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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. Thank you guys. I’ll try in the next couple of days.
  2. I tried leaving it blank. A pop-up comes up asking for it. Would not allow you to proceed.
  3. Previously employer did this for me online. Now on Marriage extension. I’m due to notify in the next few days (7-15 day window). tested the online system. It’s asking for TM6. On arrival back to Thailand dec22 did not get the arrival card (not issuing any longer). Instead I put the arrival number from a previous time. It proceeded the notification but stopped due to having a couple days left for the 7-15 day window. Q) am I on the right track?
  4. Only 9 people? I’m sure they could fit a lot more.
  5. The alleged thief may have liked the coffee from that machine so much that he had to have it. Thai males are brought up spoiled.
  6. If you wonder how thai high education system is based on plagiarism, this leading educator is a good demonstration. They have little pride in themselves and no issues with using other peoples work and passing it on as theirs.
  7. Lol. Papa and I understand each other very well. You don’t seem to understand our language.
  8. It’s all a misunderstanding. It wasn’t his fault. In fact he didn’t do it. It was a farang who got into his car and did it. The video was edited omitting the full story. He’s working on his defamation suit.
  9. Can we get the opening remarks of the Thai Health Promotion Foundation junket. It should’ve gone something like “We’d like to thank our donors and sponsors for their generous contributions…”
  10. We speak the same language my friend!!!
  11. Loaded guns in houses with Thai women is a recipe for disaster. Especially those with status and entitled. Not a smart guy.
  12. They should promote it. A good way to get rid of morons. Shame the other four were not aligned properly.
  13. They’ll get more value from them as tourist attractions with kids climbing up playing with instruments.
  14. Wai is a Thai thing and should not be confused with saying hello or shaking hand. If you’re not Thai no need to do it. Thais don’t expect it from you.
  15. Cbr650 I’d say is the best 4cyl bang for your buck. When time came to upgrade the cbr500 to a 4cyl, I nearly bought one. The wife (cfo) made the mistake of asking me to buy what I LIKE. So I sneaked in the ZX6R at 100+k extra. By the time she realized it, It was too late. Haven’t looked back. Then again I’ve been showing her pictures of ZX10R and ZH2 and visited the show rooms a couple of times. It’ll be a while to convince her. One step at a time.
  16. Rest assured most 4cyl bikes can do that. Mine is around 270km/hr.
  17. No real difference between 650 and 4cyl in body size. That’s where the similarities end though!
  18. It’s time to upgrade your bike. You know you want to. Go up to 4cyl. You won’t look back!!!!
  19. How do you know he was mumbling?
  20. 40 transactions assuming he got lucky for each transaction equals 175k per nookie. Overpaid by a factor of 100. What does a regular at a furniture shop do? Perhaps Christened every pice of furniture. I don’t know.
  21. Did I say sex? Why can’t a Good Samaritan do what he does best. Then again one cannot predict what might happen if one wishes to return one’s good deed in whichever way one wishes to do so.
  22. Another Thai underachiever who doesn’t know how handle getting a butthurt.
  23. I’d be happy to provide her some private sessions advising her on her options etc.
  24. 0 score from me. It is banned in my household. Well except when we have guests over, or when the wife feels like it.
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