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Mr Derek

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Everything posted by Mr Derek

  1. Just leave the place alone and it will rehabilitate itself.
  2. Annigoni's stunning Wellingtonian portrait of the Queen was outside the headmistress's office when I was at primary school in the 60s. We filed past it every day into assembly. It is hard to explain but it meant something, then, and over all the decades since. I am depressed at what this means for Britain. There's is now no antidote to the decay of the nation.
  3. Japan - bland Singapore - boring after 2 days Malaysia - my least favourite country on earth - degraded environment, nothing works China - fascinating but difficult and unfriendly Hong Kong - okay for a few days If budget stretches, go to Europe. The world's best holiday of 10-14 days is a tour of northern Italy - Milan, Como, Venice, Florence, Pisa etc. Next best: Provence/Cote d'Azur. Next best: Andalucia. Next best: Switzerland. Asia has nothing to touch these places.
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