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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. It’s more like she supports dad.
  2. I think the military is sending him signals “slow it down or we’ll come after you and your clan ….again”.
  3. Why it can’t be done? From entry into police force/military where you have to bribe someone to get in to being promoted each time where you have to bribe someone again means you cannot fight the system as your hands are dirty too. To be a General one can only asssume you must pay even a bigger bribe and be connected to people who run the show. This is how mafia works. To be “made” you’re required to do a criminal act such as murder. They’ve got something on you!!!
  4. Yeah, or ganga where it lingers for a long time
  5. It may well have been actual police doing the scamming. Not out of question.
  6. Ultimate narcissist in action. He makes the announcement. lol. No respect for the PM, daughter, or anything for that matter. He’ll get along well with DJT.
  7. Yeah just interesting situation. No other intentions from me. I was just fascinated to learn of them being married and all that and yet not have met after such a long time.
  8. Her husband of 2-3 years arrives this weekend. He’s a Thai factory worker in Korea. She’s staying with us for a while. I don’t usually ask detailed questions about her family. I asked the wife “I bet she’s excited to see him again after such a long time”. Wife replies “ they haven’t met yet”. Their story is the parents of the couple organised the wedding (???) after they had met online, both from nearby villages in Issan. Both no spring chickens with kids. He naturally sends her money every month. In a way I thought of those poor farangs who end up sponsoring Thai women while abroad. At least in most cases the farang has test driven the goods, at least once. In this guy’s case he’s got Nothin’ yet. I may provide update after their first encounter tomorrow. They plan to drive back home to issan for a month before he heads back to Korea.
  9. Fighting like girls. Must be Indians.
  10. What’s a short time got to do with it. Next.
  11. Festive season means spending more money which requires making more money which necessitates a scheme to make such money which means going out there to solicitate money from those who have some money and are unfamiliar with laws and don’t want to ruin their holiday so agree to pay cash to make it go away.
  12. We had ours done. Look great, feel great. Win-win. Just make sure you get the highest quality at a very reputable place. Surgery is no joke.
  13. Don’t you have better things to do than consume yourself with bargirls past and present affairs? Why bother dwelling over a bunch of low-lives?
  14. So selling dildos poses a national security threat?
  15. If the story is true one motive could be her plan to drug him, her bf pimp ransacking his place, cleaning him out.
  16. Had two credit cards sent via Thai post from banks overseas opened, cards stolen and used. Never trust them.
  17. Fair enough. Some comments can go beyond opinion sometimes. Especially when it comes from older farts who act on their opinions.
  18. It’s none of your or anyone’s business what a person does with their body. Your views are irrelevant and pointless to that person so why waste time on it.
  19. This is near my home. Migrant workers in poorly lit sections waving flags barely visible blocking section of the road for whatever reason. Got to get used to it. We don’t have a choice other than exercise caution.
  20. Geez it may be ok to regurgitate news from the past every now and then but going back to “26th November 1967”? Come on now. 😂😂😂
  21. It’s a third world country. Stop the bashing.
  22. She’ll probably do a TikTok ad as part of her contribution.
  23. What’s you’re favorite silly add? One of mine is tire shops that advertise buy 3 get 1 free. Do you know anyone who only wanted 3 tires but went for 4 because it was free?
  24. Brown envelopes coming to BDB staff. Wonder how many government staff will pay a bribe to be investigators in the cases. Prosperous year for BDB staff in 2025.
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