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Danderman123 last won the day on November 1 2024

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  1. Unfortunately, turnout in Philadelphia petered out in the afternoon, but it still exceeded 2020. There is a Philly firewall of 600,000 votes. We'll know tomorrow if it is enough.
  2. There have been no surprises tonight. Whoever wins Pennsylvania, the results will not be announced tonight. All those early ballots have to be counted.
  3. You seem confused. Harris is way ahead in Minnesota.
  4. The Dems have a margin of 400,000 early votes that have yet to be counted. Those are going to be 90% Harris votes. What is unknown is the number of outstanding Election Day Trump votes. There could be a lot.
  5. The question is whether this will be a repeat of 2020, when the Dems won based on early voting, or 2016.
  6. No surprises tonight.
  7. There is little chance that the 3 Blue Wall states will have completed counting votes anytime soon.
  8. No surprises so far.
  9. The race in Texas between Allred and Cruz is very close. Will it come down to my one vote?
  10. Trump's people are always panicking, it doesn't mean anything. They were all surprised when he won in 2016.
  11. Pennsylvania is the tipping point state, given that Michigan and Wisconsin are likely to go for Harris.
  12. So far, no surprises.
  13. You seem to be detached from reality. If the Russians wanted to keep the Trump vote down, they would target Trump leaning polling places.
  14. The early returns have some interesting numbers for Ohio, some traditionally Red counties have flipped to Blue. But it's early yet. There is not much of a chance this trend will continue.
  15. So far, there have been no surprises in the election results. One big question is whether turnout in Philadelphia will be big enough to create an insurmountable firewall for Harris. It looks like the Philly vote will surpass 2020, but just barely. If Trump increases his turnout over 2020, he could win. Still too early to know.
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