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Everything posted by Morch

  1. This would be you not reading topics again. Was discussed already. Here's the thing - how many people died in them Japan bombings? How many in Gaza? That difference between hyperbole and reality. It makes for a nice headline, there's that.
  2. I don't know what you're about or how this is even remotely on topic. Don't recall the article, even. Other than that, what did you mean? Russia materially supporting Israel? Netanyahu materially supporting Israel? You don't make any sense. As deflections go, this is an odd one. Can't even understand what I'm supposed to be 'outraged' about.
  3. Nope, that would be you doing that. Projecting much? Haven't 'accused' you of anything that was not clear from your posts. You cannot address anything in a realistic manner, or without resorting to rhetoric which makes discussion possible. Not expecting this will change. It's how you roll.
  4. Here is what you actually posted: Seems like speaking for what others post, even without bothering to read the topics and the posts.
  5. Other than Qatar, the others are weary of putting up funds that might service Hamas. Been that way for years. So unless that's addressed, not sure what their position will be. Other than that, they say a whole lot of things - wait and see is a better approach. I doubt anyone expects something will change very quickly, or radically on that front.
  6. You state your 'opinions' as facts. The 'war crimes' bit was addressed numerous times by now, somehow doesn't seem to register that your accusation does not mean much, and that your grasp of what 'war crimes' are, and how such things are decided, is lacking. Unassailable maybe in your mind. In the real world, Palestinians will not have a state led by Hamas in its current form. Remember that list of countries designating Hamas as a terrorist organization - yeah, so that's not on. Banging on about 'up to them' is exactly the sort of unrealistic nonsense that's prevalent in these topics. Hamas had well over a decade to demonstrate that it cannot rule anything much. Somehow you think it reasonable Israel (and all them countries in the first list) will accept Hamas having a much larger base of operations, less restrictions and so on. Live the dream, is all I can say.
  7. Hamas is not Palestine. And if Palestinians chose Hamas to be their representative, without a change in its agenda and ideology, there will be no Palestinian State. Hamas agenda is not about negotiations, peace or sharing. You insist on treating it as a legit player - it is not. The point is that you try to legitimize Hamas, and/or to de-legitimize Israel. You keep making them pronouncements as if they are facts. They are not. The equivalency you wish for is not generally accepted. It's not same same in the real world.
  8. No projection. Here is what you posted: I think Hamas is a terrorist organization because of its agenda and actions.
  9. No, you are mistaken again. A Palestinian State may or may not have an army, but it will not be Hamas. The same way Hezbollah is not the Lebanese Army. As for 'no other reason' - this it again one of your nonsense statements. Countries designating Hamas as a terrorist did so after reviewing its action and agenda. That you decide otherwise carries absolutely no weight whatsoever. I am not playing any semantic games. You don't seem to accept facts. And the fact is that Hamas is a terrorist organization. You wish to deny terrorists and terrorist organizations exist, that might float in your imaginary world, not in reality. As for 'all about blame', most of what you and the rest are into is exactly that - blame. None of you can actually articulate something coming close to a solution, while keeping in touch with reality. The closing remarks of your post above demonstrate both. It's Israel's fault, and up to Israel to solve, with no less than 'negotiations'. Negotiations with whom? About what? Why would anyone with a clue expect Israel's right-wing government to do so? What is the Hamas position?....and so on and so forth. Them things that are real, as opposed to your contrived fantasies.
  10. No. That's something that you try to sneak in. It's how you roll. People refer to Hamas actions as if it was an 'army', or as if them videos above are legit. Just providing context. Sympathizing with Hamas, expressing understanding to it's motivations, ways of operating, choices made and so on? That's something usually taken by leaderships of countries on the second list. All that 'resistance movement', 'freedom fighter' stuff - same, second list.
  11. For posters who missed it, Hamas is designated a terrorist organization by the following: The EU, Australia, Canada, Japan, the UK, the USA, and the OAS, and Israel, of course. Lest we forget, New Zealand designates the military wing of Hamas as a terrorist organization, and if memory serves there was talk of applying this to Hamas in it's entirety following 7/10. Countries that support Hamas (to varying degrees) include such beacons of democracy and justice as: Iran (including proxies in Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen), Qatar, North Korea, China, and Russia. Just sayin'....
  12. You're trying very hard to make the link you posted relevant to this topic (see the headline?) and to Hamas in general. You fail at both, so you move the goalposts. It's how you roll.
  13. They are following the USA's example, and more power to them. That doesn't have a whole lot to do with this topic though, there's a parallel one dealing with things in the West Bank.
  14. That would be you using a flaws argument, and a loaded proposition ('genocide' - this ain't it). The USA is thousands of miles from Afghanistan. The likelihood of another attack was rather low. Israel's situation is different, even if you do not factor the 7/10 atrocities and the hostages taken. It's literally over the fence. Yes, there are a lot of civilian casualties. This happens when fighting insurgents/terrorists in densely populated urban areas. There's not much getting around that. Part of the reason them groups choose these settings. War is not pretty. But as usual with some posters, there's only one side to it that gets blamed for it all - Israel Bad. There was no bombing, destruction and death in the Gaza Strip on the morning of 7/10. I'm yet to hear plausible ideas and suggestions regarding how Israel should go about things now or what it could have done differently after the Hamas attack. Note that I'm talking about realistic stuff, not the fantasy fare usually dished on these 'discussions'. Also missing is an acknowledgement that this war (not the entire conflict) was started by Hamas. And that Hamas went into this knowing full well what the consequences will be. Same goes for acknowledging Hamas treats Palestinian civilians as 'necessary sacrifices', refrains from providing them shelter its men enjoy, and refuses to end this.
  15. US Presidents Choose Their Words Carefully, Claims Poster. Yeah, so Trump..... And again, amusing to see posters who usually go on about how Biden says odd stuff, makes mistakes, forget things etc. suddenly change their tune.
  16. I see that 'next' as relating to 'arguments' raised here, not the death of the children.
  17. My thinking is that (unfortunately) if they can 'see' the transfer then - And will end up with 'you pay.' Because bottom line they make the rules, and easy for them to make you responsible for showing it's not taxable, not the other way around.
  18. I think this would be a good place to ask, or place an add: https://www.facebook.com/adhere13thbluesbar/ There was one guy (Thai, I think) which played them (very well, too) a while back. Don't know the name, but owner is a nice guy and could probably hook you up. Scroll down the posts on the right, before long you'll see a band called Hoo Blues, and a guy playing harmonica.
  19. They will retake pictures, same as those you submitted on application.Verify a few details, or ask this and that - half to show they are doing something, or if it's a first, to see if some obvious differences. You may need a 'witness' present, sometimes with copies of his ID etc., and then they'll ask him some questions to verify him knowing you and in good standing. They do not roam about the house, they have no right. Even taking the pictures in the bedroom they ask politely. They questioned us the first time, and then again when the visiting team changed and had a new boss. Other than that, just the pics and the witness thing. They usually go away with some plant from Mrs. Morch's nursery (if the plant loving guys come), or we talk about the grill (they came once just when I was at it - got some takeaway), or the dog (knows them by now). Nothing serious. For us, the first time was kinda short notice, and we weren't happy. After that, they called ahead. Sometimes a day before, sometimes in the morning to say they'll arrive afternoon or so.
  20. Some years back there was a story (also in Pattaya, I think) about someone's neighbor having tigers in the garden next door. Tiger owner turned out to be some foreigner/thai or a foreigner with thai citizenship - and actually had a permit to hold them, based on some ancient right one of his ancestors got. There was some royal family connection there, through service or something more even. Was at first defiant, but public opinion wasn't favorable. Don't recall how things were settled, of if. Maybe same guy or something similar.
  21. Morch

    the wai

    I wai and don't think about it much.... To older people in Mrs. Morch's family when we meet, to older people in the village if I notice them and my hands are free. I get wai'd all the time - usually wai back as well. As for looking silly/making mistakes, that's the joy of being a foreigner. People don't care that much, it may amuse them and they'll usually correct you in a nice manner (or let it pass). That was more beginner stuff, back when. The real deal is knowing when not to wai, not to return a wai and when to ignore a wai directed at yourself. Insulting, Thai style, is interesting to master.
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