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Everything posted by tomyami

  1. This variant is a hypochondriacs dream its everywhere, only problem is what will it now take to accept is a god damn flu, cases will sky rocket hospitalizations down. It will require WHO to down grade and this wont happen till China is ready covid zero In Ireland we 10x cases to last year and fewer in hospital go figure...
  2. just telling it like it is, have found less chalenging destinations thailand no longer no 1 glad i never invested, so how is ur bar doing?
  3. Could be something different tomorrow and/or lockdown, mandatory street testing curfew, mask wearing, takeway only, beach closed and no swimming pools open ya di ya da for weeks/months in different provences. All this after a long flight a journey to the unknown even thought you are fully vaxed and 72 hr tested before leaving If positive 10 days exp isolation go on treat ur self
  4. Lot of girls working in pattaya products of incest in the northeast very common but it is time they moved with the time with appropriate policing and social services
  5. My bbk card works but you have to request at your local branch before you leave omicron is everywhere it depends on vaccine level and management for thailand i rate 5 & 2 respectively and will get worse roll on 23
  6. Flashing money wont last long in thailand if she had 1/2 a brain should know that
  7. My overly cautious country Ireland is exp the highest level of cases in the world. Deaths and hospilizations have reduced under omicrom most in ICU are legacy delta unvaxed cases. A senior politician had to addmitt this in the case so schools are opening today as planned workers who are close contacts and are fully vaxed + boosted with no syptoms can return to work and no more restrictions to be added I think Thailand is 2 wks from seeing the birds from the treees with cases and pcr testing becoming less relevant link is broken with omicrom so no reason to continue this charade.
  8. hey probably poverty and mental health brought on by lockdowns suits you in the i am all right jack, i like it quite camp
  9. The violence in treetown was thai on thai new boxing security manager for a thai business I lived in pattaya for 12 years the violence is uasually thai on thai, drunk tourists are part of all holidays destinations. Pattaya has profited from nightlife take it away there is nothing unless you bulldoze the whole place. If you want a barless no nightlife get out of pattaya and if your worried about covid stay in but dont impose your life style on other who want to enjoy life you probably had yours. The governer is an asshle imposing a unofficial lockdown forcing an unreliable testing method with business shutdown or quarranting at stake on vaccinated double tested on entry tourists who have to pay to isolate if the are found to be positive.
  10. Thailand has survived 2 years is it possible it could be the new normal allowing some businesses to open then to blame them is easy. I stay in the canaries all bars and resturants open there are cases but most agree its community spread with in family gatherings and in Thailand it will be factories and markets. They want tourism shut till the Chinese can travel imo
  11. After the "hunting for africans" there was the "Israeli" and now the "Indians" Thailand needs to educate its young with a less xenophobic view of the world.
  12. Saw that posted else where it predates omicrom hasnt gone anywhere calm down. Its 2022, time for common sense to replace "abundance of caution" for a milder strain of COVID. Thailand will have to adjust because it eventually hits supply chain and services just like in the US isolation down to 5 days cuts 85% risk The vax is also part of it reduces risk of serious illness Time to and take back lives and livelihoods for the sake of mental health.
  13. welcome, vaccinated tourist scum Was hoping to go jan 2023 i think Thailand should close down they are looking more like china
  14. And if you test positive while on your holiday from the many test stations even to go eat in a resturant if positive you can be whisked away to quarrantine its a new 72 hour directive from chon buri chief thief, cruel but Its a real money spinner. Avoid thailand the trusted destination
  15. I think any reopening will be delayed again continuation of flip flops future tourist no., revenue and quality tourist rubbish the wealthy are getting richer, the poor can eat less, demo protests are surpressed and the dictator strengthens his hold on power with a stronger baht. I think songkran could be a relaxation target.
  16. Can tat listen to social media and correct practices that discourage foreign travel as a long term plan, maybe to many enjoy. I love it because its endemic, the padding bins etc wish i was there now
  17. experience out there testing can not keep pace with omicron, infection less severe, hospitization shorter, ICU and deaths lower, quarantine and closures are pointless it spread cant not be stopped. Thailand can open with or without AQL few will travel less for the later. EU UK to peak in a week or 2 expect rapid return to normality
  18. Most of the germans where thai nationals married to germans, a mate of mine his wife and daughter both thai nationals traveled to punket he did not go. Thia's are considered as foreigners when the marry/live ouside its less accepted than in the normal world. lots of Thai's live in Germany as we know very well Am sure any lowly airport worker would know the %
  19. what flag will we use in this article? thailand needs to be starved of all tourists
  20. Report in the Guardian saying that many scientists think the U.K. has already peaked. If that is the case, then the downward slide will be pretty rapid, as it was in South Africa. We are at the most 2 weeks behind the U.K. I can see our peak coming in early to mid January. We will be out the other end of this by the end of January. I really don’t see lockdowns on the horizon or schools closing. Covid has evolved into a strain of the common cold in the same way the Russian flu did at the end of the 19th century. Quarantine for a flu, US has already reduced isolation time to 5 days. I hope they change approach, fully vaxed and 72hour tested wont open flood gates few are traveling only the quality will come i know some expats would like to keep out tourists but the untested neighbours crossing pourous borders are the real threat but it a milder 1 than before on real sciencetific evidence.
  21. Report in the Guardian saying that many scientists think the U.K. has already peaked. If that is the case, then the downward slide will be pretty rapid, as it was in South Africa. We are at the most 2 weeks behind the U.K. I can see our peak coming in early to mid January. We will be out the other end of this by the end of January. I really don’t see lockdowns on the horizon or schools closing. Covid has evolved into a strain of the common cold in the same way the Russian flu did at the end of the 19th century. And thailand is 4 weeks away for this it cannot be stopped and slowing prolongs the pain
  22. more of the same is not helping the millions in poverty Omicron is a milder variant that cant be stopped unless everyone self isolates forever time to live 70%+ vaccinated, ecomony and mental health have equal importance, enough if you want to stay lockdown then up to you and good luck if you can afford it.
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