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About xkkpafi

  • Birthday 01/09/1948

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  1. Would be nice, instead of scaremongering, to get some practical help here, like how to fill in the LP 10.1 form.
  2. So how does it work? Presumably the doctor gives you a prescription for 4 cans of Chang, you then go to your mom and pop store and get your beer there. Or do you know a doctor who owns a pub?
  3. or c) Feet up in front of the TV enjoying a joint after a hard days graft. And what do you about betting, drinking, eating too many bigmacs, or any other pleasure of the flesh that ruin lives if pursued to excess? Ban everything? Like I said before, no middle ground or tolerance remaining on this unhappy planet.
  4. Think there's a difference between enjoying a beer while watching footy and being "boozed up".
  5. I remember 34 years ago meeting a samlor driver in Hua Hin with who I became good mates. He asked me to look over his daughter's English language homework, in which the teacher had set 10 questions. The answers she provided were so bad as to be incomprehensible to an English speaker. I then had a look at the questions the teacher had set, which were also totally incomprehensible to an English speaker. So its a case of the blind leading the blind on that one. At the time there was a total ban on foreigners teaching in State schools, so obviously this included English language teachers. I'm not sure if this still holds true, but it would go some way in explaining why this generation of Thais that cant afford private schooling remain so bad at the language. I also think that there are real pronunciation difficulties for Thais when it comes to speaking English, just a couple of days ago my wife asked me in Thai "lao yoo ttii nie" (sorry not allowed by the mods to write Thai) which left me perplexed as we had just flown from Thailand and I wondered why she wanted to head straight for Laos, but of course it was the bizzy class lounge she was looking for rather than a visit to Vientienne. Its the 'gnge' sound amongst others that I think the Thais find very difficult.
  6. I agree, its the middle ground and respect for others views that has gone. Its all Me Me. The only human rights violation I can see is the beer ban 2 days before the footy started. Really below the belt, a clear case for dragging Qatar to the Hague.
  7. Same same except 35 years. Found also when traveling around with it in my shirt pocket it gets soaked in sweat which seems to screw up the scanners used in passport controls, spent 20 mins in Oz at the immigration while they tried to figure out why they couldn't read the thing. Another good reason not to carry it around all the time.
  8. I'm not familiar with the PinK ID, what exactly is it? Cheers.
  9. Great if you speak Tinglit but incomprehensible if you only speak English....
  10. That is was! Sad there are so many miserable people out there who should try getting a life.
  11. Would some kind person tell me what a Bolt driver is? We have never heard of this in Hua Hin. I assume it either has: Something to do with owning a crossbow A new PC or woke word that has not made it beyond Pataya Something to do with running away Each drier is related to the famous Jamacian sprinter Usain Bolt. Thanks
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