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ThaIrish Sean

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Posts posted by ThaIrish Sean

  1. I don't know about Phuket but you used to be able to exchange them in Pattaya and I think in the basement (by airport link) of Suvarnabhumi BKK.

    They used to give you an inferior exchange rate to the pound Sterling.

    I guess the problem is they're hardly any exchange booths open.

  2. 1 hour ago, kellyoinkoink said:

    Guys, After telling him my thoughts and asked him what if I and he and another man do it, he said “ let’s do it”.....I don’t know what to say! 
    This man’s fantasy happens with you guys? 

    IMO find somebody else as this will not go away and you will not be happy.

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  3. 8 hours ago, bluesofa said:

    To the OP,

    There have been many suggestions so far. It would be great if you can let us know what you think of them.

    You can see from all the posts you have a lot of support encouraging you to start cycling.


    Samui Bodoh offered a pretty comprehensive check-list in his post.

    Also, can you give us an idea of your age and physical fitness, that could be a good indicator too.

    I suffer with cramp whilst exercising and went to the doctor about it. He was writing me out a prescription for quinine and when I questioned the side effects he suggested good quality tonic water (which contains quinine).

    And I quote doctor "but it tastes like sh!t so I put gin in it" ????

    I have been following his prescription ever since.

  4. On 23/01/2021 at 10:38 AM, chickenslegs said:

    It has become common usage, but the Highway Code still says:


    Rule 110 of the Highway Code states: “Only flash your headlights to let other road users know that you are there. “Do not flash your headlights to convey any other message or intimidate other road users.”


    Personally, I think the UK/US use is preferable but, obviously can't be done here.

    I never flash my lights in the UK...... Anymore.

    25-30 years ago I flashed one person to turn across me into a road and another person came out of the said road and there was an accident.

    Flashing lights is seen by everybody, and everybody could take it is meant for them.

    A wave of the hand is all they get these days.

  5. My first time in Thailand on a motorbike, waiting to turn right across the traffic and the car coming towards me flashed his lights so I pulled across........could have been very nasty.

    In the UK flashing lights means I'm letting you out in Thailand it means I'm coming through, you better get out my way.

    • Thanks 1
  6. You can open up Bangkok Bank account in Soi Buakhao, Pattaya very easily. They do insist you take out their insurance (almost like a bribe) but you will get a bank account with online banking and an ATM card. You do not have to have any special visas to do this. Cost my brother 2000 baht last year, but I heard somebody else mention 8,000 baht so not sure how much they're charging for the insurance these days.

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