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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Great. We'll know in 30 days if Trump can raise the $83 million.
  2. You are not debating with @walker88, he is posting facts, and you are posting wild claims and fantasies. Meanwhile, Taylor Swift is going to the Super Bowl!
  3. Your man Trump had a net loss of jobs during his administration, the first president to lose jobs since Herbert Hoover.
  4. Biden opens up lead on Trump amid growing gender gap: Quinnipiac poll Polls this early are pretty worthless, as no one is focused on the election.
  5. The economy is great, the stock market is up, inflation is down. Just because you say something, doesn't mean it's true.
  6. In some countries, low level government functionaries engaged in corrupt behavior can be prosecuted if they neglect to pass some of their illegal income higher up the chain of command. I'm sure this never happens in Thailand.
  7. Not if this turns out to be just a failed proposal, ie a trial balloon.
  8. If you believe that voting machines are being tampered with to change votes, it just means you don't understand how elections are run. Not that you want that information, you seem happy just to recite talking points. But, in real life, there are safeguards against voting machine failure.
  9. You *do* know that Thailand is full of Russian draft dodgers, right?
  10. The Trump fluffers don't want to touch this with a 10 foot pole. Not even to suggest the penalty should be $0. They have to wait for their talking points.
  11. I don't think a business ban would hold up under appeal. I suspect that the financial penalties should be the amount that Trump saved via his asset valuation fraud, plus some penalty, so $300 million is in the ballpark. Trump may argue the judge is unfair, but Trump never put up a defense.
  12. How did that talking point work out for Trump? Yet another fail.
  13. Again, the difference is something called "consent". Trump brags about assaulting women without their consent.
  14. January 31 is the day the decision is supposed to be published. It may be delayed, due to the complexity of the issues.
  15. “The NFL is totally RIGGED for the Kansas City Chiefs, Taylor Swift, Mr. Pfizer (Travis Kelce),” Mike Crispi, a Rumble video host, said on X. “All to spread DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA. Calling it now: KC wins, goes to Super Bowl, Swift comes out at the halftime show and ‘endorses’ Joe Biden with Kelce at midfield.”
  16. The only ones putting politics in this Super Bowl are FOX News and MAGA politicians whining about Taylor Swift. Are you going to condemn them? Please do, so we can repost when Trump inevitably complains about Taylor Swift.
  17. Why are you defending this behavior? Do you believe that every man can do what Trump said he does, or only Trump?
  18. I am predicting that Trump will not appeal the $83 verdict. He will rely on the appeal of the first verdict, so he doesn't have to post an $83 million bond for the second appeal.
  19. My prediction is that Taylor Swift will be President of the United States in 20 years, barring disaster.
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