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Everything posted by Morch

  1. Matter of opinion how? Regarding what or which part? Not sure what you meant. You've asked why they do/don't do this/that. I provided what I think is the answer. As for 'justified' - I'm not sure how these things are decided, or how posters imagine they are decided. There is a lot of such comments about, but again, less in the way of realistic, viable alternatives offered. I also see very little acknowledgment from those opposing Israel that Hamas bears in responsibility on three related counts - (a) that the war is on, (b) that the war drags on, and (c) the civilian death toll. Making the moral argument something that is solely to do with Israel is not something I agree with. No idea how long Israel will be 'allowed' to go on (or on the other hand, if it will be stopped), but IDF comments I read talk about much longer than a couple of months. This goes back to something I commented on early on - that given ample time, it is possible to root out Hamas and make it a minor threat. Whether this is realistic (in terms of political pressure) is another thing. I do agree that there is an issue with the end-game not being clearly defined. Not even with regard to the 'destroy Hamas' thing (several comments on that, with variations), the future of the Gaza Strip after the war, and Israel's relations with the Palestinians. This seems mostly down to domestic politics in Israel, and Netanyahu already hedging in preparation for an election campaign. Truth is nobody got good answers to any of these things.
  2. Same can be said about sharing a language, being of the same people and whatnot. It doesn't even matter if you wish to make the 'core' reason this or that. It doesn't nullify the others. It doesn't help solve of address things better.
  3. I don't think you can. Be honest, that is. Not in the context of these topics. Not after posting the sort of antisemitic garbage you did, Jeff.
  4. @thaibeachlovers There is no requirement for parity on this score. And obviously, you somehow managed to 'forget' about them murdered Israelis on 7/10. Or them Israeli soldiers killed in the Gaza strip since.
  5. You can say a whole lot of things. You actually do. It cannot be denied that you post the odd one-liner, usually when pressed, about 'condemning Hamas'. It's maybe just hard to notice them given the torrent of anti-Israeli comments you make.
  6. That would be you broadcasting, almost to a letter, Hamas position. Well done.
  7. Much earlier on this was, when the very same Patriarchate confirmed Israel has not done something Hamas claimed (and media published without properly checking), posters of views similar to yours were doing insinuating pretty much the same things about him. I know, I know....you didn't see it because you don't read the topics, and you do not read the topics because there's not enough time, and you're so very busy with your anti-Israeli posting....
  8. Nothing to do with the topic (which is not about Israeli Arabs, or even Israel's domestic policies). And poster's 'question', as expected opens up a new line of off topic 'debate' down topic.
  9. You claimed 'official policy'. You cannot back that up. Instead of taking a step back and modifying your claim, you dig deeper. Good luck with that. There is no such official policy as you claimed.
  10. Believe me, it also takes time to sift through the host of off topic, nonsense, misleading posts you and the other troll flood topics with.
  11. You can't say either. You just say that you were accused. You do not give an accurate context. Considering you previously claimed to have not seen any antisemitic comments.....yeah.
  12. So basically, you've got nothing but a feeling to back this up with, right? Here are some other questions marks - What would be the point of this ? Given the current composition of the Israeli war cabinet, how would this float? Never mind be an actual option? If that was the thinking, how come there are still Gazans in the Northern part? And why was there (relatively) less of this in the center of the Gaza Strip? Why isn't Rafah bombed? And if that was it - why send in ground troops ?
  13. The conflict is multi-faceted. Saying it's about this, that or the other is bound to make for a flawed take.
  14. I don't think you actually have. Not quite as you describe, for sure.
  15. Plenty of comments on these topics opining 'sagely' on how and what Jews worship, made by non-Jews. Doesn't bother you much. Yeah, I know....you didn't see it. Sure.
  16. I don't think you read these topics, if you make such obvious counter-factual comments.
  17. Reasons for Hamas attack were discussed numerous times, in length and detail on these topics. That you limit the options to two contrived possibilities is nonsense.
  18. No, this would be you not reading topics again. Or reading and ignoring comments made. This topic is about current events. Not a rehash of all related issues.
  19. Makes one wonder how much things you'll insinuate without support. Guess a whole lot by the time these topics are done with. Recall all them pictures and clips of Hamas/Gazasn surrendering? Some in their underwear etc.? They obviously weren't shot.
  20. @thaibeachlovers You often make a point of serving in the military. Were you ever in a combat situation? Or more to the point, a combat situation resembling how things are in the Gaza Strip? I get it that things may look clear cut on drills, practice grounds and on paper.
  21. @thaibeachlovers Poetic Justice?! You lost the plot. Poetic justice how? For whom? Don't recall you expressing any issues with the sort of complaints you raise above when it came to the Hamas 7/10 attack. As for you furture predictions - are you back making them? Do you suppose there might be a more recent one in which Hamas leaders contemplate their decisions? Or maybe Palestinian leadreship in general? Nah....somehow even your fantasies manage to be one-sided.
  22. The actual reference was not limited to Israe's actions in the Gaza Strip, but to any actions against the Palestinian people. That can be construed as whatever, if one includes every aspect of the Israeli occupation in the West Bank, for example. So it's not really so much a bargaining position, but a statement of rejection.
  23. @thaibeachlovers Maybe it's a sad testimony to the Palestinians' ability to organize, make good choices and so on - but what you describe as '30 years of oppression' are actually the closest the Palestinians got to self-rule, statehood, independence and so on. Not like they had any such before that. Nada. So in that sense, it was actually a move forward - which went wrong (for a whole lot of reasons, some to do with the Palestinians too, of course). Also interesting to note that when the death toll in the Gaza Strip is mentioned in connection with Israel, terms like 'genocide', 'ethnic cleansing' 'war crimes', 'crimes against humanity' and whatnot are applied. When it comes to Hamas leadership's responsibility - 'sacrificing some Palestinians'. Some. Not too many. So that's ok, Just an honest mistake. You think that the Hamas carried a mega attack on Israel, and expected 'the same as usual' in response? Are you for real?
  24. I think they welcome each and every casualty not belonging to their immediate families. Each one represents monetary, political and propaganda values. As for 'not going to live long anyway' - again, nothing much to do with how Hamas leadership operates. They do advocate this 'suicidal' mentality within underlings and grunts, not so much when it comes to themselves and their families. One of them stories you tell yourself, that's all.
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