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Mr Derek

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Everything posted by Mr Derek

  1. No. Drugs are degenerate, by definition. We were given a brain and a beautiful world to live in. If that's not enough, then you ask yourself why you bother living.
  2. Did they have this tiresome message about "Community standards" back then?
  3. Oh please. Hypertension is easily dealt with by easily-available pills. After all these years he's suddenly discovered he's got high blood pressure? He's only been back a few days and we're seeing a surreal levels of manipulative BS already.
  4. First time I've agreed with you about anything. It was a euphoric, celebratory kiss - the type seen on winning a war or at midnight on New Year's Eve. It was an expression of camaraderie and togetherness-in-joy. Now the feminists, led of course by the lesbians (who see attentions from men only as a threat) are now aiming to eradicate that aspect of human nature. It's time for a strong backlash against all this me-too hysteria.
  5. So you're one of those who believe absolutely everything fed to you by the western media, no matter how irrational or nonsensical it is. Try thinking independently for a moment.
  6. I heard there were also 3 crew on board, but yeah. It was basically an act of war by Ukraine/the west. No incentive for Russia to do that, just as there was no incentive for Russia to bomb that dam. If Zelensky denies it, then they did it. That guy is full of it.
  7. One 7-11 croissant, crisped up in the air fryer, with strawberry jam + plus cup of tea.
  8. Putin is not going to kill 9 innocent people just to get this guy - he's far smarter than that. If he wants to take him out it could be done in any number of easier ways. Nah, it's patently another Ukraine/western collaborative job - just like the pipeline, the dam etc. The west is really intent on escalating this conflict and they are also worried about Wagner in Africa.
  9. Migrants everywhere. More evidence that migration needs to be clamped down on hard, for their own safety.
  10. Dr Derek's diagnosis: she was hiding some interior (probably sexual) dysfunction that created an unbearable inner tension. Killing babies was her twisted vengeance against something that was biologically beyond her. After the first one, she would have become addicted to the feeling of empowerment. Despite the moral repulsion that she would have felt, she would have been no more in control of her actions than a drug addict.
  11. The money that would have been better spent on fixing their own country (sanitation, state of the roads, etc) than a useless vanity project like going to the moon. If they feel proud of this, I can show them plenty they ought to be ashamed about.
  12. She got away with it for so long because women are now one of society's specially protected groups. We all know the others.
  13. Immediately trotting out the list of ailments is to groom us for sympathy, therefore we can surmise that it is all paving the way for a pardon.
  14. I've done all my dying - meaning that I've thought about it enough. I am obsessed though with how to make the most of the time left - it's a constant question. I find that it's not a matter of indulgence at all, though I admit, there are certain things I am tempted to do now from a sense of 'what the hell' that I've never done before, and I intend to die penniless in order to avoid the regret of missing out on anything, though that's mainly a problem of timing.
  15. I'm not egotistical enough to want to take up space when I'm done. My instructions are for cremation and for the ashes to be buried unmarked under a tree somewhere - but not scattered, because I do want to retain some integrity ????
  16. Funnily enough, I've been finding Lazada to be increasingly hopeless in what they have available, and what they do have seem mainly to come from overseas anyway. When the same item is available locally on Lazada and overseas from AliExpress, then the Lazada price is always significantly higher (sometimes crazily higher) so unless I need it urgently, I get it from AliExpress. In recent weeks I've bought a particular laptop motherboard, a particular laptop battery, a powered usb hub, and a special kind of 'health watch' - none of which were available at all on Lazada, locally or 'overseas'. Delivery on AliExpress can take weeks but there's often no choice. So the answer is no, I don't find (yet) that AliExpress has become useless.
  17. I asked her. She said it's just an expression of surprise. She never takes offence, bless her. Unlike the former Mrs D.
  18. You do know that Wilfred Brambell was gay...?
  19. Seriously, you need a comma in that sentence.
  20. She says "Ow!" (a Thai ow, not an English ow), pretends to look sad for a few seconds, and that's it. Perfect.
  21. I'm wondering whether we need to go in at all, considering that once we have the receipt, we have acquitted our responsibility in making the application, therefore the ball should be entirely in their court. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the official rule is 'if you haven't received a reply before the deadline (plus grace period), then you need to go and do it in person'.
  22. Ed Sheeran's "Shape of You" has driven me out of many a supermarket.
  23. So having made the online application and got the receipt, are we entitled to just sit and wait for as long as it takes, even if that's beyond the deadline? Or are we supposed to go and do it in person before then?
  24. Charles Aznavour had a solution. (You'll need the English lyrics if you don't speak French)
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