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Everything posted by Morch

  1. And correcting things when facts were available. Hamas doesn't publish anything of the sort and you do not have a problem with it. The 40 babies thing was addressed numerous times by now - it is not what you make it to be.
  2. No Atrocities Committed On Hamas Attack, Says Poster.
  3. That you claim this as an official Israel position doesn't mean a whole lot. More like making stuff up. The aircraft carriers presence is more to do with Hezbollah, Iran and preventing this conflict from widening. This was discussed already. You have provided nothing which wasn't already discussed. You offer straw men to 'support' your comments. You do try and minimize the attack on each and every opportunity - as you just did.
  4. Nonsense, trolling one liners don't count as answers. You have dodged answering my posts, even when they are in reply to your own - both on this topic and a couple of others.
  5. They two people did not live peacefully in the same place 70 years ago. If you are unaware of basic facts, maybe educate yourself first. If you're just posting knowingly wrong facts - don't whine when called a liar. Here's another fact for you - the Palestinians refused the 1947 partition plan, and stuck with that rejectionist stance for decades afterwards.
  6. That doesn't have much to do with my post. Things you mention were already discussed way back in the topic. Just the usual trolling from you.
  7. So basically, you have no answer, you have no knowledge to debate this - and resort to unfounded accusations and personal attacks. The fact that I have commented on these issues, even in past conversations with you, is obviously 'forgotten'. Cop out it is, then.
  8. More of your one-sided posts. Palestinians were not interested when it was possible - no comment from you. Palestinians not doing a whole lot to win hearts and minds of Israelis so it could be true - no comment from you. Hamas charter being what it is - no comment from you. It's all about Israel in your mind. I doubt you have much insight into how Palestinians feel about things, other than what you imagine or read in opinion pieces.
  9. I'm not obligated to give your conspiracy theories more exposure. Many of your posts on such matters were already removed.
  10. Why is it up to Israel to offer solutions? Why aren't the Palestinians more active about it? It's in their interest, isn't it? And while it's all very fine to go back in history, this is a current topic, dealing with current events. Any other deflections you wish to try?
  11. You routinely make such accusations. You must be a horrible person. Wonder how the rabbit puts up with you. Probably unaware of your online persona.
  12. Is Hamas into it? Are the Palestinians? Was the attack anything to do with wanting a two-state solution?
  13. That's not true. The arms collected off dead Hamas men were on display and this was linked way earlier in the topic. Your ongoing attempts to minimize the Hamas attack, to play games with casualty figures and so on - not surprising at all. Don't forget to cry later when labeled Hamas supporter.
  14. It was not 'debunked' other than in your imagination.
  15. That would be a compliment for half of your recent posts on this topic. Do you have anything on topic to add? Something of substance to contribute? You seem to hop in and troll, when whine when called out.
  16. What you claim to believe (and i do not, for a second, think you're sincere) and facts are different things. Hamas officials already said they knew Israel would react, expected and welcomed it at serving their goals - linked up topic. Hamas could have built separate facilities for civilians, or place it's own facilities in a way that will lessen the risk for civilians. Tell us again how you do not support Hamas....
  17. It is not a 'narrative', but a fact. Hamas leaders themselves promote Gazan's to stay put and die for the cause. That you push conspiracy theories, without proof is again a demonstration of how your whines about 'rules' are fake.
  18. Show me a single post in which I said something in favor of right-wing Zionists, and just maybe you'll have a point.
  19. I posted to the effect that the issue is more nuanced, rather than black and white - see the link attached. I do not suggest that there aren't Jews who are anti-Zionist, or that all anti-Zionist views are antisemitic. Reading comprehension issues?
  20. @thaibeachlovers Just to be clear - in your opinion, Israelis are 'contaminated' with hatred toward Palestinians, and apparently this hatred does not have anything to do with Palestinian actions, attitudes, positions and so on. It's just hatred without cause and reason? Seeing things from the Palestinian point of view is not a bad things, seeing things only from one angle is. That's what you do.
  21. @thaibeachlovers Trying to make it as if the protests are solely on one thing and not the other is not going to wash. Spare me your faux drama about children, don't recall you having that much issues with that on different conflicts, or even this one, as applied to the other side.
  22. @thaibeachlovers Zero To Do, Says Poster. Maybe a bit more nuanced than that wide brush claim of yours, certainly quite obvious with some members of this forum. Anti-Zionism and antisemitism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Zionism#Anti-Zionism_and_antisemitism
  23. I ridicule ridiculous posts. Also not a fan of antisemites.
  24. Three consecutive flames, zero value to discussion. About sums your 'contribution' to the topic.
  25. More like a contrived attempt at twisting things - it's quite obvious what it's about in the context of the protests. It's quite obvious that there is no much future for such a one-state nonsense. It's very obvious Palestinians aren't much invested in democracy and human rights. I doubt most of the people marching could articulate anything semi-coherent and fact-based on these matters. You want to ignore the more obvious and accessible meaning carried, that's up to you. Go on and tell me more about that fabled one-democratic-state-with-equal-rights-for-all thing. Take a look at the ME and find a place where this worked out nicely.
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