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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. They tried to short-cut their obligation to Islam. Could there be a message from upstairs? Thou shall do the Haj properly!!!
  2. People dodging military service are generally cowards. You either support your leaders (do what they ask you to do) or you don’t in which case stay and fight them. As a Russian citizen you must follow your rules or they will break you!
  3. Taking jobs away from Thais? Naughty, naughty. I bet they didn’t pay any tax on their income and don’t have work permits either.
  4. Is this a new definition of drug? Surely you meant it as a joke.
  5. Wake up guys. It says Thais. Right? So we don’t have to worry about it.
  6. Whenever I hear a committee needing to be formed it ends up as a sham to cover up. No committee is required to investigate a rape allegation. Let’s hope the bf finds alternative ways to bring about justice as is common place here.
  7. The OP seems narrow minded more suitable to the right. Thinking someone is Muslim because how they look made me disregard everything else that followed. He believes in freedom as long as it suits him. You can’t have it all your way mate.
  8. In my case, the smart BMW and a police pick up with 4 young officers and the older boss were given a bunch of bananas each from my only tree that I had waited almost a year to enjoy. They did a good job and were nice. The boss sat inside the car, door open for while and other officers standing around. Our friend/witness who is a lawyer said they’re waiting for some money. So out came the white envelope (don’t have brown) with a 1000 in it. I asked my wife and friend if I can get the bananas back at least. They laughed and didn’t realize I was semi-serious.
  9. Thais deserve any government they get. Majority too spineless/care-less to do what’s right for the nation or future generations. btw-has there been occasions were a coup was advertised way in advance? It defeats the purpose. Does it not?
  10. In this case charging farangs more is fair. We are dirty!
  11. Take it easy on him. He was hungry in desperate need of something sweet. He frantically was looking around, frustrated he couldn’t find it. Just a misunderstanding.
  12. Can’t handle guns, alcohol, drugs, criticism, woman rejection. Makes us farang look a lot better than their guys. Keep it up somchai!
  13. Plenty of YouTube videos showing interactions with Indian scammers. If you get a call from a person with a heavy Indian accent who claims to be “Michael Johnson” or “Elizabeth Jones” and uses language that likes of FBI or IRS etc wouldn’t use and you fall for it, unfortunately is a poor reflection on your intellect.
  14. Thinking of attending this weekend motorbike racing at Chang International Circuit. Never been to Burriram. Any ideas about where to stay for Fri/Sat nights. Any experience with the event is also appreciated.
  15. He dyes his hair. That’s the first clue that he’s bent.
  16. Cowards. They should be in Russia working on toppling the current regime.
  17. Sharing my personal observations. I said Africans because not sure which countries they’re from. Suffice to say they are Africans. Not racist or anti-black. It may be offensive to some but who cares.
  18. Fair enough. But we’re talking about the select working here as prostitutes. Not one looked attractive. Sagging boobs, ugly faced, enormous thighs and asses or hardly any ass. Disgusting.
  19. Visited Nana area the other day. Lots of African girls doing the rounds on the streets. I must say none looked attractive enough to even be considered talking to. Where are the immigration police?
  20. What about the many non-Thais touting. People come to visit Thailand not India, Nigeria or Arab countries. If they’re to be scammed let it be the locals.
  21. Chinese have no shame when it comes to wanting to make a buck. Can you think of something they can’t copy and sell?
  22. You cannot be a trader unless you’re connected. If you’re connected you probably won’t be prosecuted. If you’re the victim you’re probably screwed unless you get help from that whistleblower guy. The trader would have some sort of a registration number or something that could identify him.
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