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Everything posted by Morch

  1. I have answered your question. That it is not the answer you expect is your problem. Try reading again. You'll get it.
  2. Then you don't know as much as you think. Politicians do not seat on IAF planning teams, and do not oversee attacks in the manner you allege. If you wish to make the claim - provide support. Controlling the military does not imply involvement on the level you suggest.
  3. I said that determining whether Israel's actions amount to war crimes is not as easily decided as you claim or wish them to be. You asked for conditions which may effect this and I posted some. This is not an 'opinion' but stuff that was discussed and linked numerous times up topic. There is no obligation to rehash it for you, dig up links and so on. You joining the topic doesn't mean we start from scratch. Not how it goes. I did not make a wholesale claim no war crimes were committed by Israel. I fully expect some actions would qualify, though not to the extent you seem to hope for. I've no idea what your issue is with the Human Shield thing, sorry.
  4. Again, you toss about wide brush statements like that, not backing them up with anything substantial. That's not a debate, that's you on a soap box.
  5. Do you think them politicians in government sit in IAF command center and call the shots?
  6. Here are just some of the considerations applied to such decisions/rulings - actual and accurate knowledge about civilians on site. - value of military target vs. expected civilian casualties. - means used to attack vs. other options. - civilian facilities taken over by terrorist/military force. There are more (a whole lot of that linked much earlier in topic).
  7. Hundreds and thousands of people die or get killed in wars all over the world. It doesn't follow that each incident is a war crime. As for the number of bombs - here's another factoid for you - bomb to casualty ratio. Not a very economic way to go about wiping out civilians.
  8. Casualty figures from Israel are verified. Casualty figures from the Gaza Strip are not. Just one example. So no, not all information is 'from the media' in the sense that 'we don't know for sure'. Hundreds of civilians may have died. This by itself does not necessarily mean a war crime was committed. I get it that for you that's enough to make a ruling, but luckily you're in no position to do so.
  9. Alrighish, but liked the previous one better. More of a natural look.
  10. No, you don't get to upgrade junior politicians to count as world leaders. As for you link - please point out to 'war crimes' accusations.
  11. Maybe. You decide it was based on what you read in the media. This is not proof enough to make it so. Most of Israel's actions could be proven to be legal. Not good, not moral - legal. Deciding whether they are or aren't requires more information. Most of Hamas's actions are more straightforward violations.
  12. Do you always sign at the end of posts?
  13. No, you haven't. You cited one 'world leader' and I don't think he actually quite claimed what you do. And before you go on another complaint about 'definitions' - yeah, in diplomatic speech the matter.
  14. More nonsense. You ask if Israel presented evidence, when shown the evidence you claim its propaganda. How can your 'demand' be fulfilled, then?
  15. Yeah, I'm aware you intentionally did not mention Hamas as to create the impression everyone accepted it was only up to Israel. A meeting is not a 'unification'. And hot air is not effective 'solidarity'. When you have something of substance, please update.
  16. What does it have to do with Israel locating somewhere else? I was referring to Hamas facilities within the Gaza Strip.
  17. In effect, most moved south. Has Hamas not made it harder for the rest to evacuate, or not called on them to remain, maybe more could have been saved.
  18. That doesn't make it a war crime. People die in wars. As to all of them being civilians - that would be Hamas propaganda. Hamas does not release details on its own casualties during hostilities. They are usually bundled with the civilians to inflate the figures. Also included are casualties caused by such things as failed rocket launches (for example, the 500 claimed dead at the hospital blast).
  19. I'm not responsible for what AP publishes. I do know that there was evidence presented by the IDF as to the things I mentioned. Again, linked up topic more than once.
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