTA only when all funds in the account have been assessed by foreign RD.
  11. Is there evidence that Thai RD applies LIFO and not FIFO.
  12. Filing taxes in Thailand with offsetting income under DTA would be cumbersome and costly, but the press release may be intepreted that income in DTA countries is not subject to Thai taxes and filing not necessary, and I hope RD is considering cumbersomeness on its side as well. Anyway, as long as Thai does not tax worldwide income regardless if transfered to Thailand, we will still be able to live ≥ 180 days in Thailand under an internationally favourable tax regime.
  13. Thanks for all replies. I will probably go for Daikin KZ Series and may choose higher BTU than calculated (current "deleted" Samsung AC is increasing fan speed in silent mode from time to time to not so silent mode in order to maintain temperature). Purchase from a shop in Sattahip which has serviced our existing 5 AC..
  14. For our bedroom, I am looking for a new inverter AC (9000 BTU) which is as silent as possible, can operate without draft (no airflow downwards) and has the best possible air filter for smoggie February/March. I have narrowed down to Mitsubishi and Daikin, but there are too many models with similar specs to choose from. Is there any company/anyone in the Pattaya/Sattahip area which can provide reliable professional advice and expertise (English not mandatory)? Quality is more important than low price.
  15. For the time being, Thailand is not taxing worldwide income. If you are in a higher income bracket, I recommend not relying on media releases or AN discussions or your interpretation of the applicable DTA, but to retain professional tax advice to ensure an efficient setup from 2024. However, clarification may only be obtained in 2024 upon practical implementation by the authorities. My plan B is to limit my presence in Thailand to 179 days if I incur substantially higher taxes or have to go through a burdensome process.
  16. Decent quality: https://www.pnfcoffee.com/product/eureka-mignon-specialita/
  17. Long enough to consider it more likely within the next 20 years that agents will not be able to provide workarounds anymore than Elite not to honour existing memberships. It is interesting that as many forum members support MFP and critize corruption as many forum members use agents for visa workarounds.
  18. Assuming that future usability of agents is as probable as the validity of a 20 year Elite membership.
  19. I have to un-/plug the wireless dongle because the CarPlay does sometimes not start on the Ora GoodCat's display (stuck with the initialisation screen). I have the same experience with my Honda Goldwing, but it is more cumbersome to un-/plug the dongle in the trunk while driving. I have not been able to replicate the fail scenario.
  20. I have a dongle for wireless CarPlay, but I have to restart the dongle (un-/plugging) too many times for my taste.
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