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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. First, your homeland issues right they may be have nothing to do with this topic. These days we have international laws that forbid it. Second, oh never mind.
  2. Watch porn on work computers all day you may get hacked.
  3. Definitely not cleaver. 😂😂😂But definitely more knowledgeable than you on the subject matter. Having a few pigs roaming around the streets instead of soi dogs would also limit their numbers. They have a habit of settling in places they like whether it’s legal or not.
  4. Just set up a few pig farms. This will reduce tourist overload from certain origins.
  5. You paid too much for second hand Nike. Incidentally, the yoghurt price drop could be related to expiration date.
  6. So shallow and thin skinned these people are.
  7. Surely they didn’t have work permits. This job is reserved for locals.
  8. Get your priorities right. People are getting sick with air pollution. Casino, alcohol, pandas is what she seems more interested in.
  9. How about sex tax for foreigners. There’s too much of it going on which is unhealthy for Thai men as they can’t compete.
  10. Rumor has it pilot’s wife threw her phone at the window from outside after seeing a flight attendant blowing her husband before take off. Apparently she’s ok with lady attendants doing it. This time it was a guy. He’d cross the red line. Took off in a hurry to avoid embarrassment.
  11. Just don’t tell Xi that the two pandas he gifted the PM may be subjected to this air quality. The best the fools can do is to ask people to wear masks.
  12. Me thinks the pandas were the highlight for her as directed by dad. Everything else daddy will handle.
  13. Wannabe racers should be jailed and cars destroyed.
  14. Maybe previous owner put second hand tyres on. As far as age is concerned the quality of tyres deteriorate with age. As pointed out by others the rate of degradation other than wear include material quality and storage (heat and sunlight). At low speed city driving you may be fine but at higher speeds, bumpy roads or emergency hard braking to avoid a collision you’ll be taking greater risks with the older tyre which include blow outs, poorer grips and stopping a little later.
  15. You need to read a bit more and not just the one side.
  16. We have first hand experience with our kid going to a so called good school. They teach them big words together with simple three-letter words. They force the kids to memorize sentences in books rather than learn to read properly. Example: first grade book “Grace’s favorite color is blue”. Kids don’t know how to read /pronounce the word “is” yet. I spoke to a Thai parent and he said we just teach the kids to memorize sentences without breaking sentences into words. The teachers notes have spelling mistakes too. It’s all a show. “Look we teach advance English even to first graders”. Superficiality is their culture I’m afraid.
  17. Someone needs to tell him it’s too soon to rely on “do you know who I am?” thing. He needs to be patient 😂😂
  18. What’s that got to do with this topic?😂😂
  19. Probably burning dead plants like back home. Obstructing fire hydrants aka park wherever your car fits. Aah you can take a Thai out of the country but you can’t take Thainess out of them.
  20. Could be police in other areas complaining to central police that the loot needs to be shared among colleagues. It’s not fair that Tak colleagues raking in millions. Idea is how about we rotate the commanders (transfer) so others can wet their beaks as well.
  21. So the ban was introduced to stop officials drinking alcohol during work hours? So they must now ban TikTok, Facebook etc.
  22. Come on Thailand the progress is slow. If you’re aiming for No1 spot you gotta move faster.
  23. You’re confusing yourself. Should not compare bikes of different classes. Price vs horse power vs ride situations vs etc. once you get the priority right stick to it. 250RR will be a ripper of a bike in its class. 650R is great value for a 4cyl. I nearly bought one but went for a higher performing ZX6R.
  24. If you’re not dealing with customers directly you’d be fine. But if someone has it in for you and dobs you in, you’ll have problems. you mentioned it’s all online. If so there should be no need for you to be in the office to do ‘work’. Have Candy Crush tab opened when you’re in the office and if authorities show up just say I’m visiting my company and playing games, “no working krub”.
  25. That’ll learn him!!! Won’t be doing that anytime soon. Then again he may be one of those who likes being roughed up by sexy half naked women. Who knows😂😂😂
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