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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. Many thanks for the feedback.

    It would appear to be Hydrogen Sulphide, and having googled, I have found much info.

    As suggested, probably the best solution is to run the water for a few seconds before showering, problem not too great to consider a more drastic (and expensive) remedy.

    I will have a look at charcoal filters when I next go shopping somewhere large

  2. You sure its an ammonia smell and not sulphide (beer fart aroma?).

    Sounds like the water has gone anoxic (no oxygen) and then some chemical has been reduced............highly unlikely it is ammonia (nitrate gets reduced to ammonia).

    If it is ammonia then you have a HUGE problem since it will come from either ammonia (sewage-highly unlikely since everywhere else it is clean and tasteless) or very high concentrations of nitrate (too high to be consumed....10 mg/L and again highly unlikely). My bet is its something else but probably easily rectified.

    What is a copper shower pot (a pot made out of copper to hold water for the shower?????). Never heard of that.

    Anyway the solution is to either let the shower run before you step in; or buy a small aquarium air pump and stick it in the copper shower pot to keep the water aerated. Or get rid of the copper pot.

    The shower is a standard Sanyo unit. I believe the water to be heated is contained in a small copper cylinder within the plastic casing. The smell for the first few seconds does sometimes remind me of sewage, but clears once the water is running. Clearly it is the water that is stored within the shower unit, and which is then displaced by water from the PVC pipe once the tap is opened.

  3. The pool in town is not bad though but all a bit too formal. (How casual do you want to be?? I hear you ask).

    Wasn't aware that there was another pool in Buriram. Can you provide info please. Thanks maybe can use that if we have another abortive visit to the "Beach".

  4. Hello Everyone,

    Last year while on holiday, I had the pleasure of meeting a very fine Lady, we spent all the time we had together, and i have returned now for my 4th visit, we still feel very strongly for each other and have decided to (tie the knot), Unfortunatelely, i have now found out that she was married to a British man in the month of March last year, they very quickly married in a Registery office in Bangkok, 2 days later the man returned to the UK, he never returned, never supported her, and has made little contact with her since the marriage, she now seeks a divorce, so that we can be free to marry, she has tried to contact him, to ask for the marriage to be disolved, and he flatly refuses, taking into account the facts that he has not supported her, and the fact that he never returned...can anyone tell me how she legally stands.

    many thanks tweedwarp.

    If both parties to a Thai marriage agree, then the divorce can occur at an Amphur - it takes just a few minutes.

    However when 1 party does not want a divorce, but there are sufficient grounds such as you describe, then with no contact during 1 year a divorce can be applied for through the courts. This must unfortunately be done through a lawyer, may take up to 6 months or thereabouts and will likely cost in the region of 50/60,000bt.

    Trust this helps

  5. I recently had a bore drilled to provide water. This is 44 metres deep and provides all my domestic needs which is circulated from the pump through the conventional plastic pipes

    The water is clean and tasteless at all outlets except one.

    In the bathroom, when I turn on the shower, for the first few seconds, whilst the water that has been left standing within the copper shower pot, is expelled there is a most unpleasant smell, sometimes resembling ammonia,

    Could it be that the minerals in the water are reacting with the copper pot of the shower?

    Any chemists out there care to comment please?

  6. What's the date today? Isn't it a bit early for that kind of thing? :o

    Where is this place anyway? Or did I fall for the obvious?

    It's a massive swimming pool complex, with a sandy "beach" which gently slopes into the water

    Opened last year by a couple of Aussies, but never seemed to get much custom, except at perhaps weekends.

    Its located just past the Chevrolet garage about 1km down from Big C and Makro

    Good potential but needs hundreds of kids daily, and cannot afford to close in high season!


    Does anyone know whether this place is still open? The few times I went last year, there were practically no customers, and yesterday - the height of the school holidays - when I wanted to take the children it was closed!

    Their Website has never been added to since inception and there are no contact details available.

  8. In my village the "scarecrow" is outside homes where there is a male member of any age who was born on a Tuesday or Thursday. As has been said earlier, it seems that a female ghost will be looking for a partner born on one of those 2 days, and these scarecrows apparently re-route her elsewhere.

    I have been unable to establish for how long she is active, and indeed why she is active now all of a sudden. My questions to the villagers as to why she would want a male born on a Tuesday or Thursday were met with a blank stare. Furthermore I have been told that in the recent past 2 victims were claimed by the ghost, both dying as a result.

    Isn't living in Isan fun!

  9. Hi Nick. where is that place? i was told that if you come out of Makro and turn left (there is no alternative) it is further along towards highway 226 near the place with restaurant with the big prawn out the front.

    It's a bit further than the big prawn, very near the Chevrolet showroom. There is a sign outside, which from recollection does not mention swimming, but indicates it is a fun centre for kids. If you pass it then "U Turn" and try again.

  10. Nationwide Flex A/c most definitely the best (limit £300 per day withdrawal), but for those without, it requires a trip back home to open it.

    Prior to Nationwide I always found transfers from Barclays to Kasikorn Thai the best way.. A standard request for a transfer on say a Monday (£20 fee) would result in the money being in Kasikorn on Thursday morning. But a priority transfer (£35), requested before 2pm UK time and the money would ALWAYS be in Kasikorn next morning. Kasikorn also generally has the highest telex rate of all the main Thai banks,

  11. I never told Nationwide that I live in Thailand, and use my UK "accommodation address".

    2 weeks ago they sent a new Flex card, which they advised me had to replace the existing card within 99 days. I transferred all the money from my Flex account to their e- savings account PLUS the full amount of the small overdraft they have allowed me.

    Then with the account empty, had the card sent to Thailand -ordinary unregistered post - which arrived safely 4 days later. Once here transferred money back to the Flex account.

    No sign yet of the card reader, but this I understand is not necessary if I only use the Flex card for ATM withdrawals

  12. I never told Nationwide that I live in Thailand, and use my UK "accommodation address".

    2 weeks ago they sent a new Flex card, which they advised me had to replace the existing card within 99 days. I transferred all the money from my Flex account to their e- savings account PLUS the full amount of the small overdraft they have allowed me.

    Then with the account empty, had the card sent to Thailand -ordinary unregistered post - which arrived safely 4 days later. Once here transferred money back to the Flex account.

    No sign yet of the card reader, but this I understand is not necessary if I only use the Flex card for ATM withdrawals.

  13. I had the police visit me just 1 hour ago. Same policeman who came about 18 months ago, and once again he asked the same questions.

    I queried why he wanted this info again, and he replied that it was never recorded first time!!!

    As well as general questions as to whether I was working and where I obtained my money, he wanted a copy of passport, house registration and my other documents relative to staying in Thailand.

    Seems he had documents for other farangs in the area

  14. Each to their own -live and let live as others have said.

    It might not be respectful, but that is THEIR problem.

    But why pick on farangs? Go shopping on a weekend or school holidays, and pick-ups arrive carrying practically everyone from the village, many of whom look as of they've been collected from the rice fields! Kids often in dirty clothes and the oldies with their betel nuts, spitting into their tin cans. Not a pretty sight!

  15. I stay here on a Permanent Resident Permit. I am required to report at the local Police station every 5 years with an updated photo. Nothing else required.

    There are regular roadside checks of all vehicles, but generally I find that having slowed down, and been seen as a farang by the policeman I am waved on. On the rare occasions when everyone is stopped, I smilingly produce my Thai drivers licence, and there generally follows a light hearted conversation, usually involving football teams. I have never been asked for money.

    I have long since told my wife that if anyone comes to the house requiring personal information about me, she must tell them nothing and insist they come back when I am there. I once received a telephone call from someone telling me they were calling from the Thai tax office and needed info on my income, pensions etc. I politely told them that if they really needed to know, then either they should visit me in person with full ID, or write to me. I heard nothing further.

  16. I think the regulation below is useful.



    The Bangkok Bank regulations speak for themselves. "If you are living in Thailand, you need to bring a residence permit or a Certificate of Residence." Maybe Ron opened the account only with a passport and did not produce a Certificate of Residence- (available at immigration offices I believe).

    With up-country bank staff frequently having insufficient knowledge and experience of their products, I suggest Ron e-mail Head office enclosing a copy of the banks own conditions for account opening.

  17. my wife was cooked after each child birth(2) ,, certainly has done her no harm ,,, except maybe she was overcooked at the base of her spine ,, she has a red mark a couple of inches in diameter ,, it gives her no trouble ,,, and as l type ,,, our niece ,, who gave birth last saturday ,, is at home being cooked now ,,, a lot of mind over matter ,, if they believe it will help ,, it will :o



    Apologies to all but mau mak mak tonight

    Roast Lamb and roast potatoes - aloy mak mak!

  18. ^ Do you have a picture of that.

    I am looking for some guest room 'houses' for ideas but not seem to find many.

    And 90.000 baht sounds great, can have more guests. :o


    Only have one picture. The shower/toilet is to the left hidden behind the tree. As well as en-suite, there is an outer door accessible from the garden.

    Hope this helps


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